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RE: It s a Male Thing

Started by Cottonwooder, Apr 07, 2003, 02:55 PM

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gsm x2

QuoteHopefully I can pull off a we boat trip to the Channel Islands prior to January Hawaii trip.

 Jon--will you be diving out of Ventura Harbor.  If so, let me know.
QuoteWhy is diving fun ? It is so dangereous ....... Is it the sights you see under water ?

 I believe it is because it is lving in a different environment from the one you experience each day.  You can only live there for a half hour at a time, but one visit to a kelp forest, where you can float at the top and dive to the bottom is enough to hook many.  At least that s my opinion.
 gsm x2

 gsm x2quote]you be diving out of Ventura Harbor.[/quote]
 Hopefully, go out on the Peace again.  Great Skipper and good quick crew, good fills and top off prior to dives usually.
QuoteBut people die doing that !

 Or you can say people fully lived to the end of their life.
 People die walking across the street, people die from driving, people die camping.... my thinking is that if you are too afraid of dying to live a full life, what s the use.  
 I fully believe that someday never comes.  Try as many things as possible.  Some things you will like..some you won t.  Educated risk is a good thing and it is ok for kids to skin their knees climbing a (to them) HUGE rock.
 Enough of this,  I just had [:@] day.
 AKA Jon

Ab Diver

QuoteORIGINAL:  Guest
 Ab diving with you requires a sharp tip knife?  Mine s blunt...have to go buy a new one before we dive together.
 Did a dive in Oahu, the Mahi ( that had a reef shark that frequented the wheel house.  Pretty cool.  Problem is , at 90 ft, my bt was cut in half.  I was 6ft and 205 at the time and I suck the air.  
 Doing a refresher course on 8/2.  Since the kids haven t been diving.  Hopefully I can pull off a we boat trip to the Channel Islands prior to January Hawaii trip.
 AKA Jon

 Jon, Go ahead, buy your new knife.... I always told my students about the " dive buddy dive knife"  joke, but some of them took it seriously. Ha! The fools--- taking a knife to a gun fight: I always took a speargun in case my buddy got out of knife range! [;)]
 (The above was completely in jest. I hope you *all* know that)
 6  and 205... piece of cake... Heck, @ 90 , you re almost at 4 bar... EVERBODY S bt sucks, remember? [;)] Just relax and enjoy the refresher course. Hawaii... Man, that s where I took my first SCUBA dive. Got to pet a Moray eel, and was instantly in love with breathing underwater, although I d been skin diving since I was old enough to swim. Hope we can dive together some day.
 Birol.... diving, both Skin (taking a deep breath and going under water) and SCUBA (using a tank of compressed air to breath underwater) are very, VERY fun, exhilerating, beautiful  (insert over-the-top discriptive words here).
 They *can* also be very dangerous if certain basic rules are not followed. The physics and phisyology of diving can be complex, but the *common sense* part of diving can be as basic as " don t step out in front of a moving train" . (not related to diving, but you get the point) As a diving instructor, safety was/is the NUMBER ONE priority in class. If you ever get the chance, give it a try. Your instructor will make sure that you know what you are doing BEFORE you get a chance to get into trouble... that s what a SCUBA class is all about. Oh yeah, and one more little thing.... that underwater stuff you see on tv? It doesn t even *begin* to let you see how beautiful the underwater world can be when you see it in person.


 Ab Diver
QuoteORIGINAL:  Ab Diver
 Jon, Go ahead, buy your new knife.... I always told my students about the " dive buddy dive knife"  joke, but some of them took it seriously. Ha! The fools--- taking a knife to a gun fight: I always took a speargun in case my buddy got out of knife range! [;)]

 So did you get him ? Did you make him bleed and let sharks finish him off ? [8D][8D]
QuoteBirol.... diving, both Skin (taking a deep breath and going under water) and SCUBA (using a tank of compressed air to breath underwater) are very, VERY fun, exhilerating, beautiful  (insert over-the-top discriptive words here).
 that underwater stuff you see on tv? It doesn t even *begin* to let you see how beautiful the underwater world can be when you see it in person.

 Hmm, you make it sound interesting ......... Maybe I will try it one day ...


 CottonwooderMy brother and I were certified through LA County in the late 60 s. We went diving a lot on the Channel Islands and had lots of fun. I agree with TOS that after the first time of really looking at a kelp forest top to bottom, you re hooked. We also paid a lot of attention to our dive times and tank pressures. We never had a problem. I always wanted extra air left in the tank.

gsm x2

QuoteI always wanted extra air left in the tank.

 Oh Moose, you have missed one of the great experiences of life.  Sucking your last breath at 100 feet, exhaling as you follow bubbles to 50 feet, and finding that magically, and just in time, another breath appeared in your tank....suck hard...and exhale...BTW---no extra breath at 10 feet, but heck, it s only 10 feet....and you ve blown all the air out of your lungs anyway....blessed is the deep breath you can get once you break the surface.
 I pulled the stunt twice.  Decided that was pushing luck enough and stopped diving.
 Flip when you can.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
QuoteI always wanted extra air left in the tank.

