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RE: Can We Change Titles Here Too?

Started by Cottonwooder, Mar 07, 2003, 11:22 AM

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 Come on and post. We need you pal!

 Today I nominate Surfcal for his desparate pleas for Sammyslave s presence.  Don t know what I d nominate him for (" Spammer of The Day" ?), but he deserves SOMETHING for that.
 BTW, Surf, you missed the other " Axe Me..."  folder at the bottom.  [;)]


 CottonwooderSee Cottonwooder:
 Sammyslave is starting to post.  Rita, welcome aboard and may happy postings to you.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Come on and post. We need you pal!

 Today I nominate Surfcal for his desparate pleas for Sammyslave s presence.  Don t know what I d nominate him for (" Spammer of The Day" ?), but he deserves SOMETHING for that.
 BTW, Surf, you missed the other " Axe Me..."  folder at the bottom.  [;)]

 I second the nomination for " something like that" .    Ray has accomplished what TOS and I could not.  His persistence and diligence have paid off.  Thanks for your dedication to the task.


 CottonwooderCAL-Neff-Cough lauches its first ever chat session, elects a new Wagonmaster
 Dateline:  March 13, 2003, San Francisco:
 I am pleased to report that the very first NNC Chat Rally was a success.  The flurry of activity was fast and furious.  There were insults being hurled everywhere you had to duck, farts were being exuded people had to change positions, and of course, if you weren t there, we talked behind your backs.  In attendance were:
 CWB (aka Arvee_Stew)
 OC Campers
 And TMM logged in, but couldn t participate because he has a Mac
 Some members started earlier than 8:30 pm.  But by 8:45, the keyboards were tap, tap, tapping away as if there were no tomorrow.  You can tell that by the absence of post on the boards last night.  It was out of control.
 But, the news of the day is, Kevin has been elected as the Wagonmaster of the NNC Chat Rally.  The idea being that we will schedule a chat night about every two weeks.  He graciously accepted this esteemed position and he tried to do a major acceptance speech, but we cut him off, thank God.
 CWB came in with a new moniker (or Monica) and all night we had to address him as Sir or Arvee_Stew.  Cottowooder, if you thought she was a voracious poster, try her in a chat room.   Otter, as usual was there to keep peace and order, hugs everyone.
 TMM showed up, but couldn t make a full appearance because he uses a Mac & cheese.  Would you like fries with that TMM?  We had a great Sick-Neff-Cough contingent.  In fact, the South virtually outnumbered the North that they were on the verge of voting to move the Gold Country Rally to Lake Cachuma.  Sacto, take note.
 Anyway, last night was another landmark event for NNC, the day we moved from the posting board to the Fireside to chat in real time.  It was a kick.
 This is Surfcal


 SurfcalDay-um, he s good at reporting on happenings!  :::::applauding:::::
 BTW, farts were coming from only ONE person in there.  Never will I look at the handicap symbol in the same way again.  ROFLMAO!!!!![8D]

gsm x2

 CottonwooderGlad to hear it went well.  Sorry we had to miss it.  We were entertaining a brother-in-law from Michigan.  Hope to make it next time.
 gsm x2


 SurfcalAre DW and I the first to be purged ?


 SurfcalACTIVE ???,
 That s all I m listed as.
 Making it to the top 20 must count for something,


 CottonwooderPssst, guess what?  GSMx2 is only FOUR measly posts away from #3.  Shhh, don t tell him, or else he ll respond to 5 different questions with 10 different posts. [;)]
 I have finally made it into the Top 10.  (Barely in, but in, nevertheless, LOL!)

gsm x2

QuotePssst, guess what? GSMx2 is only FOUR measly posts away from #3. Shhh, don t tell him, or else he ll respond to 5 different questions with 10 different posts.  
 I have finally made it into the Top 10. (Barely in, but in, nevertheless, LOL!)

 Congratulations Tricia....if we were a cross country team, we would be dominating the race.  Not that anyone is counting, but we would.
 gsm x2 (going for #3)

gsm x2

 gsm x2
Quotegsm x2 (going for #3)

 #3 on the boards that is.  Not going for gsm x3.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteCongratulations Tricia....if we were a cross country team, we would be dominating the race.

 Nah, my Tiara Buddy/your Good Lady Wife is still way ahead of me.
 And no, I m DEFINITELY NOT going for #3!!!!


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
QuotePssst, guess what? GSMx2 is only FOUR measly posts away from #3. Shhh, don t tell him, or else he ll respond to 5 different questions with 10 different posts.  
 I have finally made it into the Top 10. (Barely in, but in, nevertheless, LOL!)

 Congratulations Tricia....if we were a cross country team, we would be dominating the race.  Not that anyone is counting, but we would.
 gsm x2 (going for #3)

 So here s a question for you two board dominators: what do the campers under our names signify?  You both have far more posts than I do, and yet I have 2 pop-ups, as does Scott, while Trish only has one?


Quotewhat do the campers under our names signify? You both have far more posts than I do, and yet I have 2 pop-ups, as does Scott, while Trish only has one?

 You are a Rookie, aren t you?  I asked the same question, to which Surfcal replied that you Charter Members get to charter a plane for your camping trips, while us lowlifes have to haul our PU.  (Or something to that effect.)
 I eventually figured it out -- you have to, in a group like this.  All y all who signed up during that initial month who then got 3 extra months of membership are " Charter Members" .  The rest of us peons who came later are, well, peons.
 This ranking system is even worse than the old " Senior Member,"  " Junior Member,"  etc. [: (]


 CottonwooderSo I guess for being a charter member, we get an extra pop up?  Hmmm... <still scratching head>