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RE: Rabble Rouser List: Beginning 3/20/03

Started by 6Quigs, Mar 21, 2003, 01:39 AM

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 gsm x2
QuoteWill you accept the gauntlet Larry???

 CWB:  You can get out of doing the list by coming to the rally this weekend in Malibu!  How easy is that?! [:D]


 griffsmomWell now, I m in a bit of a predicament, eh?  Do I continue with the list or hand over to someone else?  But don t want to do that until CWB has had a chance to take it on or pass it along himself.  [>:]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Well now, I m in a bit of a predicament, eh?  Do I continue with the list or hand over to someone else?  But don t want to do that until CWB has had a chance to take it on or pass it along himself.  [>:]

 I say do it another week and plan this week who does it next.  That way they know it is coming and can plan ahead.  Of course, this is a Leo speaking.  [8D]  


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Well now, I m in a bit of a predicament, eh?  Do I continue with the list or hand over to someone else?  But don t want to do that until CWB has had a chance to take it on or pass it along himself.  [>:]

 I say do it another week and plan this week who does it next.  That way they know it is coming and can plan ahead.  Of course, this is a Leo speaking.  [8D]  

 I think G-W s suggestion is a fair one, but then again, you ve been doing it for a week already and it s only supposed to be a " week"  thing so you should get to hand it off; but then again, it s Larry s own fault for not staying on top of the boards, especially when he doesn t even have a valid excuse, like he s GONE CAMPING; but then again, maybe we shouldn t penalize him for having a life; but then again, I say just hand it over to him and if he drops the ball, then let the RRing begin; but then again....oh dear, is my libra showing?  [;)]


QuoteI think G-W s suggestion is a fair one, but then again, you ve been doing it for a week already and it s only supposed to be a " week"  thing so you should get to hand it off; but then again, it s Larry s own fault for not staying on top of the boards, especially when he doesn t even have a valid excuse, like he s GONE CAMPING; but then again, maybe we shouldn t penalize him for having a life; but then again, I say just hand it over to him and if he drops the ball, then let the RRing begin; but then again....oh dear, is my libra showing?

 I think maybe he went to be killed. [;)]  But, never fear, he ll be back and no worse for the wear! [;)]


Quotebut then again....oh dear, is my libra showing?

 Oh shoot, never partner up the never-level balances of Libra with the vacillating twins of Gemini!  ~Buff~, save me from this!!!!  Veronica, where is he??? [:o]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
Quotebut then again....oh dear, is my libra showing?

 Oh shoot, never partner up the never-level balances of Libra with the vacillating twins of Gemini!  ~Buff~, save me from this!!!!  Veronica, where is he??? [:o]

 I don t know much about the Gemini traits but could it be they like to be rescued?  [;)]  Ok, ~Patricia~ do you mind doing the list another week?  I mean unless some gallant knight jumps out and rescues you, what are the options?  The way I see it is at this point is either you do it or it goes by the wayside.  See, the Leo in me thinks that the next person needs to be lined up NOW to take over next week.  Surfcal, don t you have anything to say about this?  I mean, really, you started it all. [:)][8D]


 g-whizG, you beat me to it.  I was on my way back here to ask if Griffsmom would like to take over for this coming week.  Perhaps give CWB till tomorrow morning to check in?  Or start it tonight, covering today and half of yesterday?  Whoever takes over, e-mail me and I ll send you all the codes in text form to save you having to re-invent the wheel.


 griffsmomI think The List is a good thing for the group.  I also think that CWB doesn t log in on the weekends and he doesn t know he is being requested to be the next steward.  We should give it a day and if he can t do it, then maybe someone else will step up.
 Here s what I think of The List.  If you haven t been on the boards for a day or so, it s a great way to see the runs, hits and errors.  What a service to our fellow NNCers.  So, if it can continue, great.  If it doesn s stick, well, it s all up to us.
 We ll just have to wait and see.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
Quotebut then again....oh dear, is my libra showing?

 Oh shoot, never partner up the never-level balances of Libra with the vacillating twins of Gemini! [:o]

 You just described my marriage.[:o][8D]


 griffsmomNot only is CWB missing, but Sacto hasn t been seen since last Wednesday s chat.  Hellooooooooo.....  what s happened to our RRers?  Since our big hullaballoo last Wednesday (which I thought was fun!), everyone s dropped away.  Well, Surf is still around, but he has no one to mess with and is left talking to himself.  Hope it s nothing more than work getting you guys busy.  Is everyone OK???


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Not only is CWB missing, but Sacto hasn t been seen since last Wednesday s chat.  Hellooooooooo.....  what s happened to our RRers?  Since our big hullaballoo last Wednesday (which I thought was fun!), everyone s dropped away.  Well, Surf is still around, but he has no one to mess with and is left talking to himself.  Hope it s nothing more than work getting you guys busy.  Is everyone OK???

 I figure that maybe more than just myself have had enough Surfcough for a while??? [;)][;)]I have been waiting to see something WORTH responding to, and this one s for you ~Patricia~!!  Because I like you! You are tough and not mean like Surfcal, he is the type of guy that will walk into a bar, walk up to the biggest dude in the place and tell him that the guy at the end of bar called him a name..then old Surfy will sit back and watch.....that isn t RRing, that s MEAN!!![:@][:@]


QuoteORIGINAL:  griffsmom
 it s Larry s own fault for not staying on top of the boards, especially when he doesn t even have a valid excuse, like he s GONE CAMPING; but then again, maybe we shouldn t penalize him for having a life; but then again, I say just hand it over to him and if he drops the ball, then let the RRing begin; but then again....oh dear, is my libra showing?  [;)]

 You are a tough one too Lori, I am beginning to feel frightened by this group.....I couldn t possibly do the list this week, I would never want to take anything away from Ray, and he is my #1 choice for the job...all in favor signify by ...coughing!!
 I do believe the coughs have it!!
 TOS, I appreciate your confidence in me, and I am sure that under any other circumstances I would jump at the chance to show my stuff, but since the " treatment"  is scheduled this week, I may not be able to keep myself from drooling all over let alone keeping an ever so important list!! May I be excused this week???? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 You are a tough one too Lori, I am beginning to feel frightened by this group.....

 Aawww, Larry, I m sorry.  I didn t mean to scare or frighten you.  I forgot; you re not like the other boys; you re sensitive and in touch with your inner giggle.  C mere, you big silly  {{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}
 See?  Nothing to be afraid of...[;)][:D]