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RE: NNC Fireside Chat, Wed. 8:30 pm

Started by g-whiz, Mar 12, 2003, 10:14 AM

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 CottonwooderThis flip s for you, Pat
QuoteWell, :::sniff::: I m very, very offended :::sniff:::. You re all being so :::sniff::: mean to me and each other. :::lip quivering::: Waaaahhh!!!

 Hey go back to some of the PUT NNC archives, you can see how we were all smoochy smoochy sticky sweet nice to each other [8D]. That s the foundation for good rabble rousing.


QuoteYou never explained why you went bizerk on me for RRing CWB?

 This is funny!  I was picking on your instant whining when being left off the list, with no " thank you"  or anything after you re included on the updated list.  (Unless you haven t seen it yet; posted last night.)  So I turned on CWB for mentioning me and you in the same breath.
 See, getting both of ya at the same time.  I think that s what Sacto means... although I m still not sure where he gets this feisty Taz image from.  (I mean, yes, it s absolutely correct, just don t see where it s visible in my posts.)  [&:][8D][:)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 This flip s for you, Pat
QuoteWell, :::sniff::: I m very, very offended :::sniff:::. You re all being so :::sniff::: mean to me and each other. :::lip quivering::: Waaaahhh!!!

 Hey go back to some of the PUT NNC archives, you can see how we were all smoochy smoochy sticky sweet nice to each other [8D]. That s the foundation for good rabble rousing.

 Yeah, it s kinda like the old poem about the bird, and luring him close with crumbs of bread....[8D]
 A slow but steady pace of feeling the other out, see what sets them off and then.....jump on THAT thing!! WhoooHoooo!
 I have SO much fun here!!!![:D][:)]


QuoteA slow but steady pace of feeling the other out, see what sets them off and then.....jump on THAT thing!! WhoooHoooo!

 You guys are killing me here today.  Such a nice break from the news.  Love it! [:D]


 CottonwooderI log on this morning and nothing much was happening,
 Then log on this evening, and boom, plenty of RR.
 Glad to see CWB giving as good as he got.
 Thanks for that link Sacto.
 It sure was classic NNC


 SactoCampersWhat the heck is all this RR doing over here in the Fireside Chat thread?  This is why people get confused.  People like ME!  Are we on for 8 pm?  I d have to wade thru 6 pages of posts to be sure!
 DUH!  Ok, don t answer me.  I already know the answer since it is posted as the title of the thread.  Geesh.  [&:]


 SactoCampersWow, what a turn out we had last night.  That was the best so far and would be hard to top.  Everyone came on full force, even RR master Sactomeister made an appearance.  Hybrid Holly, while on the road on a business trip came to poke her head in, but did not linger on for too long.
 But the attendance was " phat."   See Cottonwooder s The List and you ll see who showed up.  Personally, I like CWB s moniker for the night...Tri Tip.  Cheese Whiz was pretty good,  aka G-Whiz, duh.  Everyone else kept their regular names.  But the surprise of the night was Guest.  It was 6Quigs masquerading as one while being logged in simultaneously as himself.  That is good Rabble Rousing.  Perhaps it ll become a chat schtick to use a name that sort of relates to ones original handle.
 Sacto was Rabble Roused big time by Tri-Tip and 6Quigs, but Sacto came in too late to defend himself.  If he only knew.  CA_girl logged in for the first time and lurked for a while.  But the visitor of the night was Cavman, of Norfolk, VA.  He was one of the folks that met and helped Birol.  If you know that story and followed their plight, then you d be pleased to have met this man in even in the virtual sense.  It is a story of generosity and of NNC style community.
 All in all, a great night of NNC camaraderie.  Not only was it a record night in attendance, but the chat lasted from 8:00 pm to nearly 10:30 pm.  On the third session, it is clear that the NNC group isn t just another camping group, it is really a family of friends.

Hybrid Holly

 SactoCampersSo here is the scoop.  After logging in as a male...." why do you have to select a sex anyway?"  I logged and attempted to log back into the Fireside chat.  No luck.  It would not let me back in.  Anyway it was fun while it lasted.  Maybe I will try next week!  
 Surfcal, thanks for the fun tour of your " hood"


 Hybrid Holly
QuoteIt would not let me back in.

 Holly, rumor in the room was that you had gone off to watch " Survivor"  instead.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 See Sacto?  He s trying to make that rule the Pulling a Surfcal, if you don t fulfill a minimum amount of time.  Like Kevin and Otter showed up for the day at Mount Madonna, they don t count?  Of course they do...but not by CWB s rules...
 We need mediation on and I can t be in on this because we part of the issue.  We should tap Griffsmom.  She s impartial.

 Sorry for the slow uptake on this seems the only thing my 2 yo is willing to share are his cold germs.  I ve been knocked down hard for the past few days but am finally starting to feel better.  <cough, cough, sniff>
 Here s my impartial opinion:  If someone makes it to a rally and is able to spend at least one night, then it counts as attending the rally.  I mean think about it, to get the camper ready, pack all the " stuff"  you " need"  for camping, travel to the rally location, pop-up, then have to do it all in reverse for even just one night s time with this group is worth something.  And it can be any night; it doesn t have to be " Saturday"  in order for it to count.  Now if someone shows up but doesn t stay at least one night, it s an Honorable Mention, but it doesn t count as attending the rally.  
 There you have it.


 SactoCampersMediation Score:
 CWB - Zero
 Surfcal - 1


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Mediation Score:
 CWB - Zero
 Surfcal - 1
And just WHO mediated this?? Certainly NOT YOU surfcal, you are a defendant in this issue.
 I think that an impartial mediator be selected and agreed to BY BOTH PARTIES.  Scoring inappropriately will only get you severly RR.....
 Waiting for your RETRACTION......and no 48hrs for you former Tri Tip I suggest you get!


 SactoCampersYou wanna do another Fla-ree-da?  You want hanging chads and recounts?

gsm x2

QuoteWaiting for your RETRACTION......and no 48hrs for you former Tri Tip I suggest you get!

 Anyone else in this group successfully served as a witness in at least a dozen criminal cases, been picked for three juries despite being something of a law enforcement officer, and have a sister who s a lawyer?
 I am letting you know that I am available as a jurist corruptus if you both can agree.
 gsm x2

Hybrid Holly

QuoteAnd just WHO mediated this?? Certainly NOT YOU surfcal, you are a defendant in this issue.

 Maybe we should have a rotating mediator.....