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RE: WELCOME Home Everyone

Started by SactoCampers, Jun 22, 2003, 10:05 PM

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 g-whizThanks to Dave
 for this website and the opportunity for all of us to meet each other.  
 What a wonderfully wacky group.  [:D][:D]
 Doyou know that after the exodus on Sunday there were 15 NNC/SCers still there?  Now that is larger than most rallies.  In true NNC form we did a lot of pot lucking and tending to each others sites. (the sprinklers resummed on Monday).
 We stayed till Tuesday along with OC s, AB s and Lute and Bonnie + grandkids.  
 It was sooooooooooooo quiet.  
 I too enjoyed the fountain  and the frogs.  When you can t have crickets, frogs are great.  The pool facilities were fantastic too. I used them every day. It was a great place for such a large rally.  Thanks Brian for finding it and doing the organizing. As I said to many, I don t have anouther group in my life with which I laugh so much.  Laughter is so good for us.  Thanks to allt he kdis and all the adults who give me such a chuckle.
 Ray:  You were missed.  Every minute of every day we kept expecting you to  pop-in .  The video is a trip.  Rita is a hit!
 Until the next rally
 Again, To Dave Newhouse: Thanks for making all this possible.

Ab Diver

 sammyslaveWow, lots to catch up on! The Ab Diver s finally made it home. We stayed a couple extra days and did some sightseeing and underground adventures. If you ever get the chance to visit the " Black Chasm"  cave, go for it. Totally awesome!
 It seems I can only be redundant at this point: Surfcal, you were sorely missed. Thanks so much for the video, Buddy. (Remind me never to get into a pop-up set-up race with you. Man, I don t know what you were on, but I could use some of that for yard work [;)] ).
 Personal Emotional highs: Just being there and seeing old and new friends. Watching my kids play with your kids. Experiencing the *Thrill of the (Frog)Hunt* through young eyes. Sharing a laugh about a favorite thread. Talking " Guy Stuff" , and then hugging that guy without worrying that it looks *sissy*. [;)] Seeing (and hearing) the Ha-Ha s in action. Pulling into the campground and seeing people and different RV s as far as I could see, while knowing they all belonged to " our"  group. Unexpectedly meeting Dave from PUT. (Many thanks to our PUT sponsors for the rally gifts, Dave!) Seeing robucko walk over and say hi (almost thought I d seen a ghost [:o] Jerry, good luck with the operation, ol  buddy!). Seeing the Bodega veterans again after all this time, and seeing the Cleone Rally gang again so soon.
 Personal low: missing Friday. It really made the rally short for us. I didn t get near enough time (if at all) to talk with many of you.
 Ok, so I needed to do something different since I m the last guy to check in, and anything I wrote would only echo the previous 4 pages of accolades for Wagonmaster Brian s " Gold Rush Rally" . (Thanks again for your kindness, Brian. You know what I m talking about.) I really, REALLY had a great time with all of you at the Rally, and so I jotted down this little ditty tonight. Ok, great poetry it s not, but I m beat and it s the best I could do on short notice.  Hope you like it.
Ode to the Gold Rush Rally

 From a simple beginning
 at Bodega last year
 The Gold Rush Rally takes place
 formed of friends with good cheer.
 A year in the making-
 other rallies we d hold
 but none would compare
 to the Rally of Gold.
 From the members of PUT
 two clubs have been born:
 with no loyalties torn.
 For as friends we have come
 from all over the State,
 it s our largest convention
 of campers to date.
 Old friends meet again
 and new friends meet at last
 filled with trust and affection
 that s a scene from the past.
 Yes, we ve come to discover
 RV tips, tricks, and such--
 but to see only this
 would be missing so much.
 Food abounds at each meal,
 but the favorite dish
 is the one we call " Friendship"
 and what more could you wish?
 Children play with each other
 and their parents all know
 there is no safer place
 for their children to go.
 Friends can hug without fear
 that it looks out of place
 for these feelings expressed
 have a most honest face.
 As our Rally continues
 till the weekend is past
 splendid times will be shared
 till we part here at last.
 So this I can say
 and it comes from the heart
 I will always remember
 that of which I was part:
 A great gathering of friends
 where our hearts were so free
 at the Great Gold Rush Rally
 of Two Thousand and Three!

