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RE: HalfDome Hyjinx

Started by Civil_War_Buff, Mar 11, 2003, 03:34 PM

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Ab Diver

QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
QuoteSacto, can I get an NNC Bylaw ruling from our participating webmaster?

 No. Bylaws can t be forced, they must come naturally upon general consensus. You try to play it off like you re into the democratic process and then you go and ask for a dictatorship ruling.
 BTW, I have no intention of kissing you. Hugging is as far as I go.
 Me, I ll just wave at you on your way in and then yell over to your site if I need anything. Oh, I also need you and 6Quigs to pull out your investigator s magnifying glasses and locate my hot water drain valve. I told Kevin I d remind him to remind me to remind him to remind me.

 I think I just got dissed. And THEN he wants help deschnitzificating his hot water heater. Hmmmm--- he wants a drain for his HWH, I ll give him one....  
 Adding note to list of " What to Bring" : two-handled Milwaukee Magnum 1/2"  Holeshooter high-torque drill, 2"  diameter hole-cutting bit, bathtub drain plug, plumber s putty, and some extra duct tape. After all, Sal says we have plenty of  lectrical on site to run power tools, but Sacto s prolly gunna need the sewer hookup after he sees his new HTW drain. [;)]


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
QuoteSacto, can I get an NNC Bylaw ruling from our participating webmaster?

 No. Bylaws can t be forced, they must come naturally upon general consensus. You try to play it off like you re into the democratic process and then you go and ask for a dictatorship ruling.
 BTW, I have no intention of kissing you. Hugging is as far as I go.
 Me, I ll just wave at you on your way in and then yell over to your site if I need anything. Oh, I also need you and 6Quigs to pull out your investigator s magnifying glasses and locate my hot water drain valve. I told Kevin I d remind him to remind me to remind him to remind me.

 I think I just got dissed. And THEN he wants help deschnitzificating his hot water heater. Hmmmm--- he wants a drain for his HWH, I ll give him one....  
 Adding note to list of " What to Bring" : two-handled Milwaukee Magnum 1/2"  Holeshooter high-torque drill, 2"  diameter hole-cutting bit, bathtub drain plug, plumber s putty, and some extra duct tape. After all, Sal says we have plenty of  lectrical on site to run power tools, but Sacto s prolly gunna need the sewer hookup after he sees his new HTW drain. [;)]

 You re in charge of beer, too. Me with my wimpy little minivan, I have to keep the weight down so I can crawl up Priests grade. Better get me a rough  em tough  em SUV.
 (man I m probably gonna regret saying that. I m looking to get a new transmission on my extended warranty anyway.)


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
QuoteThu Aug 21 Isolated T-Storms 93ø/53ø 30 %
Yikes, Glad we are not arriving till Friday....

 Now, now - don t let a chance of isolated storms upset you too much... remember there aren t any trees where we ll be camping - borrow ab diver s suit if you need extra insulation!  
 BTW we ll be bringing pie for the Thursday potluck.


 towrodSo I m having lunch, reading today s San Jose Mercury News, and this is the article on the front page
 So if I manage to make it up Priest s grade,
 survive the 93 degree heat,
 don t get hit by lightning,
 I just might avoid one of the 300 to 400 black bears in the park[:o]
 Jusk kidding,
 good news, I had a meeting that someone scheduled for Friday Morning, and they postponed it for a week, so not sure when we might arrive, might even do a Surfcal, and be knocking on someone s door at 3:00am looking for a flashlight and a beer[;)]

 6QuigsI ll be sure to set out both the suds and flashlight on Thursday night, just in case.


 Calstate361Just a quick note before I leave work in about an hour.  I won t be back on the boards until I get back to work from vacation on 9/2 so the rest of you, who are not coming to the rally until Thursday or Friday, will need to keep the count going.  Any more notes will be coming from Sal from home.  See you there.  
 (As she runs out the office door singing, only no more days, only no more days!)[:D]


 Calstate361I Think Joan just FLIPPED[;)][:)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 I Think Joan just FLIPPED[;)][:)]

 Hum I ll play it safe and not comment.[8D]
 I ll keep the FRS on Ch 3 Sub 8 as per Zen Master Diver s
 orders.[8D]  I believe the campground uses CH 7 on the CB
 if you have one of those.
 Were almost out of here just need gas and ice, then I can come
 back and get the trailer. Everyone drive safe and we ll see ya when
 ya get there.[:)]

Ab Diver

 Calstate361Ok boys and girls, it s rally time! Everything is locked, loaded, and ready to go. No messages from Sal and Joan, so I guess everything is A-O-K at Yo-Sem-Ite. See y all at the campgound.

for Thursday arrivals, and


for Friday arrivals


 I ll keep the FRS on Ch 3 Sub 8 as per Zen Master Diver s
Thursday evening I m helping BIL to put in new baseboard in their bedroom, so we will not be leaving till friday morning.
 Hope to make it early, very early friday morning,
 See everyone then


 Calstate361The trailer is ready to go.We will be leaving around 3 pm. I think Kevin and I will be the last ones to arrive and Kevin will beat me by half a day.I hope everyone had,has a safe trip.We got a little rain today but should clear out by tomorrow.See you up their.


 Calstate361[:(][:(][:(] sniff  snifff sniffffffff
 I wannnnnnna gooooooooo.


 Calstate361Have a good time and safe travels at the rally.  I m camping this weekend too, but have to carry all my provisions on my back.  First time I ve backpacked in about eight years.  Going to hike around Five Lakes Basin near Grouse Ridge in the Sierras.  It s near Nevada City.

Red neff Barchetta

 Calstate361Mike -
 Hope you had a great time in my old neighborhood!  Nothing beats backpacking!
 Yosemite Cougher s -
 Can t wait to hear about your adventures and hope everyone arrive home safely!  Also, I want to know how many of you were " offered"  Thousand Trails memberships, lol?


 Calstate361Well what can I say ANOTHER GREAT RALLY.[:)]We made it home about 2 pm and didn t have hardly any traffic.Thanks to SAL & JOAN for the wagonmastering,what a great place.We had a great time talking with everyone,even though saturday night I had an upset stomach. Abdiver we will have to get together and B.S. some more.Here are the picture I took of [link=]Halfdome Hyjinks.[/link]