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News from Ventura

Started by gsm x2, Nov 06, 2005, 07:20 AM

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gsm x2

Hello all---been a long time since I've posted.  Lots going on---wasn't life suppose to get easier in the 21st century?
As many of you know, my dad got sick in July. He passed away at home in the presence and care of the love of his life.  I got to spend 5 weeks with him; it was time well spent.
On the home front, the big news is that Georgeanne has taken a job managing a mobile home park in Ojai.  They provide housing, so in a way, we are moved to the darkside also...just a great big double-wide, can't be used for camping darkside.  She started working October 1, but much of her job consisted of getting our mobile home ready for habitation.  The previous managers have been described as "older hippies."  New carpet; new paint; and MAJOR SPRING CLEANING was in order.  We've been moving boxes for a week; next Sunday The Moving Connection will move "the big stuff."
New job and moving...bad combination.
Job and EMT class are taking up my spare time.  Getting a promotion---doing a full EMT class with brain cells that aren't as sharp as they used to be---also quite time consuming.  Poor "Pops Up Anywhere" hasn't popped up anywhere in a long time.
So that's the news from Ventura....thanks for reading.


Scott ~  I'm so sorry to hear of your father's death.  What a blessing to be able to devote that much time to him before he died.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

Congratulations to your better half on the new job!  Sounds like quite challenge.  Best wishes to her.

It continues to amaze that that when you get out into the more rural areas of Minnesota and Wisconsin you see many a double-wide with a travel trailer or PU in the yard!  Living in a double-wide and vacationing in a trailer .... hmmmmmmmmm.  Anyway ~ I sure hope "Pops Up Anywhere" gets out soon.

Best of luck to you and the new job.  I'm sure you're up to the tasks!

Thanks for catching us up ~ I've been thinking about you two.  


Thank you for the update..I've been thinking about you alot and e-mailed you thru PUT and hadn't heard back..the funny thing was I was thinking about that last night...We miss you both alot and hopefully things will settle down soon and you'll be ready to go camping with us crazy people again


I'm glad I had the opportunity to see you at the fair this year. Keep us posted and hope you can make a trip or two. Of course my schedule has been off for a while also.



Sorry to hear about your Dad Scott.  Be glad that you got to spend 5 weeks with him.  Good luck with all the new stuff, and I hope to meet you guys one day when everything calms down for you.

OC Campers

Scott, I have been thinking about you and Georgeanne a lot lately.  I am so sorry to hear about your dad.  I second what Kelly said.  You were so lucky to be able to spend so much time with him before he passed on..  

Wow, Georgeanne is managing a mobile home park.  What a huge undertaking.  I hope she enjoys it.  Ojai is such a beautiful city.  I am sure you will enjoy living there.   Best of luck to you in your new position too.  So are you going to be an EMT with the fire dept or is it with the harbor patrol?  
Keep in touch and say Hi to Georgeanne for us.


Scott, so sorry to hear about your dad. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Thanks for keeping us updated with your life cahnges, and best of luck to G with her new position.


Scott, - Sad to hear of your Dad's passing -  you're in our thoughts and prayers.