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RE: It s a Male Thing

Started by Cottonwooder, Apr 07, 2003, 02:55 PM

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Ab Diver

 gsm x2(GSMX2)/2, thanks for the welcome back. The leg got better, and I started walking on the beach to help the calf stretch out and pull it s share of the load. That developed into a fast walk, and that grew into jogging. Now the thighs are telling me they ain t 18 anymore, and that they want no more of this crap. I can see it s gunna be a war of willpower.[;)] As for Bush Gardens... well, I d gladly, proudly, and immediately go if they d take me. I will never forget 9/11. Preventing another such day is a high priority.
 Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... Hey guys, I found some new lazy-boy recliners a home furnishing store was gunna throw out, something about their " not being in style"  anymore. Heck, every guy know comfort s more important than style any day![;)] So I brought half a dozen of them home in the " 21-six"  (my truck). I think they ll look good right in front of our *male thing* wide screen tv. Anybody up for some episodes of " The Man Show" ? [:D]
 Hey, Moose-- pass the peanuts, willya?


 gsm x2Boy, did I laugh at the name FART. While not politically correct, it ll sure get a laugh.
 Ab Diver thanks for the chairs. They re real comfortable. I m not into chairs looking like cows, but they ll go with the cheese commercials. I guess that means they re happy, contented chairs.
 Here s the peanuts.


 gsm x2>>>>>>note pinned to the  door of the  boys  room:<<<<<<<
 To AB Diver:
  I tried to answer this in the SLO thread, but the Rob Nin of NNC had closed it out already:  You thought you might be the first NNCer to be kicked out for non attendence..
 Bylaw #324 says you have to meet someone before you can kick them out.  I know you are safe with my vote, and probably with many more. [;)]
 And To Ray: (after seeing our  civilwar pix: )
 You are a nut![&:][&:]

Ab Diver

 gsm x2
QuoteBylaw #324 says you have to meet someone before you can kick them out. I know you are safe with my vote, and probably with many more.  

 Actually, as an NNC " plank owner"  from Bodega bay, it s like being one of the original Thirteen Colonies: the movement grows, the horizon broadens, and a nation evolves out of anarchy. Guess that s why the Western States have never kicked out New Joisey. [;)]


 Ab Diver
QuoteActually, as an NNC " plank owner"  from Bodega bay, it s like being one of the original Thirteen Colonies: the movement grows, the horizon broadens, and a nation evolves out of anarchy. Guess that s why the Western States have never kicked out New

 Plank holder , smank holder.  I m from Rho  D Islan and we kicked out new Jeoisey ages ago.

Ab Diver

 gsm x2Whoa, tough crowd. Touche, Otter! (Gotta love a lady with spirit.)


 gsm x2Hey guys, tomorrow it s Easter. We re supposed to be barbquing for the girls and I forgot. I ve got the propane and the tritip but I need help on the other items. I ve already filled up the recyle bin with bottles and empty boxes. I need help cleaning up and getting the salads, drinks, plates and all. I ve got a room refeshener so the place will smell better. We ve got to get with it or we ll be shot.

Ab Diver

 gsm x2I m doing my share, Bill. I swept up the old sawdust that soaked up all the spilt beer from last night, and spread some nice-smelling new Pine sawdust around. Emptied the spittoon, and refilled the cooler with ice for margaritas. I covered the recliners with clean sheets so they don t look like cows anymore (they also hide the salsa and dip stains). Since you re doing the tri-tip, I ll whip up some abalone poppers for snacks. Anybody care if we have white corn, or yellow? Are we gunna use the regular plastiware, or should I break out the " good"  plastiware? Now if someone would just open the windows and turn the fan on, we can clear the cigar smoke out of here...


 oldmoose::::peeking in from the door because I still don t dare step inside::::  Oh my gosh, are you actually going to let us in here?  Can we bring anything?


QuoteI ve got the propane and the tritip but I need help on the other items. I ve already filled up the recyle bin with
..not that I want to help prepare this party...but I think if it is tri tip to be BBQed you need only ask CWB and Surf Cal and they will  handle" [8D] it.
 What itime is the party?
 Good luck , I got a babysitter for Lon and Sadie and am ready anythime.[8D]


 gsm x2Hey guys!  It s awfully quiet in here for a party to be going on, and I know it s not because we HaHa s are a gentile lot or any sort of rubbish like that.  So where is everyone?  
 Uh oh.  Did Larry_Buff and Surfcough eat all the tri-tip and drive everyone out to Mimi s?  [:o]


Quoteand I know it s not because we HaHa s are a gentile lot

 Perhaps we re all Jewish?  Certainly not genteel.  [8D][:D][8D]   ::::ducking::::


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
Quoteand I know it s not because we HaHa s are a gentile lot

 Perhaps we re all Jewish?  Certainly not genteel.  [8D][:D][8D]   ::::ducking::::

 ROTFLMHO at myself!  <sounds of static> Dr. Freud...paging Dr. Freud...<sounds of static>


 gsm x2Yah  yah!. (static:)  (hissing)
  Douctoor Fruuuedd Heerr!..
 Vhat can I do fo yooou  genteel fooks?
 Stood up for a paartee ,are we?
 " Oh,  I see" .  
 Tri tip is all gown, and no one in sight.  
 Vhat a sign.  
 I thiinkss vese mens are afraid of vou vonderful ladies.
 $150, pleeeese.


 otterWell, gals, it looks like we ve been stood up.  Was it because we re Jewish?  Or Gentiles?  Or gentle genteels?  Whatever the reason, it won t be good enough.  Harumph again!