RE: " Wave n at da Beach" Nor-Cal Mini-Rally!

Started by otter, May 07, 2003, 01:09 AM

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Red neff Barchetta


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Whoohoo!  23 left!

 Nice work Jeff!  I m so sad that we can t attend this rally. [:(]  On the brighter side, SCC is now up and running!!!  [:D]  AND, they are having a rally that same weekend! [:D]  AND, TOS and I get to go for Thursday and Friday nights since it is only a 3 hour tour... I mean drive... instead of 8!  [:D]  Check it out:


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteDianne -
 If you are going to come up through Santa Rosa on Hwy. 101, then I ll give you detailed direction s from Santa Rosa to the rally when I see you soon.
 Even better would be to e-mail Dave and I m sure he ll give you perfect direction s since it s his neck of the wood s.
 Take care of her Dave. We almost lost her into the Delta at 8:30 at night!

 Thanks for the offer.  I will be in good hands with Lon-Daniel Boone-never-been-lost-in-his-life-ha-ha-ha-Otterby.  We were just looking at the map a few minutes ago and thinking 101 to Willets and then over looked better than 128 west to 1.  
 This looks a little more straight forward than the Delta.  Only one page of directions from Yahoo rather than 4 to delta.  
 I will never live that one down; nor will I ever forget it!.


QuoteTell Lon that the lunar eclipse is on Thursday night. I thought about saying hi to you this past weekend in Santa Cruz or at least leaving a card, but bypassed the town and went to Big Sur instead.
 Surfcal [/quote
 We wern t here! we were at the PowWow at Stanford Univ.
 but we are back now!
 Most family functions happen on the weekends and on the weekends when we don t have family things to do we go camping [:)]
 But keep trying to find us home.  Actually, we should just plan a time,  
 We are hoping to get to roaring camp on Fri and Monday of Memorial Day weekend to see CWB.  Maybe we could connect then.

gsm x2

Quote(Sits down, places head in hands, moans forlornly) Ah, jeeze! Thought I d fixed that. I changed robucko to a better site tonight after I talked to Linda on the phone and she said that site 27 was now open (it wasn t when I first started getting these sites, and it has E&W). Thanks again for catching that, Jeff.

 Dave--you are really doing a GREAT JOB with your first Wagon Master duties.  Pulling off the hardest trick which is leaving room for expansion, but not over committing on spaces.
 As far as keeping track of spaces...not to get upset if you mess up one or got Ray showing up Thursday night.  He s going grab someone else s site s mandatory and we d be disappointed if he didn t.  Of course his arrival in SLO will be hard to equal----3:00 a.m. AND in someone else s site.  Priceless.
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
Quoteit s mandatory and we d be disappointed if he didn t.

 Speak for yourself there TOS:  I ve had my claim jumped one too many times.  [:@]We even decided to go a day early to insure this one (and because we can[:)]);and Ray is going early...probably late Wed night allowing him a full range of choices for claim jumping.  I have my spies out however.  [8D][8D]

gsm x2

 it s mandatory and we d be disappointed if he didn t.
 Speak for yourself there TOS:

 OK--I d be disappointed.  In fact, I have a suggestion for Fort Bragg.  He could bring his popup and pickup.  He could put his PU in your site and his PU in SammySlaves site.  Ready to see Ray raise the bar.
 Just as long as he doesn t raise the bar by driving down to Temecula and stealing MY SITE.  [:@]
 gsm x2


 Red neff BarchettaHey guys,
 Sorry I haven t been active, but as I keep saying, I ve been busy living life when not working.  And I ve been working.
 I have not thought of another prank, may it be peculiar arrivals, sneak attack picture taking on TOS  camera, eating someone else s tri-tip, claiming the wrong site or any of the above.  But rest assured, one will happen, but you just can t force stuff like that to happen.  Creativity is a wonderful thing and a creative Rabble Rouse nirvana.
 It has to be a blend of spontaneity and of moment-by-moment inspiration.  If it was premeditated, then it s mean.  If it happens by chance and childlike innocence, then it s pure brilliance.  And along the way, I d like to thank my co-conspirators that have made some of the most memorable Rabble Rousing a reality.
 To CWB and Pete for the Tri-Tip event.  To TOS for the use of his camera, and Bee Cee & Tania for being there for the Picture of the Year.  For Sammyslave in getting all p*ssed off when I took his spot and then proceeded to take Calstate s spot and to everyone else that got affected by the ripples.  For TOS in jumping on my case when I created an imposter thread of the Great SLO Escape.  And for all those that have come to visit the secret NNC vacation thread...
 For all those and more, they are the shared experiences that p*ss you off at the moment, but ultimately, cherish in hindsight.
 Long live the RR s.


QuoteIt has to be a blend of spontaneity and of moment-by-moment inspiration. If it was premeditated, then it s mean. If it happens by chance and childlike innocence, then it s pure brilliance.

 Upon reflection, you are probabily right there Surf, so all the great plans I had for a midnight visit to your half-a-popup in June will be scrapped[;)][:D]

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff Barchetta22 days until Ab Diver s 2nd rally!
 He, he, I haven t even met the guy and I already enjoy rousing him.
 Btw Dave, you never answered my question asking if you or your co-worker s are allowed to acknowledge a certain Tom Hanks movie with a certain " other"  delivery service company in it and if you can watch it.  In case Big Brother " brown"  is monitoring you, you can simply reply in a post with a " 1"  for a yes, and a " 2"  for a no.

