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RE: 2003 NNC Winter Rally- Olema

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 07, 2003, 06:31 PM

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 Red neff BarchettaHow many sausages should I bring she asked?
Quote3 for each person and 1 per pooch.

Red neff Barchetta

 Only 17 days to go.
 Mike - Are all of our sites FULL hook-ups?  I can t remember.  If some are not, let us know so maybe a few of us can bring extra batteries, grey water tank, 6 gallon fresh water jug/tank, or whatever.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteMike - Are all of our sites FULL hook-ups? I can t remember. If some are not, let us know so maybe a few of us can bring extra batteries, grey water tank, 6 gallon fresh water jug/tank, or whatever.

 All the sites are full hookups, so no extra batteries, generaters, etc.... are needed.  My BAL leveler arrived yesterday so I had to try it out.  I am very impressed with it.  Wish I would have purchased one a long time ago.

Hybrid Holly

 6QuigsHi all, I go away for the weekend and BAM I have to figure this all out again!
QuoteI agree with this request and am calling for a vote of the Nick-Neff-Coughers to write this in to the by-laws.
 Aebleskiver on Saturdays!    

 I can make Aebleskivers on Saturday, but I do not want to interfer with oysters and eggs.  Do people want them in addition to Larry s feast?...or maybe as an afternoon snack!  Or should I just make a few for Mike and make them for everyone else at Snug Harbor?


Quoteshould I just make a few for Mike and make them for everyone else at Snug Harbor?
I say practice making them at " Ray s on the roof" , so that when you go to make them at " Snug , they will be perfect,
 And isn t it written in our by-laws that we are supposed to have too much food at our rallies!!
 17 days to go, but with the frost we have been having lately, it s a bit soon to drain the malt whiskey from the plumbing system.

Red neff Barchetta


 Pretty good gibberish you guys.  I almost thought it was a food or word or something.  Aebleskivers!  Hahahaha!  Good one!
Quoteit s a bit soon to drain the malt whiskey from the plumbing system

 Kevin,  I m sure a few of us can help you empty that at Olema.
 The funny thing is, at home I don t drink at all during the week and have maybe 2 drinks on the w/e, lol.  This group brings out the drunk, er best (?) in me.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuotePretty good gibberish you guys. I almost thought it was a food or word or something. Aebleskivers! Hahahaha! Good one!

 Actually it is a food.

Ab Diver

 Hybrid Holly[/quote]
 " I can make Aebleskivers on Saturday, but I do not want to interfer with oysters and eggs.  Do people want them in addition to Larry s feast?...or maybe as an afternoon snack!  Or should I just make a few for Mike and make them for everyone else at Snug Harbor?"
 Dunno what they are, but they sound like one of those things that really taste great, or are something even the folks back in the " old country"  wouldn t eat.[;)]
 If the former, I ll be glad to partake and justify your efforts. If the later... well, I ll try anything once.[:)]

Hybrid Holly

QuotePretty good gibberish you guys. I almost thought it was a food or word or something. Aebleskivers! Hahahaha! Good one!

 If you come, I will make them!  or is it...
 If I make them, you will come!
 Either way, I will plan on a batch or two!


 6QuigsWell, I called the Horse Ranch to make the reservation for the hay ride and they no longer offer it.  Its still advertised on their webpage but they don t do it.


 NickSounds like the Horse Ranch needs a new Webmaster.   Or, maybe they need to take some lessons from the NNC Webmasters.  We can make our own hay.  [;)]


 6QuigsWe can just throw the hay in back of Dave s truck and go with it.[:D]

Ab Diver

 6Quigs" We can just throw the hay in back of Dave s truck and go with it."
 [:D][:D][:D] LOL
 The " lodge"  seats will be up on the lumber rack. [;)]

The Memory Maker

 6QuigsWell, with only 252 hours left until we meet at olema, I was thinking(pause for effect) waddya think about making Rally signs for everyone?
 Since there are some new people and some we ve never met(and some{CWB} that I d like to forget that I d met) I wasn t sure about our collective feelings(whoa, whoa, whoa feeeelings....) about putting up our user names at the campground.
 Also, any collective tour/outings planned for Saturday, now that the hay ride is off?

gsm x2

 6QuigsI like signs.  I looked through my hard drive and can only find one that Moose made for the SoCal Rally.  Unfortunately it is in PDF format, and I only have the reader.  I think we had one designed for Bodega.  Anyone know where that one is?
 gsm x2