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RE: NNC Fireside Chat, Wed. 8:30 pm

Started by g-whiz, Mar 12, 2003, 10:14 AM

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 gsm x2Darn!  we have plans for Wednesday night, but I will check when we get home and see if y all are still there.  
 Thanks for getting this thing going again, Surfcal...

 otterThe kids crash about 8:30 but the DW is now doing splits (3:30am-7:30am and 6-10) from home on Wednesday, and we modified the computer desk to make it easier for her to work.  So if ya ll are still RRing at 10:00, I ll join in.
 AKA Jon


QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
 The kids crash about 8:30 but the DW is now doing splits (3:30am-7:30am and 6-10) from home on Wednesday, and we modified the computer desk to make it easier for her to work.  So if ya ll are still RRing at 10:00, I ll join in.
 AKA Jon

 [:o]Jon, I was picturing your DW doing some sort of cheerleading type routine, but now I get it.  [8D]  
 I ll be there if possible.  Lot s going on at the GSM x2 house these days!


QuoteJon, I was picturing your DW doing some sort of cheerleading type routine, but now I get it.
Duh, same here, LOL!  
QuoteI think that s a great idea, and it gives me just enough time to repeat one thousand times...." PINK button, PINK button, PINK button"
Tania, at Gold Rush Rally I didn t know why I was thinking " pink button on the left"  when I met you.  NOW I remember, ROFLMAO!!!
 I have to be somewhere on Wednesday night, so probably won t be able to attend the chat.  Have fun!

 g-whizThis was part of the compromise so she could go parttime (32 hrs) and still keep her rate of pay and benefits.  Makes for a real long day for her but now she can pick up the kids from school every day, which was the goal.
 AKA Jon


QuoteORIGINAL: Cottonwooder
 I have to be somewhere on Wednesday night,

 Well there s the first topic for discussion.
 Where do you suppose ~Patricia~ has to go to??????[;)]
 Will it involve splits?[&:]

gsm x2

 otterYes, it is alway nice to have someone ANNOUNCE that they won t show up.  It immediately breaks the ice because we can talk about them behind their back.
 Will be there if at all possible.
 gsm x2



QuoteCan I join in the chat???? Pleaseeeee

 Yes, of course, just show up.  Can t pass up this chance to talk about me behind my back.  Am dying to hear where y all think I ll be on Wednesday night.  Splits?  Uh, yes, that s it, I m trying out for the local cheerleading team.  Along with my buddy, Otter.  Both of us doing the splits... yup, that s it...   [:D]


 CottonwooderBy the way, where is the chat?  Is it here on PUT or at the Nick-Neff website?

 pcmomGo to the PUT main page ( and you will see a button for Fireside Chat.  
 AKA Jon


 otterRah  Rah  Rah
 (otter attempts a split)
 2        4      6    8    who do we appreciate?
 NNC   that s who.
 some one please call 911 for that poor lady!!!!!!


 otterI didn t even get home till little after 10pm.  So, how was the chat?

gsm x2

 otterChat was hilarious.  We had an all-girl s chat except for Clueless, who maintained her male status.  The hoot of the night was a surprise visit from SurfGAL.  And the most discussed topic was " Who is MysteryPE" .  No one could guess, even Nick, until OC_Camper figured out that it was Nick, who was signed on twice by using two different browsers.
 But explaining the humor of chat is nearly impossible.  You just had to be there.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 But explaining the humor of chat is nearly impossible.  You just had to be there.
 gsm x2

 [font=" comic sans ms" ]... I was and I still didn t get half of it!  LOL  
 Thanks for the warm welcome everyone ~ even if I didn t get it all, it was still loads of fun! [:D][:D][:D]