RE: Lake Chabot Negative Buoyancy Rally (1/17-1/19/03)

Started by gsm x2, Jan 05, 2003, 08:39 PM

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QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
 If approved by the kitchen nazi, I would still like to make buscuits and gravy Sunday morning.
 Maybe this will lure CWB into joining us!

 Nick, I don t think it would need to anything as extreme as that, but as I had stated in another thread, I am being " installed"  as the Prez of my " other"  club (not anywhere as fun as this one though), on the 18th and that is an all day/night affair.
 I hope that the offer (biscuits & gravy) remains open when we decend upon Olema,  cuz I won t miss that one (GW).  
 I was hopin  to get someone to seed sammyslaves campsite with pocket change and maybe he will think that he hit the Motherlode when he gets going with his metal detector.  Either that, or totally fill the site with pull tabs and that will keep him going too. Unless of course he has one that tells you what it is that it just detected.[:@][&:][:)]
 Happy Campin  <><


 Hybrid HollyMy daughters gave me the metal detector for Christmas. Its pretty smart, but only as smart as the person running it. All the change retreived will be donated to the NNC web management team  in the hopes that we can continue to fund it for another month. (day)? exceptions being any monies found by kids is theirs. Now I only need to buy some camping chairs that lean back far enough to drain the pockets of those NNCrs foolish or comatose enough to plant their backsides there.
 Anyone up for putting together a treasure hunt for the kids. (assuming that the park gendarmes allow such foolishness)
 Are the Kazoo s metal or plastic?

Hybrid Holly

 Hybrid Holly
Quoteas I had stated in another thread, I am being " installed"  as the Prez of my " other"  club (not anywhere as fun as this one though), on the 18th and that is an all day/night affair.

 Larry (CWB),
 How  bout we all come and watch?  We won t embarrass you (much!)
 Larry (sammyslave),
 I d be glad to help with a treasure hunt.  Are you thinking about hunting for " natural"  things or things we have hidden?


 Hybrid HollyHolly..hidden would be great..most of the time, however, we can t remember wher we hide things.


QuoteORIGINAL:  sammyslave
 Holly..hidden would be great..most of the time, however, we can t remember wher we hide things.

 Like geo-caching (ask surfcal about this), make a map, and take digital photos of each place and then it s not so hard when the memory gets as bad as mine.[8D]
 Larry, I think that the webmaster fund is a GREAT idea, I think that Nick should keep a  can  available at ALL outings for those who get the urge or have enough margaritas then they might get to feeling generous.
 Holly, I would love to have all of the NNCers there but I don t want to interfere with your rally!!
 Happy Campin  <><


 Hybrid HollyOh. bye the way..breakfast on Saturday will be special for all of my non-loyal supporters!
 The Dreaded Haggis
         1 sheep s stomach
         1 sheep heart
         1 sheep liver
         1/2 lb suet, fresh (kidney leaf fat is preferred)
         3/4 c oatmeal
         1 ts salt
         1/2 ts pepper
         1/4 ts cayenne
         1/2 ts nutmeg
         3/4 c stock
 Wash stomach well, rub with salt and rinse. Remove membranes and excess fat. Soak in cold salted water for several hours. Turn stomach inside out for stuffing.
 Cover heart and liver with cold water, Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Chop heart and coarsely grate liver. Toast oatmeal in a skillet on top of the stove, stirring frequently, until golden. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Loosely pack mixture into stomach, about two-thirds full. Remember, oatmeal expands in cooking.
 Press any air out of stomach and truss securely. Put into boiling water to cover. Simmer for 3 hours, uncovered, adding more water as needed to maintain water level. Prick stomach several times with a sharp needle when it begins to swell; this keeps the bag from bursting. Place on a hot platter, removing trussing strings. Serve with a spoon and airline barf bags.
 See Scott...even oatmeal for you!

gsm x2

 Hybrid HollyLarry,
 I would prefer to have you spit in my eggs.


 Hybrid HollyI think we all better pack ourselves some PowerBars just in case the Kitchen Nazi pulls a Jack Nicolson in the Shining while we re camping.


 Hybrid HollyRay...gsmx2 saved your bacon by being nicey-nice. Now I have to rethink this breakfast thing and come up with a menu that really reflects the values of NNCers. Come to think of it, I ll just call it Haggis and leave everyone guessing.
 How many people are there going to be by age group? I need to start filling up the larder.

gsm x2

QuoteOriginal Sammyslave:
 Are the Kazoo s metal or plastic?

 Plastic unfortunately....hmm, but maybe we could rubberband some washers to them so they will be detectable--if you are thinking of helping kids find theirs.
 gsm x3


 Hybrid HollyScott..more along the line of trying to find where the parents have buried their kid s kazoos..but your idea is good too. We will have to have Holly give this some thought.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteI hope you guys make it Brian! I ll feel better about my own survival if Mrs. Sacto Camper is brave enough to camp at Chabot with nothing but some canvass between her and the body snatchers, ha! I sure am glad Scott will be there to counter their grunts with his almighty raccoon call/shriek!

 I just wanted to set the record straight... CWB is the shrieker and Scott is only the racoon impersonator.  BTW Jeff, CWB says he is not able to join us at Chabot and I m not sure how much protection an impersonator can give.  However, we have been practicing on the kazoos for hours trying to duplicate CWB s shriek.  With five more people participating we might be able to get close to the " real"  thing.  
 BTW, as of Tuesday we will be living in our PU as it seems our condo is a kazoo-free zone and we have overstepped our boundaries.


 Hybrid HollyWell..G-whiz, now you went and done it! Rita wants her own account and wants Sammyslave............... What to do, what to do? Kitchennazi has a nice ring to it,
 but, I m afraid it may offend some of the people on the board (not that I am not offensive enough already) and Rita says it really fits my personality!
 However, I thought that I would throw it out to the group and see if they have any more SUITABLE handles that might work. So here I am putting my fate in the hands of the NCCers. Kinda like asking the wolf to watch Betsey the sheep.


QuoteORIGINAL:  sammyslave
 Well..G-whiz, now you went and done it! Rita wants her own account and wants Sammyslave...............

 Ha...that s funny.  You get booted out of your own handle.  Bwa-hahahaha.  Next thing you know Larry, you ll have to sleep outside of the PopUp.  I ll loan you Betsy the sheep.


 Hybrid HollyHey I just checked the forcast for next weekend.  So far no rain and temps. in the mid to upper sixties.
 For up to date current weather reports, look out your window.[:)]