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RE: Newbie Here

Started by OC Campers, Feb 22, 2003, 11:46 PM

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 I am so glad I found you guys!  We ve had our Popup for about a year and a half, and have always done the solo camp thing, except for once, which isn t bad, but it s nice to have others to make a fool out of yourself in front of.  Last year we camped everywhere from Lake San Antonio to Lake Camanche to Fort Bragg to Riggins Idaho to Bend Oregon.  We haven t gotten to go out now since around Halloween, and are going thru major camping withdrawls!!!  I m so jealous of everyone getting to go to Olema this weekend...I m there in spirit.  And then next month when you all are at Snug Harbour I will be at Little League Opening Day...Hopefully we will be able to make SLO.
 You guys are a hoot!  I can t wait to join ya ll on an actual trip!

OC Campers

 StimpyPenny, welcome to the group.  We are fairly new too.  Unfortunatley, we live in southern Calif and don t get to meet up with the gang very often.  We have kids in school and most of the rally s are too far away for short weekends.  
 We met a few people at lake Cachuma in January and had so much fun.  I wish we could make it to SLO but we have a family wedding.
 It is so different camping with a group.  We have a good time as a family but there is always something going on or someone to talk to with a group.  And Larry and Rita our the camping chef s.  Boy, do they cook up a spread for EVERYONE!!


 StimpyHello Stimpy:
 I am so glad you made it here to the Nick-Neff-Cough boards, home of shenanigans and general rabble rousing.  Welcome aboard.
 Now, you have not seen too many new posts because most of our members are out there at Olema attending rally, if they have not been arrested for having too much fun.
 I attended the first two days of the Olema Rally and it was a lot of fun.  Once you camp with these folks, you ll always go back for more.  If you go to site, you will be able to sign up for future rallies.
 Anytime soon, a whole group will be coming back to posts their experiences and the gang will all be back.
 Again, great to have you and we look forward to your posts and rabble rousing.

Ab Diver

 StimpyHiya Penny, and WELCOME!!!
 Don t be shy, jump right in and " cough"  up a few posts with the rest of us. [;)]
 Where d you camp at in Ft. Bragg? Lemme know if you need any info on other Mendocino County camping locations.
 I ve been *Spirit Camping* at Olema this weekend as well, while giving my best " Capt. Ahab"  imitation-- step-thump, step-thump, step-thump... [:(]


 Ab Diverthanks for all the Welcomes!  I too was in Olema in spirit.  I just sent my deposit to Sacto for the June Rally...
 Where bouts do you live in Mendo County Ab Diver?  I grew up in Fort Bragg, so I know the area well, but can always use new info on camp sites.  We ve camped in Jackson State forest, Hendy Woods, and Pomo Campground so far.  We re going up March 14-16 for the Whale festival, but will be roughing it in an oceanfront motel room instead of the Popup.  Craig would rather camp, but the motel is right at the start line of the  Whale Run ...don t want to have to get up any earlier than we have to.

Ab Diver

 StimpyPenny, check your email.
 Hendy Woods is a neat little campground, I sometimes stop there for lunch and a quick walk through the Redwoods. Too bad we can t reserve that whole upper loop at Lake Mendocino this summer for a rally, it would be plenty warm for most of the NNC members. (I m more of a coastal camper myself.) We used to go skiing at Lake Mendocino 3-4 nights a week, and sometimes camp across the lake at the upper campground, or even the " boater s only"  campground out on the point.
 As for places on the coast, if you want hook-ups, it s gunna have to be a private campground (but you already knew that). I m still partial to the State Parks. Guess that comes from growing up tossing a tent " just any old place"  out on Navarro beach. [;)] Those camp sites they have set up there now have ruined the beach for camping. If you haven t ever camped at McKericher, Van Damme or Russian Gulch State Parks, give those a try. Gualala River Redwoods Park is a neat private park, Manchester Beach KOA is VERY clean, Casper beach and Wages Creek are close to the water. Plus there s lots of smaller campgrounds to choose from, like Paul Dimmick on Hwy 128, and the campground at the Albion river (upriver from the one close to the pier, much quieter).
 Let me know if you re planning a trip up, and I ll get you some brochures the next time I drive by a campground you re interested in.


 StimpyWelcome stimpy!!!!   Glad you are coming in June!  We too have done a hounderes years of solo camping or camping with friends...this group is a hoot and well worth the meeting.
 But don t wait till June.  There is March  and April still to go.  
 Welcome...Be silly and real and you will fit right in....


 welcome to our group of Frendly campers.
 Looking forward to meeting you on a future rally.
 Boy you do get around on your camping trips,
 Almost as much as GSMx2!!

gsm x2

QuoteLooking forward to meeting you on a future rally.
 Boy you do get around on your camping trips,
 Almost as much as GSMx2!!

 Penny---welcome.  It s nice to see some fellow long-distance travelers.  We named out SeaPine " Pops Up Anywhere."   One of the great things about associating with the NNC is that Anywhere gets to be put into practice.  And when we want a break from the 800+ mile weekends---we just plan a rally down this direction.  Hope to see you at SLO.  Please e-mail me quickly to let me know if you are going to attend.  I need to see what the arrangements for adding names is.  I am certain that it can be done.  We just need to find out how to do it.
 gsm x2


 StimpyWelcome to Club Nick-Neff-Cough.  Way better than Club Med.  [:)]  Hope you can make it to SLO.  You ll get to meet quite a few of the Coughers at that rally.  With Stimpy for a NN, I think you ll fit right in.  Where s Ren, btw???  I may not know a thing about SpongeBob, but I DO know about Ren and Stimpy. [;)]