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RE: Guest Post - What to do.

Started by , Mar 20, 2003, 02:58 PM

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 :::::empty room merely echos back:::::  [:(]


 NickThe poll closes tomorrow, last chance to vote.


 NickCan we have a poll about STUPID polls?


 NickWhoa CWB, are you implying that this current poll is STEWPID?  Because you are basically RRing everyone... or at least everyone that s mentioned or had participated.
 You re gonna have to type from now on looking over your shoulder.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Whoa CWB, are you implying that this current poll is STEWPID?  Because you are basically RRing everyone... or at least everyone that s mentioned or had participated.
 You re gonna have to type from now on looking over your shoulder.

 Ray, don t tell me that a smart individual such as yourself was even tempted to respond to a ridiculous poll??? I know that if you did you were a) suffering from extreme boredom, 2) suffering from a high fever and therefore delirious, or c) just trying make point with Nick the Modulator!!
 I was not RR those that had enough sense NOT to respond....but I won t respond, so I don t know who did, and who didn t, a risk I am fully prepared to take.
 I figured that anyone with 1/2 a brain (or less in " some"  cases) would find it really a waste of electrons![8D][: (] so, I figured the response level was " 0" , and you are telling me that I was wrong???????? Not you my Tri-Tip Chaka sauce buddy!! Tell me it isn t so.............................


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Whoa CWB, are you implying that this current poll is STEWPID?  Because you are basically RRing everyone... or at least everyone that s mentioned or had participated.
 You re gonna have to type from now on looking over your shoulder.

 Ray, don t tell me that a smart individual such as yourself was even tempted to respond to a ridiculous poll??? I know that if you did you were a) suffering from extreme boredom, 2) suffering from a high fever and therefore delirious, or c) just trying make point with Nick the Modulator!!
 I was not RR those that had enough sense NOT to respond....but I won t respond, so I don t know who did, and who didn t, a risk I am fully prepared to take.
 I figured that anyone with 1/2 a brain (or less in " some"  cases) would find it really a waste of electrons![8D][: (] so, I figured the response level was " 0" , and you are telling me that I was wrong???????? Not you my Tri-Tip Chaka sauce buddy!! Tell me it isn t so.............................

 Gotta give CWB credit, he s fighting with valor. I think we can move him up from the mail room. Lar, I ll have tri-tip with you, man.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Whoa CWB, are you implying that this current poll is STEWPID?  Because you are basically RRing everyone... or at least everyone that s mentioned or had participated.
 You re gonna have to type from now on looking over your shoulder.
Look at the numbers Ray
 Of the 10 people that voted, 4 people say that Guest posts are not welcome here, and should be deleted.
 3 people voted that Griffsmom should be labeled the thread killer, when she had only one thread that went only 6 days before posting, hardly a Thread killer in my book,
 I m with CWB on this one


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Of the 10 people that voted, 4 people say that Guest posts are not welcome here, and should be deleted.

 The poll was not about guest post being welcome here.  Of course they are welcome.  The question was if an anonymous guest post counts as saving a thread killer.
 Come on man, get it right.[;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 3 people voted that Griffsmom should be labeled the thread killer, when she had only one thread that went only 6 days before posting, hardly a Thread killer in my book,
 I m with CWB on this one

 Yeah, what  they said! [8D]


 SactoCampersI see, now it s CWB and 6Quigs forming an alliance.  Okay...
 Hey Nick, I was trying to purge the " thread killer" title from you, but to no avail.  And the aforementioned folks threw in their veto.  We re gonna have to do a RR in person at the campgrounds with those two.
 Peace man...
 P.S.  Nick, I m gonna FedEx you a couple of Can O  Whoopass Light and you can use as necessary.
 Edited in honor of my good friend Sactocampers


QuoteORIGINAL:  Nick
QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Of the 10 people that voted, 4 people say that Guest posts are not welcome here, and should be deleted.

 The poll was not about guest post being welcome here.  Of course they are welcome.  The question was if an anonymous guest post counts as saving a thread killer.
 Come on man, get it right.[;)]
So you are saying Guest posts are welcome, only when it suits you!
 If a guest posts to save someone from being labeled a thread killer, then 4 people say they are not welcome, and should be deleted!!!!!!!
 In essence, you are making a rule, that should a guest visit our site, and make a post on an old thread, it must be deleted??
 Nick, just accept the fact that you are the thread killer.
 It s part of your job as Moderator,
 to close old threads,
 and lock them down.
 (mainly to stop Surfcal from continuing to post to them)[;)][;)]
 < this thread has not been edited in honor of Sacto>


QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 So you are saying Guest posts are welcome, only when it suits you!
 If a guest posts to save someone from being labeled a thread killer, then 4 people say they are not welcome, and should be deleted!!!!!!!
 In essence, you are making a rule, that should a guest visit our site, and make a post on an old thread, it must be deleted??

 No not at all.  See you are reading the letter of the rule and not the spirit.  If a guest posts and leaves their name thats good and it stands as a thread killer saver.  You are missing the ANONYMOUS part.[;)][8D]


 SactoCampersI agree with Nick.  If someone does not have a PUT account and they are legitimate Guests and it s the only way they can post, then no problem.  But you can t log in as Guest and rescue someone from being a thread killer.  That s not fair.
 Neither can you recruit your buddy or Grandmother and get them to log in as Guest to save you from thread killer status.  This has to be a LEGITIMATE post from a LEGITIMATE Guest.  What part of legitimate don t you get?
 P.S.  Rabble Rousing, full court press


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 I agree with Nick.  If someone does not have a PUT account and they are legitimate Guests and it s the only way they can post, then no problem.  But you can t log in as Guest and rescue someone from being a thread killer.  That s not fair.
 Neither can you recruit your buddy or Grandmother and get them to log in as Guest to save you from thread killer status.  This has to be a LEGITIMATE post from a LEGITIMATE Guest.  What part of legitimate don t you get?
 P.S.  Rabble Rousing, full court press

 Surfcal,  Agreeing with Nick, does make anything that is posted gospel!! Where do you get off thinking that it does?  Who decided that you will determine legitimate posts from legit guests.  Any post from a guest has to be considered as legit unless and untl the guest personally claims or disclaims the said post.  Read up on your law my former tri tip friend.  
 Are you unilaterally handing the power staff to Nick to decide what is and isn t legitimate??????? Just where do you get off????????Inquiring mimes what to know!


 SactoCampersThanks for adding the word Anonymous to the voting Nick.
 This clears it up, and makes more sense.