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RE: NNC Fireside Chat, Wed. 8:30 pm

Started by g-whiz, Mar 12, 2003, 10:14 AM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 Do ou know why a proctologist has an easier job than an Habor Master/
 He only has to deal with one @$$hole at a time!

 [:D][:D]  Must be time to go back to bed since I hit the wrong button!  Anyway, that was funny, Dianne!

gsm x2

Quoteoriginal: griffsmom
 Hey TOS, I like your sister.  

 Good.  You ll get to meet her in Temucula.  She just moved back from Illinois and is now living by the Peterson Regional Park.  BTW--I should warn some people that if you think I can be off-the-wall sometimes, it s a genetic thing and Kathy has the same gene.  Difference is that she doesn t need to warm up to people before the gene clicks in.
 G-Whiz--was that an adaquate warning?
 gsm x2

gsm x2

QuoteDo ou know why a proctologist has an easier job than an Habor Master/

 Otter--I think that you are I should have each other proofread each other s posts before we send them.  We are afflicted with the same finger-dyslexia or ATT (a typo tisorder.)
 But since no one else has mentioned it, I guess they still love us despite our condition.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
Quoteoriginal: griffsmom
 Hey TOS, I like your sister.  

 Good.  You ll get to meet her in Temucula.  She just moved back from Illinois and is now living by the Peterson Regional Park.  BTW--I should warn some people that if you think I can be off-the-wall sometimes, it s a genetic thing and Kathy has the same gene.  Difference is that she doesn t need to warm up to people before the gene clicks in.
 G-Whiz--was that an adaquate warning?
 gsm x2

 Do I HAVE to go? [;)]


 Civil_War_BuffRe:ATT: TOS;  It drives Lon crazy!!!!  I read fluent ATT so figure I can type that way.  Proof reading is such a boring waste of time.  
 I Here and Now apologize to everyone who is disturbed ( a chancy thing to same in this group) by my severe condition of A T T  ( a typo tisorder).
 because I have no intention of changing me[:)]

gsm x2

QuoteI Here and Now apologize to everyone who is disturbed ( a chancy thing to same in this group) by my severe condition of A T T ( a typo tisorder).
 because I have no intention of changing me  

 Right on sistah.  Ditto the apology for me too.  My trouble is that since I wrote it the first time, I read it correctly the second time.  Only hope I would have is to read it aloud to Georgeanne before I send it.
 I just don t think that is going to happen.
 gsm x2


 Civil_War_BuffI like the term ATT.  That has to be included as a NNC term.  It should be included amongst other notables:
 - Deshnitzify = Modifications
 - Dechintzify = Anything that was stock and became upgraded
 - RR = Rabble Rousing
 - ATT = A Typing Tisorder
 - Ha Ha Sisterhood = see G-Whiz for details
 - Alliance = a constantly shifting group for the sole purpose of RRing
 The NNC vocabulary is growing.
 < Message edited by g-whiz -- 3/29/2003 2:42:08 AM >


 Civil_War_BuffI m glad you keep up with these things Surf -cal...
 Definition of Alliance is right on!!!  A sign of the times.

gsm x2

 Civil_War_BuffBoycotting the TOP threads....that is very very cleaver.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 Boycotting the TOP threads....that is very very cleaver.
 gsm x2

 Would that be Wally or the Beav?

gsm x2

 ORIGINAL: gsm x2
 Boycotting the TOP threads....that is very very cleaver.
 gsm x2
 Would that be Wally or the Beav?

 Neither...just indicating that the idea is a cut above the rest.
 Speaking of rest...salmon season opened is georgeous....let myself be talked into opening an hour early this weekend.  Tomorrow starts extra early for me.
 Niters all.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2On another thread, Otter mentioned a Chat for Wednesday night.  Although we didn t make any announcements or plans, I d pitch for all of us to meet for one, with a special emphasis for the HHS to join us at the Fireside Chat on Wednesday at 8:00 pm, April 2.
 We ve had some great results with the Chat nights and I m sure with a mob from the Sisterhood, it d be a great deal of fun.  So, without too much fanfare, we hope to see you all there.
 So, mark your calendars for:
 When:  Wednesday, April 2 - 8:00 to 9:30 PM Pacific
 Where:  The PUT Fireside
 What to wear:  The NNC thong
 Music to listen to:  John Tesh
 Food:  Snickerdoodles and burnt muffins
 Drinks:  No host bar, although we recommend Harvey Wallbangers and Margariters

 Hope to see you all.


 gsm x2I ll be there with bells on as soon as I can get home from my night class (which is usually a loooooooong time after I d LIKE to be home [: (])


QuoteI ll be there with bells on as soon as I can get home from my night class

 Glad you could make it, CA.  It s always a hoot when you re there.  (" Pink button on the left, pink button on the left...." )  [;)]
 And BTW, you Gutter Minds in there tonight, may I direct you to last Thursday s page 41 of the General RR thread:
 Me:  I m rambling... what are the pros and cons of your new camera? I guess I ll get to see it at SLO, eh?
 TOS:  I ll have the camera and laptop at SLO so can show you the whole process.
 Me:  Oh dear, I can see myself spending the entire weekend playing with these gadgets!
 So there!  [8D]


 gsm x2Well, we didn t break any attendance records last night, but the discussions were again lively and lots of small talk.
 We did a lot of discussions about the pros and cons of digital camera, the myriad of uses for them, how to keep them safe and how not to be careless with them.  But we all agreed that the digital camera gives you the opportunity to be spontaneous and allows you to take snap shots at a moment s notice.  We spoke about how useful it s become for NNC gatherings and how candid a digital camera can really be.  GSM offered some testimonials, as well as some others who have had wonderful experiences with them.
 In the past few days, there have been a lot of questions about cameras on the boards.  Digital technology was the overriding discussion of the night and it gave various members a peek and insight into a topic that has barely been openly discussed.  We look forward to more revealing issues and themes that can help the membership make wise decisions for their next purchase.
 If you weren t there, you missed a great informational clinic and some straight answers to hard questions about this emerging camping tool as it becomes mainstream.