RE: Delta Rally - Snug Harbor - March 21 - 23

Started by gsm x2, Jan 07, 2003, 11:43 PM

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 g-whizHi all,
  Brought the trailer home this past weekend and checked everthing out (IT S READY TO GO).[:D]Had one problem, the hitch is almost 6"  taller than the jeep was, so the REESE MINI 350 won t work and the hitch is adjusted all the way down.Not to worry because I had a 6"  drop hitch that works great.No sway at hiway speed and i didn t even have it fully loaded.If any NNC members are looking for a 350 hitch let me know.Also put the brake controller in.(boy what an easy job on a vehicle that is already equipped)See you all in 4 day s (YEAH!!!!!!)
 BTW  Since their will be a boombox available my wife will bring her collection of 50 s music[: (] I would rather listen to Smash Mouth.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Well Georgeanne, I already knew that he only goes for terrific women like yourself. (insert PUT asian degrading winking face here)
 What makes me uncomfortable though are those few-seconds-too-long lip-locking embraces that he and Kevin engage in.  I mean you d think they d have the decency to take that business inside.

 Oh, I m used to it.  After all, I have to put up with Timmy!


 BTW  Since their will be a boombox available my wife will bring her collection of 50 s music[: (] I would rather listen to Smash Mouth.

 50 s is before my time [;)], but I think I did like Smash Mouth.  Just can t remember what songs they have done.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteWhat makes me uncomfortable though are those few-seconds-too-long lip-locking embraces that he and Kevin engage in. I mean you d think they d have the decency to take that business inside.

 we snuck around the back of the pop up for that embrace.
 Little did we know TMM had that honking big telephoto lens on his camera!
 Did you see the size of that thing?

The Memory Maker

QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
QuoteWhat makes me uncomfortable though are those few-seconds-too-long lip-locking embraces that he and Kevin engage in. I mean you d think they d have the decency to take that business inside.

 we snuck around the back of the pop up for that embrace.
 Little did we know TMM had that honking big telephoto lens on his camera!
 Did you see the size of that thing?

 Thank you, :::grinning:::
 Yes..., I do have a long lens on my camera
 Size DOES matter!
 but I do feel uncomfortable that Kevin is the one that pointed it out!


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 CWB - If you see this, what volt is your drill?  Although I guess you only use it now to lower the stabilizers.  Did you ever use it to raise the Niagara s roof?

 Mine 18V and No I never used it for the roof, it doesn t have near enough torque.
 What is the torque rating on your new 18V er?


 Hi all,
  )See you all in 4 day s (YEAH!!!!!!)
 BTW  Since their will be a boombox available my wife will bring her collection of 50 s music.

 Now that is GREAT! I am a HUGE Doo-Wop fan and I have about 10 solid hours of Doo Wop songs, so your DW has already gained a few " bonus points"  with old who or WHAT is Smash mouth?[&:]
 HC <><

QuoteTania - One more question; Which way did you make your arrival from/by? Road or one of the ferries? How was it?
 O.K., 3 questions.

 We took the bridge in, but Kevin took the Ferry to get to Rio Vista when he went for gas on was no biggie with just the truck [8D]  There were, however, ferocious man-eating potholes on the road leading into the campground, so WATCH YOUR STEP!!
 Also.....I may have led you all astray when I prompted those 25 pages of musical discussion posts [:o] The " boom box"  is little more than a radio with a CD player.  I m sure ABBA will sound the same, but you may lose something if you go for Rush or George Thorogood [:D]  And CWB....Smashmouth is the ONLY tape Kevin has in his truck, so I am forced to listen to all three of them sing the entire tape at the top of their lungs (okay, okay...I sing along too) EVERY trip, over and over and over again.  I m sure they d LOVE to share it with you [&:]

 g-whizOops...I forgot to sign that last one,
 Tania (a.k.a. ca_girl_001) [:@][8D][:D][:o]


QuoteOops...I forgot to sign that last one,
 Tania (a.k.a. ca_girl_001)

 Thank goodness you cleard this up Tania.
 I was having a visual of Otter singing along to Smash Mouth!!


 g-whizShamless Flip.....
 Cottonwooder told me to do it!!!!

gsm x2

 we snuck around the back of the pop up for that embrace.
 Little did we know TMM had that honking big telephoto lens on his camera!
 Did you see the size of that thing?

 Comment removed after running it by G-Whiz.
 gsm x2


QuoteSmashmouth is the ONLY tape Kevin has in his truck, so I am forced to listen to all three of them sing the entire tape at the top of their lungs

 Tania, I guess I should warn you that I have Smash Mouth on my cell phone... and every time it rings my kids get up and start waving their hands in the air and singing at the top of their lungs.  This is fine if it s a family member calling but every once in a while it s not and I find myself wishing they didn t have this pavlovian response.  
 Holly, et al.... I was serious about the sewer... what do you need a sewer hole for if you have a self contained toilet and a dump site?  Is it for your gray water?  I guess they wouldn t want you dumping grey water so close to a large body of open water.  Is the sewer a small opening or large one?  Do you screw your hoses into it... or place them in?  Has anyone invented a two for one hose that would connect two grey water hoses into one hose that goes into the sewer?  Do you have to jump out of your vehicle everytime you take a shower versus run the kitchen sink?
 Red Neff,  George Thorogood was a friend of my sisters.  I met him when I was sweet sixteen at my sister s 30th birthday party.  He gave me a pair of his gloves and promised to collect them when I was a little older![8D]  I m afraid he waited a little too long on more than one count. I haven t a clue as to what happened to those gloves.  I can t imagine having thrown them away... but I haven t a clue where they are.  I just wish I knew what the cologne was he put on them... cause it used to drive me crazy!  Where is he playing around here?
 Kevin and other Irish music fans... should I bring Michael s Cheiftan collection?
 oops a munchkin just zombied in the room!


QuoteOh, I m used to it. After all, I have to put up with Timmy!
Quote50 s is before my time
QuoteDid you see the size of that thing?
 Comment removed after running it by G-Whiz.

 I m laughing my head off reading this thread.  TOS s comment/thought was probably along the same lines as mine, but I ll refrain from posting it too.
 Now, what s this about the 50s being before your time?  I was raised on music from the 40s and 50s (stuff my parents listened to), but didn t even arrive till the next decade!
 BTW, I made my own boxes.  Yippee! [8D]

gsm x2

QuoteHolly, et al.... I was serious about the sewer... what do you need a sewer hole for if you have a self contained toilet and a dump site? Is it for your gray water? I guess they wouldn t want you dumping grey water so close to a large body of open water. Is the sewer a small opening or large one? Do you screw your hoses into it... or place them in? Has anyone invented a two for one hose that would connect two grey water hoses into one hose that goes into the sewer? Do you have to jump out of your vehicle everytime you take a shower versus run the kitchen sink?

 Most, if not all, campgrounds forbid gray water from being dumped on the ground, so sink and shower water have to be caught in a container then disposed of.
 If your space has a sewer line, you can eliminate this.  You just run your hose (garden type) to the sewer outlet, stick it in just the littlest way, then run your sink and/or shower to your hearts content and never have to deal with dumping your gray water container.
 If there is a sewer line close enough to two popups, they could share it since the opening has plenty of room for more than one hose.