Red neff Barchetta

 sammyslaveDamn Dave!
 That makes me want to embrace you mightly buddy.
 (backs away, puffing chest, " How  bout them Giants huh?  Gotta swap out my engine this afternoon, etc., etc." )
 I barely saw you at this rally!  Good thing I got to know you and your terrific family 2 weeks earlier.


 Ab Diver::::sniffing, applauding wildly, wiping tear away, applauding even more::::
 [image][/image]  [image][/image]
 Dave, when I get around to scrapping my rally photos, I d like to include your poem on the layout, if that s OK with you.  Wow!

OC Campers

 sammyslaveWOW!!!  What a poem Dave.  I would call it more then a ditty.  If you were still camped next to us, I would give you a hug.  So here it goes, (((((((((((((hug))))))))
 thanks for being a wonderful rally neighbor.  What a perfect ending to a perfect weekend with friends.

Red neff Barchetta

 sammyslaveJacqui -
 How was West Sacramento?  Any new news on the job front?


 sammyslaveFinally got my pics developed, scanned, uploaded, and labeled.  (Yes, it s 1:30 a.m. now!)  Included is a photo of the Ha-Ha Sisterhood, Calstate s piggyback dogs, the infamous construction crew about to " fix"  our new trailer, and even the " Taj Mahal" .  Tracy, I have about as many pics of Alison as I do of our own girls!  TOS and CWB looked too sane in that first picture I snapped of them, so they remedied that situation in the next picture.  (Watch that hand!)  Picture #33 (not numbered; start counting) desperately needs a caption.  I leave it to your imaginations!  
 Click --> [link=]51 Photos[/link]


 CottonwooderThanks for sharing ~Patricia~
 Cool, now I can go to bed!!

gsm x2

 Might I suggest:
 gsm x2 is either enthusiastically introducing SurfCal s video or getting ready to release one of his hefty sneezes.
 gsm x2


 sammyslaveGreat poem Dave! I ll give you a hug anyday [:)]. So, how  bout them GIANTS? [8D].

OC Campers

 sammyslaveThanks for asking Jeff.  Everything is still a go.  We are just waiting for all the final details (like money).
 Well we went to West Sac (Natomas) and loved the homes, even found one we would of bought.  Then I came home and checked the school district and their # s.  Needless to say we will not be moving to Natomas.  Out of a rating of 10, Natomas ranked a 3.  UGH!!!  Now we are back to square one.  I know you guys will BOO us but we may go back and look at Roseville again.  According to Randy s new boss, it would only be a 30 minute commute.  Plus a lot of his driving will be around that area.  We are also going to take a good hard look at Folsom.  They also have one of the best school districts (from what I found).  Thank goodness for the internet.
 We should know more the middle of July.
 Thank you to everyone for their helpful advice.  It really helps to have friends that know the area.


 sammyslaveAll day today I keep thinking " This time last week we were having that huge breakfast... this time last week the kids were making gack... this time last week The Mooses were performing their Dutch oven magic... this time last week... this time last week..."

Tracy and David

 sammyslaveI know what you mean, Patricia!  
 At least I m in the position of thinking, " This time next week, we ll be at the pool at Vail Lakes, and This time next week, we ll be watching the Wild West show, or doing the family karaoke, or listening to the concert, or any of the other activities the cg has planned for the 4th!"


 Tracy and DavidHey Tracy, there you are!  Be sure to look at my photos, since Alison s in a lot of them, OK?
 Hope the others haven t deserted this board yet, as I snapped pictures of a bunch of you.  [:)]