RE: " Wave n at da Beach" Nor-Cal Mini-Rally!

Started by otter, May 07, 2003, 01:09 AM

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QuoteI don t drink beer, but I can attest to the fact that I do feel smarter after a couple of glasses of wine! I just never knew why. Thanks Ray for the enlightenment!

 I ll drink to that!  Thanks Cliff.  thanks Ray.

Ab Diver

 SurfcalThanks for the " Comments from Cliff" , Ray. What a show! One of my favorite replies from Norm to Cliff s logic can still be used all the time, especially here in Norcal:  " What color is the sky in your world?"
 Guess nobody likes seafood. Either that, or beer is MUCH more interesting than fresh invertebrates.[;)]
 Oh, and ... 15 days to go!

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalDave -
 I think your seafood offer got lost in our double post-smoothly shifted towards beer talk, lol.  You should try again since I was part of the group that stole your thunder.
 Btw, is that seafood made from tofu and the vertebrae really a piece of celery?  If so, sign me up.


 SurfcalFor readers who liked the Beer entry above, other readers also recommend the following posting:
 " It only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can t remember whether it s the thirteenth or fourteenth."  - George Burns
 " I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me."  - Winston Churchill
 " Let s get out of these wet clothes and into a dry Martini..."  - Mae West
 " The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober."  - Yeats
 " I m not so think as you drunk I am !"  - John Squire
 " If love makes the world go around, then whisky makes it go around twice as fast!"  - Compton Mackenzie
 " You re not drunk unless you can lie on the floor without holding on !"  - Dean Martin
 " After drinking four Martinis, my husband turns into a disgusting beast. And after the fifth, I pass out altogether."  - Anonymous
 " Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water."  - W.C.Fields
 ?I feel sorry for people who don?t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that?s as good as they?re going to feel all day.? - Frank Sinatra
 ?An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with fools.? - Ernest Hemingway
 ?A woman drove me to drink and I didn?t even have the decency to thank her.? - W.C. Fields
 ?Twenty-four hours in a day, twenty-four beers in a case. Coincidence?? - Stephen Wright
 ?When we drink, we get drunk. When we get drunk, we fall asleep. When we fall asleep, we commit no sin. When we commit no sin, we go to heaven. Sooooo, let?s all get drunk and go to heaven!? - Brian O?Rourke
 ?Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy? - Benjamin Franklin
 ?Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn?t drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, ?It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true, than be selfish and worry about my liver.? - by Jack Handy
 " Beer is okay for breakfast, essentially, it is an extract of wheat, barley & oats."   - Ray Santiago


 Surfcal" The best beer is free beer, so who s buying?"


Quote?Twenty-four hours in a day, twenty-four beers in a case. Coincidence?? - Stephen Wright

 this one is on a tee shirt we fought over for years at our house.  I saw it again recently somewhere and had to chuckle.[:D][:D]

gsm x2

 SurfcalEssentially, I only drink when I go camping.  Let s go camping.  [:D] G. Scott Miller


 Ab DiverHey Ab-
 I just found out about your rally to old stompin grounds...but it s the last weekend of little league...big ol bummer...
 I d probably get arrested if I went up there anyway...


 SurfcalAs an avid homebrewer we collect almost anything that has to do with beer.  My latest are t-shirts with:
 Beauty is in the hand of the beer holder;
 Don t eat yellow snow, don t drink yellow beer.

Ab Diver

QuoteI d probably get arrested if I went up there anyway...
 Penny & Craig  Spongebob  C.

 So THAT S  who those " wanted, dead or alive"  posters are for. Something about a " square-headed guy, swells when wet..."   (just kidding) Sorry you won t be joining us.
 And in keeping with the theme of this thread (it seems to have Hopped over to liquid refreshment), there are a couple of good micro-breweries  in the area. The North Coast Brewing Co. is located right in Ft. Bragg, makers of ACME Pale Ale (for you Road Runner Fans). The Mendocino Brewing Co. is in Ukiah (tasting room in Hopland). And the Anderson Valley Brewing Co. in Boonville-- their company mascot is the very rare, but legendary, " Antlered Grizzly" . Only select few individuals have ever been lucky enough to have seen one of these magnificent creatures-- usually after *more than enough* of their fine brew.[;)]
 " And how did they get to the rally?
 They crawled, cuz they was Two Weeks to run!"  [:D]
 Ba-dump-bump! ... (crickets chirping)

Red neff Barchetta

 SurfcalUugghh!  That was a groaner of a pun Dave.
 Whoohoo!  This rally is soooo close!

Ab Diver

 SurfcalHehehehe-- a little early in the morning for bad jokes, eh? I ve amended the post to reflect the (lack of) appreciation for my play on words.[;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  otter
Quote?Twenty-four hours in a day, twenty-four beers in a case. Coincidence?? - Stephen Wright

 this one is on a tee shirt we fought over for years at our house.  I saw it again recently somewhere and had to chuckle.[:D][:D]

 Otter, does this mean you fought over wearing it??? [;)]


 SurfcalCampfire leader:  Hello boys and girls.  Welcome to tonight s campfire.  Let s see.  Let s all sing together, are you fellas ready?  OK.  Here s a sony originally sung by Homer Simpson.  I will sing it once and then we will all sing it together.  OK, here goes:
 by Homer J. Simpson
 DO... the stuff... that buys me beer...
 RAY... the guy that sells me beer...
 ME... the guy... who drinks the beer,
 FAR... a long way to get beer...
 SO... I ll have another beer...
 LA... I ll have another beer...
 TEA... no thanks, I m drinking beer...
 That will bring us back to... (Looks into an empty glass) D OH!
 Campfire leader:  OK, all together now...
 DO... the stuff... that buys me beer...
 RAY... the guy that sells me beer...
 ME... the guy... who drinks the beer,
 FAR... a long way to get beer...
 SO... I ll have another beer...
 LA... I ll have another beer...
 TEA... no thanks, I m drinking beer...
 That will bring us back to... (Looks into an empty glass) D OH!
 Campfire leader:  Well, very good.  Now boys and girls, let s all have a drink.  Bottoms up!
 (Hck!)  Surfcal


QuoteORIGINAL:  Surfcal
 Campfire leader:  Hello boys and girls.  Welcome to tonight s campfire.  Let s see.  Let s all sing together, are you fellas ready?  OK.  Here s a sony originally sung by Homer Simpson.  I will sing it once and then we will all sing it together.  OK, here goes:
 by Homer J. Simpson
 DO... the stuff... that buys me beer...
 RAY... the guy that sells me beer...
 ME... the guy... who drinks the beer,
 FAR... a long way to get beer...
 SO... I ll have another beer...
 LA... I ll have another beer...
 TEA... no thanks, I m drinking beer...
 That will bring us back to... (Looks into an empty glass) D OH!
 Campfire leader:  OK, all together now...
 DO... the stuff... that buys me beer...
 RAY... the guy that sells me beer...
 ME... the guy... who drinks the beer,
 FAR... a long way to get beer...
 SO... I ll have another beer...
 LA... I ll have another beer...
 TEA... no thanks, I m drinking beer...
 That will bring us back to... (Looks into an empty glass) D OH!
 Campfire leader:  Well, very good.  Now boys and girls, let s all have a drink.  Bottoms up!
 (Hck!)  Surfcal

 I ve got my kazoo ready!