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RE: WELCOME Home Everyone

Started by SactoCampers, Jun 22, 2003, 10:05 PM

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The Memory Maker

QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Anybody else having problems with Scott s Photos,
 particulary the last one the Panoramic shot.
 it freezes up on my computer, and I can t look at any other webshots photos!!
 Otherwise great photos, including the group shot of 105 people, even if we are missing all of Nick s Family!!
 And can anyone find Conor in the photo???????[;)]
Sorry about the problems with the photos-
 The group shot is the same resolution as all of other shots(1280x960)
 The Pano is 1440x326 resolution
 I ve tested it on a number of programs and so far no problems(yes brian I cleared the Cache and erased the cookies for the test) of couse- always on a mac!

OC Campers

 gsm x2OC Campers made it home safe and sound.  Going home took 10 hours too.  
 We had a really nice time.  It was a lot of fun finally meeting all the people we correspond with on the internet.  The campground was really nice.  THANK YOU Brian and Jennifer for all your hard work as wagonmaster.  What a wonderful choice of rally sites.
 When we left this morning the only 3 families left were Otter, Ab Diver and I think Lute and Bonnie.  Unfortunately, we didn t get to meet everyone because of our unruley 2 year old.  A special thank you to Civil War Buff for the " stuff" .  Randy can t wait to install the new hitch!!   Thanks Ab Diver for rescuing our belongings from the sprinklers Monday afternoon.  It would of been a bummer with everything soaking wet.
 I know a lot of people didn t like the toxic pond and the noisy bullfrogs but I for one loved it.  My kids loved " frogging"  as they called it.  They were there every night trying to catch one and what a way to meet the other kids.
 All the food was great.  You never go away hungry at one of our rally s.
 It was so strange after everyone left.  It was kind of sad.  But wow, did it get quiet.  
 Dave thank you so much for flying out for our rally.  We really enjoyed meeting you.  
 P.S.  A pair of prescription sunglasses were left at our site.  I brought them home so if anyone is missing them send me an e-mail and I will mail them to you.

gsm x2

 gsm x2
QuoteP.S. A pair of prescription sunglasses were left at our site. I brought them home so if anyone is missing them send me an e-mail and I will mail them to you.

 I read this line and there was a sigh of relief at the computer behind me.  E-mail from G is forthcoming.  THANK YOU!!!
 gsm x2


 The Memory MakerI waited and waited all weekend for the big initiation test, NOW I figured it out.  The test is to see if I can figure out how to see the pictures (????).  LOL
 Really am I the only one who is having the problem.  I also lose the ability to see any other graphics.  WEIRD


 SurfcalWe re home, arriving 2pm today but had to go to work immediately, so not able to post till now.  Haven t had time to read through all the posts here yet, but want to jot down my thoughts while they re still fresh in my mind.
 That was the MOSTEST WONDERFULEST-EST time!  Words cannot express how much we enjoyed this rally!!!
 That RV park was superb, absolutely worthy of the high marks TL gave it.  What a treat to be given a big dog biscuit -- tied with ribbon -- for the dog instead of being charged an extra fee like most other places do.  Amen!
 " Rally Alley"  with its string of pop-ups (ahem) as far as the eye could see was a sight to behold.  We pretty much filled that section of the park, with our kids and dogs swarming the area.  How many kids were there?  Guesstimating 50 easily.   All kids and dogs seemed to get along fine.  Amazing how none were lost, and we all came home with the same ones we went with!  It seemed like every " older"  (over age 6?) were gone most of the time, running around with the other kids.  The smaller ones had to stay close to home.  We had one in each age group, and hardly saw the older one much.
 The weather was glorious.  The food was delicious and plentiful.  We made it (I was praying the entire way) and the truck and trailer performed flawlessly.  Everything couldn t have been better.  But above all, the friendships.  Oh, that camaraderie...  
 The best thing about this rally was walking up and down Rally Alley and waving to folks, or having them wave and call back.  There were pals EVERYWHERE!  It would take half an hour just to walk one-way because of stopping here  n  there to chat.  It didn t matter where you sat during the group meals: you had friend next to you.  It took a full hour after we arrived just to say " hello"  to people.  (Granted, we initially had a constant stream of curious onlookers.)  We made new friends and cemented old ones.  And AT LAST I got to meet my online buddies!  You know who y all are!
 On Sunday half the folks were gone, and on Saturday night most everyone retired early after a day of non-stop activity, but on Friday night there were constant pockets of people up and down Rally Alley, all mingling with each other.  This went on till midnight, and was so neat to experience.  (Wish I d taken a couple of pictures of that.)  Most of the guys were sampling Nick s infamous brew while I had my cuppa tea with me.
 In typical NNC style, Sacto s carefully laid-out map quickly went out the window.  The Quigs and Duanefamily realized that little kids and open water don t mix, so pulled a Surfcal and moved to different spots and -- again in true NNC style -- towed their PUs fully opened, with only the bed over the hitch shoved in.  I saw three cameras following the procession.  Of course, the Coughers they displaced had to take other sites.  AbDiver moved somewhere, so Abbear (what s with the " Ab"  prefix?) took his spot, etc. etc.
 I mentioned to TOS how perfect everything was, and there was only one thing lacking: Surfcal.  He agreed.  Surf, you were sorely missed.  We LOVED your video, though, and I took a copy.  Will send it to my family in HK to show them what it is we do and the folks we hang out with. ([:o])
 Oh, you folks who left on Sunday missed another potluck dinner.  Smaller than Saturday s, but still plenty of food, and just as much fun.
 I ve rambled on enough.  After a good shower and tonight s cuppa tea, I ll be back to read through all these posts.  Give me a few days for my pics, since I still do it the old-fashioned way: bring rolls in to be developed, then manually scan each photo.  Have 3 full rolls  worth.  [:D]
 Gosh, it was so nice to finally meet y all....  {{{{{{{NNCers}}}}}}}}

Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2
QuoteI must say a special THANK YOU to Jeff for giving us the fan that he won. That was very special. It was put into use right away.

 I was taught at an early age that the most important person to keep on their good side is the cook.  That is why I am especially nice to you, Larry/SammySlave, & Mike/Nick, lol.
 I am glad that you will use it and since I already have one, well, it just made sense to hand it over to you.  Enjoy!  Besides, Dave could just have easily pulled your site # from the lottery dish instead of mine.
 I just wish I had found the time to poke my head in your PU and check out your shelving system people were telling me to go check out.  Next time (which there will be plenty of).
 Welcome home almost everyone by now!  The only regret I have has been echoed by everyone else.  That is, there was not enough time to visit with anyone, but this rally was still great in its own large way.
 I sure wished we had stayed until Monday after the bleepin  start to this week I ve had.  Oh well, if I had stayed, then Monday would have been a total disaster at work instead of the semi-disaster I was able to be on hand for, lol.  It s all good though.  We head out again with the PU Friday morning!

The Memory Maker

QuoteORIGINAL:  RTurner
 I waited and waited all weekend for the big initiation test, NOW I figured it out.  The test is to see if I can figure out how to see the pictures (????).  LOL
 Really am I the only one who is having the problem.  I also lose the ability to see any other graphics.  WEIRD

 check your e-mail for a response


 The Memory Maker
QuoteORIGINAL:  The Memory Maker
QuoteORIGINAL:  RTurner
 I waited and waited all weekend for the big initiation test, NOW I figured it out.  The test is to see if I can figure out how to see the pictures (????).  LOL
 Really am I the only one who is having the problem.  I also lose the ability to see any other graphics.  WEIRD

 check your e-mail for a response
Hey now TMM...don t be so SECRETIVE...I have the same problem![:(] I want the email too!

Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2Wwhhhaaaaaa!  Me too!!!!
 Unless you want a memory you won t soon forget Mr. Man.
 " I see blurry people"


 SurfcalYes, a big THANK YOU to Sacto for organizing this mammoth event.  (He refused to take any credit, though.  " All I did was......." )  And another big THANK YOU to all who hosted the events.  Saturday s line-up made the rally so very extra special.  And to Moose for making those signs, which were a lifesaver when it came to seeing who was who.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!
 Thanks also to " THEEE Dave,"  as he was being called, for flying across the country to join us.  Had no idea, and was totally stunned that THEEE Dave was right next to us!  Heard many people mention what a nice guy he is.  It was funny that with endless PUs all over the place, the (co)founder of PUT was sandwiched between two hardsides, LOL!
 Kevin, you re right, the entire weekend was a miserable failure.  Surf didn t miss a thing.  (BTW, please tell Margaret how much I enjoyed finally meeting her.  Am going to kick myself if I didn t get a picture of her, which I suspect is what happened.)  Hey, what do you mean you re " heading for for another week of camping" ????  I thought you tore yourself away from us because you had to go to work!
 Yes, good to finally meet Robucko too, if only briefly.  An honor to meet NNC s " founding fathers" .
 Sacto, I m how you imagined?  Uh-oh!  ROFL!  You all were pretty much how you come across on the board; no surprises there.  Yes, not only got the awning up, but back down as well, with no incident.  Whew!  And yes, it was Rebec who made that disgusting, mountainous concoction of " gack" .  Even more disgusting was that Mike actually ate it AND ENJOYED IT!!!  (My teeth are developing cavities at the mere thought of it!)
 What do you mean " Ralph made a couple more batches of french fries" ???  I never got to see a single one!  (Single fry, let alone batch.  They must have disappeared before they hit the table!)  And what snocones from Otter???  Oh man, where were we?
 Not first 30 minutes, more like first 5 minutes when you lost us.  We weren t about to follow you guys and try to pull The Monstrosity through Main Street, Sutter Creek, LOL!  Thought we d pass you while you all stopped for gas, and that you d catch up with us along the 5.  Did you caravaners take the 5 or the 99 down?
 I didn t have any photo problems with anyone s photos, but take a look at the big group shot from TMM.... just what are Naomi and Mike doing?  Geez Louise, can t you wait for a little privacy back at your PU??? [;)]  (That is Duanefamily, yes/no?)
 Must comment on the next generation of the Ha Ha Sisterhood, already in training.  Baby Clueless comes instantly to mind.  And her mother, introducing herself with " Hi, I m Clueless" . [8D]
 Love it!
 Finally changed my signature; a bittersweet moment.  It was weird to see all of Cottonwood s cousins, yet not step into one. [:(]  But it sure was nice to have " No Way"  (the name we ve given the trailer).  Arrived home more rested/less tired after these 5 nights out than after many 2-night weekends in C wood. [:)]


Red neff Barchetta

 g-whizGreat pic s. Scott & Georgeanne!
 Thanks for sharing.


 g-whizI was great getting to meet so many more of the NNC ers, and Surfcal, if you haven t figured it out yet, you were really missed.  6Quigs was going to steal our site in your honor, but Brian wouldn t let him.
 See you all soon!


 gsm x2Well, it s hard for us to add any more to this discussion that hasn t already been said.  Like everyone else, we had a wonderful time and we thank you all for the hospitality you extended to us " first-timers."
 This was our first " Official"  Rally, although we were at the first rally at Bodega Bay but didn t know it.  Gwyneth and I had scheduled ourselves into Bodega Dunes for the same weekend on our own, not knowing that many of you would be there.  After chatting with some of you at BD, we vowed to make the next rally... and, as Scott (gsmx2) said to me, ..." ... and here you are!"
 I offer a special thanks to my camping neighbors who extended themselves to make us feel welcome to this rally (and, by the way, we re looking to see if Tahoe fits into our schedule for seeing you folks again): specificially, gsmx2 and g-whiz, Champ521, SammySlave, Oldmoose, and Clueless.  Also, thanks to 6Quigs (with whom Gwyneth and Kevin share Dublin birth-roots and daughters who share what is, in this country, a very unique name), and CWB.   And Moose and Moosette, what a great Dutch oven seminar you put on ... you don t know how much I learned (even though my cornbread turned out like soup tonight after 1 hour of cooking per the recipe instructions... ok, obviously I have more to learn...)
 I could go on with thanks to CA_Girl_001 and her friend Sheila, Nick, PtownPopuup, and SactoCamper for stopping by our site and chatting a bit.  And, Brian, a special " thank you"  for selecting a great site to host a group this size ... ya done good and I m very impressed.  (Brian: by the way, we were one of probably three folks who put up a chili for the dinner Saturday night, and ours was in a very large 12-quart stock pot:  needless to say, we re still enjoying the chili and hope that it was the chili you enjoyed as well.  We had some of the other chilis and found them to be excellent as well, so who   And getting The Big Guy from Popup Times to join us... now that s a hoot (thanks, Dave, for joining us and seeing what this group is all about!).
 There are many more of you that Gwyneth and I met and whose company we enjoyed, but I believe in keeping these posts short and simple... so, let me finish by saying, simply:  We ll see you at the next rally!
 Dennis and Gwyneth
 1995 Coleman Cedar
 2001 Toyota Tacoma


 gsm x2What can I say, that hasn t already been said and repeated twice?  I should have known, when we arrived and discovered that 6Quigs had stolen our assigned spot and placed us next to an emerald green toxic waste site.  Welcome to NICK-NEFF-COUGH!!.  It is hard to describe, although we had only met a handful of these folks on a cold weekend in Bodega was like coming home to old friends.
 Alyssa and I really enjoyed our weekend, although we wished Martha could have been there to enjoy the experience.  It was a great weekend and we hope to attend another rally soon.
 Thanks Brian, for organizing the event and picking a great rally site.  It was great to meet old friends and make new.  It was so many people......not enough time.