Ab Diver

 Red neff BarchettaHi All! Been a hectic few days, sorry I haven t been posting. Some family stuff had us a little preoccupied.
 Ok, catching up on a few things.... Scott, thanks for the vote of confidence, and I m quite sure His Coughness (Surfcal) will be the life of the party-- be it 3 PM or 3 AM.[;)] Don t get me wrong: a Rally without Surfcal would be like a day without sunshine.
 Jeff-- (eyes shift side to side, peeks around corner, and looks up to see if black(brown) helicopters are there again) Ummmm... 2 [:o]
 Although I *can* say we got a whole boatload of crap from a certain Jim Carry movie.[;)]
 I have received payment from a couple of you fine folks, and one aborted attempt from another person (my fault at my end). No rush or hurry, just letting you know I got your checks.
 The Road Less Traveled-- Or: How To Get There Without Getting Carsick [: (]
 Welcome to Mendocino County, where the only straight, flat, and level strip of man-made surface in the whole dang County is the local airport. You ve got three basic ways to reach Ft. Bragg. Well, there are others, but I ll keep it simple for the *less adventurous*. Driving up Hwy. 101 from the South, you can turn for the coast from one of three cities: Cloverdale (Hwy. 128), Ukiah (Hwy. 253), or Willits (Hwy. 20).
 *Most* of the truck traffic takes Hwy. 20, but be warned, it is 33 miles of " turn after turn after turn" . That s not to say it s not a good road, it just follows the terrain *very* closely. That said, taking Hwy 101 all the way to Willits, then taking Hwy. 20 to Ft. Bragg, is the fastest way to go. The grades are not as steep, so the trucks can handle them easier. But keep a plastic bag handy for the little ones in the back seat. (Been there, done that, got the messy T-shirt.)
 Hwy. 128 has a pretty rugged section just north of Cloverdale, with a series of switchbacks that give truckers the shakes. They are not a problem for our shorter TV/trailer combinations. Then it s a nice, but winding, road until you get to Boonville (Mile Marker 30). From there on it s all cheesecake and scenery to the coast, passing through the wine country of Anderson Valley, then through almost 13 miles of the Navarro River Redwoods State Park. Keep an eye to the left side of the road about mile marker 13.32, you ll see " The Old General" , an Old Growth veteran so battle-scarred from fire it was never cut down. It s one of the last Old growth trees along the highway. You ll also pass two campgrounds to keep in mind for future use: Hendy Woods (just after the town of Philo, 1/2 mile off Hwy. 128 on Greenwood Road. It s got some GREAT hiking trails through Old Growth Redwoods. You can see these huge trees across the river when you near a large road-side fruit stand called " Gowan s Oak Tree" ... about Mile Marker 21), and Paul Dimmick campground at Mile Marker 8.02 on Hwy. 128. Both of these have " dry"  campsites (no hookups), but the scenery is a real treat, and the Navarro River is neat for the kids to play in during the summer.
 Hwy. 253 starts off Hwy. 101 at Ukiah. I drive this road every day. It s got a steep, windy section at first, but then curves along the ridgetop, and then drops down into Boonville. Not too bad, but it will give your motor a workout getting up to the ridge. Then you follow the easy part of Hwy. 128 all the way to the coast. This is the way I will drive to the rally.
 From Ukiah, it s about an hour and 15 minutes to the coast taking 253/128, then about 1/2 hour up Hwy. 1 to Ft Bragg.
 Taking 101 to Willits, then Hwy. 20 to Ft. Bragg, is about 1-1/2 hours from Ukiah to Ft. Bragg.
 To me, it s a toss-up time-wise, but the scenery on 128 and Hwy. 1 is worth a few extra minutes. (It s been so long since I drove from directly Cloverdale to Boonville on 128, I don t wanna guess how long it takes. Try Mapquest, and add 10-15 minutes. [;)] )
 As for carsick kids, we ve found the best way to deal with it is keeping them engaged in activities of some sort: singing, word games, 20 questions, spot-the-" ________" , whatever it takes to keep their minds occupied and looking out the window. A child sitting in the back seat, reading a book, or simply not watching the scenery is more likely to get carsick. Over-the-counter medicines for motion sickness, or even ginger, can work wonders. I m not saying your kids *will* get carsick driving to this rally, just giving fair warning that our roads can have that effect on certain individuals. So come on Mom and Dad, keep your kids busy, and spend some *quality* road time with them. (It s also part of the reason I m not taking Hwy. 20 [:D] )
 Ok, that s about it for now. If anybody has a particular question, fire away!
 And for you " thread lurkers"  reading this, there s still a few extra sites. Come on, don t let those Rebels in the south throw a bigger " spontaneous Mini-Rally"  than us Yankees, and on the same weekend to boot. Join us for the fun! We ve got 7 families so far, and I think they have 8.  


 Red neff BarchettaThanks for the directions.  I have copied them and make the decision later.
 You are the wagonmaster par-excellence.

Ab Diver

21 days to go!!!

 Wow, three weeks and counting down!
 The ocean looked a little rough yesterday, all that wind we ve had for the last couple days. Hope it calms down this weekend, I m a-wantin  to get wet and grab some ab.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaWhoohoo!  This rally is so close I can almost smell it.

Hybrid Holly

 Red neff BarchettaHey Abdiver,
 I am toying with driving up on Saturday afternoon for one night.  If I do this, I will pull a Ray...or a Chelsea and Collin... and truck or tent camp.  If I decide to do this, should I get a site, or do you know if the camp ground has an extra car/extra person fee?