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Started by Ca-girl, Jun 25, 2003, 12:29 PM

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 Ab DiverWhere s all the Excitement?
 Who wants to make the call 5 Days left?
 Guess people are not too pumped up about this weekend?
 No Worries,
 cuz this time next week,
 you will all be home from the rally,
 popup put away,
 laundry done,
 While the 6 Quigs will be set up at Seacliff,
 for another wonderful week of camping by the ocean[8D]
 Oh Yea score is
 Kevin 7
 Scott 4
 Holly 3
 Neff 0
 Ab 0
 and Scotts beer is fair game for anyone to steal on the weekend[;)]

Ab Diver

QuoteORIGINAL:  6Quigs
 Oh Yea score is
 Kevin 7
 Scott 4
 Holly 3
 Neff 0
 Ab 0
 and Scotts beer is fair game for anyone to steal on the weekend[;)]

 Kev, ya gotta leave me out of this countdown as a point of parlimentary procedure. As much as I would like to partake, my pop-up is still exactly where and how I left it when we got back from the Gold Rush Rally. Since I ain t up to camping yet, I feel it only fair that I should not be in competition on the countdown with those of you who are actually GOING to Mount Madonna. Now, as for Neff s lame excuse on a big fat " ZERO"  for the countdown, well, ya got me on that one.[;)]
 Hey, I did actually make a walk around our whole block this morning, so that s progress, ain t it?[:D] Give me some time, and I ll be back into the swing of things ASAP.

 Ab Diver4 days left (3 for some)
 /s/ Holly Hybrid


 Hybrid HollyDon t forget that Saturday night pot luck is appitizers.

 NickPulllllllllease!  Someone take site 116B!  


 Hybrid HollyDuanefamily..just sent you an email.

Red neff Barchetta

 Hybrid HollyHey all,
 Have fun this w/e!!  I ll be thinking of you and I m sure you all won t be thinking of me, lol.
 If 2 different PU ers approach you this w/e, be nice to them, lol.  I just sent them your way to say hello, drink your beer, and eat your food.
 Actually, I just told them over on PUX that you would be at Mt. Madonna this w/e as they were discussing the cg.  I think they have an  02 Niagara and an  03 Cottonwood.


QuoteDuanefamily..just sent you an email.

 Got it, thanks!


 Hybrid HollyFinal check in..I need to know when everyone is coming so that I can do a final tweak on the reservations..please post your plans on this board.


 Hybrid HollyHey Larry,
 Michele and I will arrive Thursday
 My parents on Friday.
 Richard and Bea on Friday
 Dave on Friday.  Both Rich and Dave made their own reservation though.

Ab Diver

 Hybrid HollyWhaaaaaaaa.... (sniff, whimper) Would that it were possible, Larry. I hope you, Rita, and everybody else attending has a wonderful time.


 sammyslaveThe current plan is for the 6Quigs to arrive at 2:03 PM on Friday[&:]


 Ab DiverWell I can not be as spcific as The quigs (2:03)
 but we are shooting for 4:20ish on THURSDAY.
 See ya soon.[:)]

Hybrid Holly

 Ab DiverHolly and the dogs (no Pete, this trip) will arrive Friday before noon.

Clueless in Sacremento

 We will be arriving Thusday around 3:00 p.m.