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going camping....pls no rain!!!

Started by chkster, May 19, 2005, 07:36 PM

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Well.. We are headed out tomorrow for our third trip this year and second in three weeks and including last years trips it has rained 3 out of 5 times...sheeesh! Glad to have a popup!! :p
We are headed out to Sunset SB, south of Santa Cruz, and hope to come bk with at least a red nose. Has been raining all week here, seems llike all year.
The weather speculators call for a great weekend   :-() i hope their predictions hold up! cheers everyone  :!


Yes, the weather prediction is for a great weekend, with highs at the coast of 75 degrees.
I will be camping just down the road from you, at Manresa State Beach, and I mean real camping, in a tent, on the ground, with no toilet, electricity, shower, TV/DVD player, microwave, and all the other comforts of a hybrid.

I will have 2 of by boys with me, as it is a Y-Guides camping trip, just loads of dads and sons camping together and it is always great fun no matter what the weather.


It's supposed to be mid-80s down here in So Cal this weekend, and I've heard we're done for our rain for the season.  We'll be camping too--just hope our site is shaded!

Have a great trip and here's wishes for dry skies for you! :)

OC Campers

We are going to be in beautiful Yosemite this weekend.  My parents rented a 3 bedroom cabin in Mariposa with all the creature comforts.   The weather geek says it is supposed to be a great weekend.  I hope the valley floor stays open.  I am ready to do some major hiking.  We are supposed to be leaving at 6 am but as of 5:55am, my entire family is still in bed.  :mad: .(Can't tell how anxious I am to get there, huh??)


I just told Griffin that your family was still all asleep when they were supposed to be going camping and he said that you can't be a sleepyhead for camping.  You have to be a wake-up-head for camping.  
We're only going to ONeill after work today and Griffin has been up since 5:30 to "get ready." :eyecrazy: