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RE: Ha Ha Sisterhood

Started by Surfcal, Mar 30, 2003, 11:30 PM

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 g-whizAt the HalfDome Hyjinx rally, we will be celebrating our 5th anniversary. [:D][:)]

gsm x2

 g-whizHow odd.
 When left to its own devices, the HaHaSisterhood thread rolled like a marble down a sidewalk.  But when place ON TOP, it s stalled.  Must be a flat spot at the top of the street.
 How about eliminating all TOP designations and letting threads move up and down like the natural ebb and flow of the tide influenced by the sun the moon and the centrifugal force of the earth s orbit.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteHow about eliminating all TOP designations and letting threads move up and down like the natural ebb and flow of the tide influenced by the sun the moon and the centrifugal force of the earth s orbit.

 Yeah, let s see where the journey takes us! [;)][8D]



 g-whizI love getting back to the natural ebb and flow of things..
 Thanks for the moment of fame with the TOP billing, Nick.  It will be a moment to remember.  


 g-whizI know some of the sistahs are off cooking and packing for tomorrow, but wow...where did the rest of the Sistahs go.  I ll be home all week end.  Let s yuk it up![:D][:D]YUK   YUK  yuk


QuoteLet s yuk it up! YUK YUK yuk

 I truly don t know what to talk about here.  It s like the General RR board without the [:D], [;)], or [8D], just polite [:)].  What do you new gals want to talk about?  The war?  Oprah?  Camping?  Lead the way.  [:)]


 g-whizPerhaps we should start with introductions.  I m so used to just jumping in with both feet in cyberspace, I forget what it s like to be new and hesitant.
 Hi ladies, my name is Patricia, been married for 15 years (on Monday), and have two daughters aged 9 and nearly 3.  My hobbies are sewing, scrapbooking, and this beloved computer.  We went for our very first PU camping trip in January of last year and have been hooked ever since.  When not camping, the PU sits in our driveway and is my sewing room, where pins and needles can be left out safely away from baby hands.  Am in Southern California, so haven t really met the NNCers; just Otter and Sammyslave briefly (REALLY briefly), and the GSMs, who live in the same town I do.

Chez Way

 griffsmomHi HHS ers!
 I think I ll jump in here too and introduce or re-introduce (for the SoCal group) myself.  My name is Jeanne and I have been married to Jim for 14 years.  We have two kids, ds age 10 and dd age 6 and a lovable, soon to be 13 year old, yellow lab named Lili.  We live in the San Fernando Valley. We had a great time at our first rally (Casitas) and are looking forward to our next two rallies in SLO and Vail Lakes.
 My husband is a contractor and I work full time as a paralegal.  So I don t have much time for hobbies...spending time with my family is what I enjoy the most.   I agree with Jacqui, camping is the ideal way to do it because there are no distractions of daily life.
 Since I have some not so fond memories of Harvey Wallbangers in my youth...I ll stick with the Margueritas. Anybody remember the drink " Sloe Comfortable Screw Against the Wall" ??? That was a the best of my recollection it was sloe gin, southern comfort, Orange Juice and Harvey Wallbanger mix...a potent concoction!


 g-whizHi my name is Surfcal, or to those who have camped with me can call me Ray.
 I live in San Francisco, the City by the Bay
 I am currently single and unattached
 Due to current economic conditions, I had to pawn one of the ends of my popup, so only one end pops out, but when the stock market rebounds, I will be able to get it back
 I run my own business, doing all sorts of things, and get to fly all over the country and party at other people?s expense
 Hobbies include Rabble Rousing, camping, geocaching, (see my web site)
 I am famous for, when Camping I like to take other people?s sites, and then just sit back, enjoying the ruckus as people arrive, find me in their site, they take someone else?s, then that person arrives, and has to take someone else?s and so on.
 I am honored that the HHS have adopted me as their orphan son[;)]


 g-whizCottonwooder the HHS likes to have [:D] and [8D] and even[:o]s.  we just don t like the mean stuff or ....the smelly stuff.
 But on the more serious side:  How about we try to plan a menu for the SLO Weekend.  Not that everyone will follow it, but it is nice to have the same food where we can so we can commune over meals.  NNC miss the leadership of Rita nand Larry (Sammy slaves) in this area.  I need to shop by Wednesday so I m chomping at the bit here.
 I think we have desserts covered.  I m doing gingerbread (my grandmother s recipe and I think some one is doing bread pudding and I think I heard some other stuff.  I will check the SLO thread back a bit and see what we find
 Sure glad we aren t camping here today.  We just had hail!!!  I think I have had the heater on more this week than we have on all winter.
   Jeanne nice to meet you.  We will get acquainted at SLO.  I remember will those busy times of work and family and few  outside activities .  We are retired now and still not getting to those things we had stored away in the garage to get to someday!  Now our daughter and family are moving in here while they remodel and we are tossing it all.  Give it awy. Throw it away. It is a great feeling!!  
 6quigs=Ray=Nutty  I loved your bio:  thanks for the introduction.  did you guys get the hail?  Hope it clears for Sea Cliff this weekend.  


QuoteI am honored that the HHS have adopted me as their orphan son  

 ....but are you a dragon?


 g-whizI will have my stove there, with the griddle on Saturday morning.  Maybe we could do potluck breakfast on Saturday as well?


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
 Did you guys get the hail?  Hope it clears for Sea Cliff this weekend.  
Actually it s next weekend we are off to Seacliff,
 and it s for a week, not just the weekend.
 I can see snow on Mount Hamilton from here!!
 Yes I do hope it gets warmer.
 At least I know where I can refill my propane tanks at Seacliff,
 up untill 10:00 at night,
 been there before[:(]


 g-whizSeacliff is a great area.  I wouldn t mind camping there.  Is New Brighton still under renovation?