RE: Lake Chabot Negative Buoyancy Rally (1/17-1/19/03)

Started by gsm x2, Jan 05, 2003, 08:39 PM

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QuoteYour house is going to smell great, too!

 Yep, thats one of my favorite things about making bread.


 Red neff BarchettaHey folks well though we will soon not longer be considered Coughers by some we are set to go this weekend! Wooho I m excited, then again I m excited to be doing anything but packing boxes... though I wouldn t dare compare this group and boxes.. nope not me.
 We should be pulling in between 5:30-6:00.  Anyone know if bikes for the kids are a good thing at this park?

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalMan, I m still not figuring this place out very well!  Why does this say I am replying to " On Dixie Dregs" ?  What s up with having a moderator?  I sure hope Nick doesn t get too big for his britches or we ll have to punish him, lol.  Not that I (*&*^%#$^^!) am worried about (#%*^$#!) myself, but there (*&%#$#%!) are some in this (%^^$#@T%$&%!) group who worry me with (%^%$$%^!) their language and (^%^%!) their behavior.  Sure puts Nick in a hard spot.

gsm x2

 I can t say that I have figured it out too well either, but I have figured out ONE THING.  Any particular thread can have a number if different headings IF people change the SUBJECT LINE in their REPLIES.
 For example, this five page thread contains the following SUBJECTS.
 Started with " Lake Chabot Negative Buoyancy Rally ... "  by Red
 I changed the subject to " Four and a Half Pounds of KAZOOS"
 Brian added " SactoCampers is on board... "
 Nick put in the subject " Food"
 Nick then added " Free Sinatra Friday! "
 Ray went with " Larry s Name Competition... "  and then " On Chabot attendance... "  and then " On Dixie Dregs"
 Nick added " Chabot"
 Sacto with " Negative Buoyancy"
 If one REPLIES to the icon in a message, the new message will contain the subject of the message you are replying to.  I haven t figured out exactly how the subject is chosen if one clicks on the POST REPLY icon on the bottom of the page.
 And the problem I see is that when I use the POSTS SINCE LAST VISIT option, I can get three or four different subjects that have been replied to....ALL leading to the same thread.  This also makes it hard to remember which thread contains which topics.
 So, I offer this suggestion.  Please don t change the SUBJECT in the thread.  If you have a different topic you want to discuss, please start a NEW THREAD.  Do you think this is a good idea?
 gsm x2

Hybrid Holly

 SurfcalI m going to head down Friday early afternoon.  I think Pete will joing us on Saturday.  What appetizers do we still need?


 SurfcalThanks Jeff for the heads up on registering.  I haven t done that.  Do you have any suggestions on which space might be  best given where everyone else is?  Does Ray have a space yet?  Do you know what it is? We should be together.  We are so small we should be able to double up with others, actually.  
 I will call in the morning and get a space.  Hope to hear from you from you by then.
 G-whiz:  you are soooo smart figuring out this subject  re: stuff.  However, I did not follow your sage wisdom. I just couldn t write to Dixie Dregs...  so I changed the subject line.  
 This site is a real challange, ibut it is getting better, or (maybe) I am..
 Not that it makes sense yet, but getting better.  At least I can reply tonight.  
 hugs all


 Surfcalme again:  The ever confused one.  Do we have a plan?  
 I will bring soup for Friday night:  How many people will be there?  
 What is the bread you are making Nick?  Will it go with soup?  I was planning on bring some bread too.
 I have dessert ( providing I remember it) for Friday too.  
 Are we doing a communal Breakfast on Saturday?  I made a couple of banana breads today for either Sat or Sunday.
 Pot lucking Sat night?  Appetizers only?  
  I m ready with wine and fruit and cheese...whenever....that is easy.  
 eager to get there


 SurfcalWell, not to change the subject line but this in regards to food!
 We are bringing a bean casserole dish. It s hamburger, pork n bean, kidney beans, bacon, onion, etc, etc. Pretty yummy. Not really an appetizer but will warm the bod. Also bringing cake and ice cream for Scott s B-day. I can t believe he ll be 8 in a couple of days. Are we doing the potluck event Saturday night? Are people staying until Monday due to the holiday? We re planning on staying.
 With the week I ve had (and it s only Tuesday), I m ready for Friday. Our students have been nuts this week!

Red neff Barchetta

 Here is the list;
 #1 - gsm him & her (they are noisy at night, so they are off by themselves)
 #2 - Y-Guy & TeacherMom (There will be a lot of explaining regarding #1 s activities)
 #5 - Hybrid Holly (who needs a pull-through site for her fancy big rig)
 #7 - Sacto Camper (the presence alone of Mrs. Sacto is a relief to us all)
 #35 - Surfcal (his lack of concern worries the rest of us and will be monitored)
 #8 - Nick (who will erect a fence around our sites to keep the body snatchers away)
 #9, #9, #9 - " The Walrus is Dead" , er SammySlave
 #10 - Red Barchetta (who can happily be found at #9 with a drink)
 Check page 1 of this thread for phone # s, campground map, directions, etc...
 I guess you should try and get a site near Ray (#35) if possible.  I m sure he tried to get one closer to the main group, but couldn t.


 SurfcalI m bringing my battery charger, just in case anybody wants to use it. I figured since the second battery box is just sitting there empty and the charger fits perfectly inside it, that I would bring it.


 Yes the bread I m making will go with soup.  Check with Larry though cause he was planning on making some soup on Friday night.


QuoteG-whiz: you are soooo smart figuring out this subject re: stuff. However, I did not follow your sage wisdom. I just couldn t write to Dixie Dregs... so I changed the subject line.
 This site is a real challange, ibut it is getting better, or (maybe) I am..
 Not that it makes sense yet, but getting better. At least I can reply tonight.

 Of course I would love to take credit for figuring this message board out, but I have to give it over to Scott.  Mostly I feel like I m going in circles with all the subject lines.  It gets to be a little time consuming having to jump all around.  I ve never been much of a bar hopper.  I m more a Cheers kind of girl.  I guess I m getting the hang of it.  Like anything else with the computer... the more you do it the better you get.  Guess that goes for anything in life actually.


QuoteDo we have a plan?

 I haven t heard of any plan as yet, so I guess we re making it now.
 How  bout I bring the makings for a salad on Friday night to go with the soup?  Somehow I doubt very much if any of us will go to bed hungry.  I haven t seen any posts from sammyslave, but they could be in an entirely different location that I have missed.   I left him a couple of voicemails that I hope he got so he ll know that I have totally flipped my lid (even if no one else gets that, he will).  I m also bringing lots of snack type food because that is how I love to eat when I camp.... all day long.


 SurfcalWe ll be there Thursday afternoon...Also making some soup for Friday night. Waffles and sausage for Saturday morning. I have to go back to work on Friday morning. We will bring some snacks for Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

Red neff Barchetta

 NickSniff, I am so proud of this group!  We managed to achieve the minimum required pages (6) of blabber for this rally.  Cough s all around!!!!
 Thanks for bringing a charger for Ray & Diane!  I ll leave mine home.  I ve got 3 charged batteries for them to fight over, ha.
 I just realized that I kept mentioning bringing the generator to charge batteries when we have 7 full hook-up sites, lol!