RE: Delta Rally - Snug Harbor - March 21 - 23

Started by gsm x2, Jan 07, 2003, 11:43 PM

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 SurfcalWe will take a non sewer site Holly,
 Thanks for doing all the organizing on this, including the visit beforehand,
 to check the place out.

Hybrid Holly

 sammyslaveThanks 6Quigs and Neff for volunteering!! Hopefully Snug Harbor will still have the 4 sites available and we won t have to suffer.  
 It s half time and Surfcal, you aren t rooting loud enough!
 I m hiding out here in the back room with the computer...I might have to go live in the Bantam for a few days if the Raiders lose!


 sammyslaveBelieve it or not,,Rita and I made the trip on Saturday to check out the sites also and we agree with Holly.. low tide is not the time to take the ferry s across with a long rig..We are going to take highway 84 in even though it is a longer trip for those coming from the south. Supposedly there are four or five wineries within a thirty minute drive..I m taking my kayak and also trying to con my son-in-law to bring his fast (and very loud) ski boat up for the weekend..we can fish off of the docks but not much hiking around the island. Lots of Osprey.

Red neff Barchetta

Quotealso trying to con my son-in-law to bring his fast (and very loud) ski boat up for the weekend.

 Larry - Tell him I will pay for a 1/2 tank of gas if he does.  I love being dragged behind a boat!


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
Quotealso trying to con my son-in-law to bring his fast (and very loud) ski boat up for the weekend.

 Larry - Tell him I will pay for a 1/2 tank of gas if he does.  I love being dragged behind a boat!

 It s not a lot of fun during low tide Neff, being raked in the slough.
 And Holly:
 I am so sorry about the Raiders.

Red neff Barchetta

QuoteIt s not a lot of fun during low tide Neff, being raked in the slough.

 Boy Ray, you re obviously not hip to such upper " crust"  amenities.  In Calistoga silly people pay be big bucks ($100. to $150.) to lay in a mud bath.  This way I can get one for the price of a 1/2 tank of gas and everyone on shore can see an idiot on ski s for free, lol.  Unless I can first spray you all with a rooster-tail of mud.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Boy Ray, you re obviously not hip to such upper " crust"  amenities.  In Calistoga silly people pay be big bucks ($100. to $150.) to lay in a mud bath.  This way I can get one for the price of a 1/2 tank of gas and everyone on shore can see an idiot on ski s for free, lol.  Unless I can first spray you all with a rooster-tail of mud.

 If I recall correctly, it was Sam Brannan, the San Francisco news magnate that founded the town of Calistoga.  He wanted to create a resort north of San Francisco that catered to the priviledged few, one that would rival the town of Saratoga in New York state.  At that time, Saratoga was a playground for the elite.  And one night during a party, after imbibing a few distilled spirits, he led a toast and as a tribute, wanted to name it after Saratoga, of California.
 But in his altered states, he pulled a Nick-Neff-Cough and drunkedly combined California and Saratoga, thus the new town of Cali-sh-toga was born.  So Neff, I don t mean to be slinging mud and appearing pedantic, but that is the rest of the story.


Quotebut that is the rest of the story.

 and can you believe the deep rich sound of that Bose Waaaaaaaaave Radio?

Red neff Barchetta

 sammyslaveRay - I bow down to you my man.  That was excellent!  Interesting historical tidbit also.  If I get a mud wedge between my cheeks, I will hand it over to you as if it were my sword and armor.
 Brian - LOL!  I love listening to his long drawn out stories.

Hybrid Holly

QuoteBelieve it or not,,Rita and I made the trip on Saturday to check out the sites also and we agree with Holly..

 Too bad we did not coordinate!  Glad you made the trip too!  I will try to get info on the local wineries!


 Hybrid HollyHay Hybrid Holly:
 Nick has upped the ante on Wagonmasters.  He has some sort of Hay Ride as an offering?  Now you have to come up with something unique like a group basket weaving clinic or something.
 And let s see what Sacto has in mind for his Jamboree.


QuoteAnd let s see what Sacto has in mind for his Jamboree.

 Hey, look at the Gold Rush Rally on the website and all the stuff we have planned! I thought I was going too far [;)]. You know, we re supposed to be informal and all. But CWB is supposed to be working on a folksy, bluegrass band for us. Is that good enough?  Or was it Metallica? [&:] Lar? I ve seen the Doobie Brothers headlining the Jackson Rancheria, maybe they would swing by and play some tunes in return for some potluck and homemade brew(?).


 SactoCampersI hear ya.  Nobody wanted to commit to the talent show.  Perhaps there is no discernable talent in this group?
 I know Georgeanne and I are game for a guitar and kazoo number with Rita as lead singer.  I volunteer us for that night and we ll be singing two songs in full glory, San Francisco Bay Blues and Holly Holy.
 So there you go Sacto, I with you.

Hybrid Holly

QuoteHay Hybrid Holly:
 Nick has upped the ante on Wagonmasters. He has some sort of Hay Ride as an offering? Now you have to come up with something unique like a group basket weaving clinic or something.

 I m planning on a Team Mud Skiing competition behind Sammyslave s son in-law s mud-skiing boat! This, of course, will be after wine tasting!


 Hybrid Holly
QuoteORIGINAL:  Hybrid Holly
QuoteHay Hybrid Holly:
 Nick has upped the ante on Wagonmasters. He has some sort of Hay Ride as an offering? Now you have to come up with something unique like a group basket weaving clinic or something.

 I m planning on a Team Mud Skiing competition behind Sammyslave s son in-law s mud-skiing boat! This, of course, will be after wine tasting!

 OK, Nick and I will do mud wrestling.