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Popping at Pismo in June

Started by 6Quigs, Mar 06, 2004, 09:41 PM

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The preparations for the June Western Rally are in full swing, and I have 40 sites booked at Pismo Coast Village for the weekend of June 24,25, 26 & 27th.
Visit us at the Rally section of the board for updates and more information, or our recently created website which MrFlinders has put together.
Of those 40 sites, 38 are spoken for. That means I have only 2 sites left.
Can you make sure you are on the list of attendees, & that I have your correct arrival & departure date.

 In order to speed up the sign in process when you arrive at Pismo Coast Village, I need to send them a list of who is attending, with their first and last names, and a mailing address, so you can be in their computer system. So can everyone e-mail me at with that information.

The cost per night is $41 per site. This includes the added cost of renting the Recreation room for all day Saturday, so we can use it for the Saturday morning breakfast, Saturday evening potluck, and any activites during the day such as a home brew demonstration, or any of the kids activites.
I will start collect a deposit of $41 from everyone, once you have e-mailed me, I will respond with my address where to send a check. I will be then collecting the remaining amount from everyone at the rally, and then paying them.

So please visit us at the "Western Rally Forum"
where we need your input on activities, food, photo contest, and whether we should do Tee-shirts for this rally.


Vote us in for t-shirts!
Maybe someone can design and take pre-orders?  Isn't there a site for that? No-I don't do graphic design nor do I keep books well or I would volunteer.