 Oh Moose, you have missed one of the great experiences of life.  Sucking your last breath at 100 feet, exhaling as you follow bubbles to 50 feet, and finding that magically, and just in time, another breath appeared in your tank....suck hard...and exhale...BTW---no extra breath at 10 feet, but heck, it s only 10 feet....and you ve blown all the air out of your lungs anyway....blessed is the deep breath you can get once you break the surface.
 I pulled the stunt twice.  Decided that was pushing luck enough and stopped diving.
 Flip when you can.
 gsm x2
Isn t this what kill people ? Rushign to the surface like this ? Bubbles in the blood (Nitrogen ?) Do you disconnet you PU s brakes when you tow ?  I guess that is what makes us males [8D]

gsm x2

QuoteIsn t this what kill people ? Rushign to the surface like this ? Bubbles in the blood (Nitrogen ?) Do you disconnet you PU s brakes when you tow ? I guess that is what makes us males

 People do get killed pushing the limits like this...that s one of the reasons I don t dive (and THE reason I don t ride motorcycles..but that s another story.  But let me stress that good training and a cool head are also the reason I am still alive.  Training taught me that for every 30 feet of depth, my lungs are filled with 100% more air....thus to ascend from 100 feet, I had to blowout at least 250% of the air in my lungs.  And by following my bubbles up, I would not be RUSHING to the surface...just ascending at a non-stop, but controlled rate.
 Don t try it at home.  Much better to do what Moose did and breath normally on the way up and pat yourself on the back for having extra air when you get to the surface.
 BTW--what you did in the IGNORE thread is called THREAD KILLING.  Expect Nick, Surf and Sacto to RR you and make you wish you had just embolized a lung.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
QuoteIsn t this what kill people ? Rushign to the surface like this ? Bubbles in the blood (Nitrogen ?) Do you disconnet you PU s brakes when you tow ? I guess that is what makes us males

 People do get killed pushing the limits like this...that s one of the reasons I don t dive (and THE reason I don t ride motorcycles..but that s another story.  But let me stress that good training and a cool head are also the reason I am still alive.  Training taught me that for every 30 feet of depth, my lungs are filled with 100% more air....thus to ascend from 100 feet, I had to blowout at least 250% of the air in my lungs.  And by following my bubbles up, I would not be RUSHING to the surface...just ascending at a non-stop, but controlled rate.
 Don t try it at home.  Much better to do what Moose did and breath normally on the way up and pat yourself on the back for having extra air when you get to the surface.
 BTW--what you did in the IGNORE thread is called THREAD KILLING.  Expect Nick, Surf and Sacto to RR you and make you wish you had just embolized a lung.
 gsm x2
What what I did not do thread killing ..... did I ? teach me what I did wrong ? I hate doing that I was wondering why none was posting anything :( booooohooooo.
 Tell me about your Motorcycle stories ! [:)]

gsm x2

 gsm x2
QuoteTell me about your Motorcycle stories !

 My step-dad bought a motorcycle when I was in Junior High School, and I have NO IDEA why he and my mom would let me ride it on the street, but ride it I did with my best Junior High friend, Tim Rose, who also had a motorcycle.
 Things went well until I got my license and started buying my own motorcycles.  Then I started to have little accidents and going down on a somewhat regular basis.  There were three contributing factors:
  • I have reason to believe that I was an extremely unskilled rider
  • I really don t have mental concentration
  • I would ride trying to take the NEXT TURN faster than I took the last turn
  • [/ul]
     My crowning glory accident was when I found myself bumping against a center divider, stuck in the middle gutter, going in excess of 85 miles an hour on a downhill on Crenshaw Blvd in Rolling Hills.  I dove away from the bike at approximately 70 MPH and did a perfect imitation of a Pete Rose head first slide as I listened to my Yamaha 250 doing flips behind me. I clearly remember hoping that I slid further than the 400 pound motorcycle flipped, so it wouldn t land on top of me.
     Still rode for about four years before I came to a life altering realization.  I had one of two choices:
  • I could grow older
  • I could ride motorcycles[/ul]
     Doing both didn t seem to be an option, and I had long ago used up my share of the " luck pool" .
     It wasn t until years later that I found out about bicycle racing, where one can take corners in tight packs but limited by the speed one can generate with one s legs.  But that s another story.
     gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
QuoteTell me about your Motorcycle stories !

  • I could grow older
  • I could ride motorcycles[/ul]
I always thought that was the only choice bike riders faced, they are dangereous machines. I am glad you came out the winner in your case :) I made a few nice accidents bith my racing bicycle (I know not the same thing), and that was enough to scare me of the dangers of riding on two wheels.


 gsm x2Sal has a better motorcycle story that I ll tell for him.  This happened long before I met Sal, he was in his twenties and driving a motocycle.  He was hit by a drunk driver.  The accident shattered his hip and pelvis.  The ER Doctor wanted to amputate his leg, but stubborn as Sal is, he told the Dr. NO.  The Dr. wouldn t listen to him so he got up off the bed and walk out the ER door.  The next thing he remembered was being back in the ER and the Dr. telling him " I guess you are serious" .   So, since there weren t enough large pieces of his bones left to pin, they put the pieces back together as best they could (hoping they would fuse) and he was in traction for almost a year.  This is part of the reason Sal has some many leg problems and pain now.  Needless to say he also quit riding motorcycles.


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
  • I have reason to believe that I was an extremely unskilled rider
  • I really don t have mental concentration
  • I would ride trying to take the NEXT TURN faster than I took the last turn
  • [/ul]
     gsm x2
Good thing you re only allowed to drive boats for a living now. [;)]


 gsm x2
QuoteBTW--what you did in the IGNORE thread is called THREAD KILLING.

 Not only has he killed the thread,
 but talk about beating a dead horse[:o]
 Sorry, but I can t post over there till someone else rescues him[>:]


 6QuigsSadly, having been in that very same predictament myself a few months back, my heart goes out to the guy, but unfortunately, I can t rescue him either.  The psychological damage I incurred over my own narrow escape from thread killer status has left me permanently scarred and suffering from acute rescuephobia. [;)]