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Started by Cottonwooder, Jul 03, 2003, 07:44 PM

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 g-whizWhen something tragic happens to a sports team member, is teammates will do something to show solidarity. They may shave their heads, or wear a pin, or write something on their shoes, etc. So, to show Dave our support I think we should all do something special to let him know he s still in our thoughts all the way until he pulls through this. Since this is our message board, our means are limited, but I ll start:
 What can brown do for you? [:)]
 Get well Dave.

Red neff Barchetta

QuoteWhat can brown do for you?

 Re-direct my Socket Jenie to Bejing and make me track it down!
 (I sure hope Brian wanted us to make Dave laugh)
 We re thinking about you Dave!  Can t wait to see a post from you!


QuoteWhat can brown do for you?

 Brown is much loved by thousands of scrapbookers nationwide.  Any time Brown brings me a box full of scrapping supplies, why, I m a " happy camper" !  [:D]
 Dave, glad to hear you re improving, but geez, sorry to hear what a nasty, tenacious thing this is!  You take good care of yourself, OK?  We re rooting for ya!   [:)]
 (BTW, did anyone notice the time of Sacto s post?  Either he s working darn late today or, by golly, Dave actually got him to this message board at nighttime!)

gsm x2

QuoteWhat can brown do for you?  

 It s a great color for carpet, auto upholstery, or anything thing else that needs to hide dirt well.  That s what brown can do for me.
 gsm x2

Ab Diver

 RobuckoHi everybody-- it s me this time, Ab Diver Davie. I can t express in words how much your concern and posts on this forum, as well as your emails and phone calls, have meant to me. I m truly honored to have a circle of friends around me consisting of such fine and exemplary people. It s a very humbling experience.
 That said--- My last post was almost two weeks ago. It was the poem in Surfcal s " Welcome Home"  thread. (Glad you all liked it. And Patricia-- that you would consider including it in your scrapbook is the highest compliment you could have given me... Thank You, and permission granted.) I was pretty tired while breaking camp Wednesday morning, and the drive home really took it out of me. I said I was pretty beat when I wrote that poem, but I had no idea just how *beat* I really was.
 The next morning found me unable to get out of bed, and Tylenol was a mere candle in the wind compared to the raging storm in my head. A call to my personal doc gave me a kick-butt pain killer that fell flat on it s face against this bug. The typical " It hurts from my toes all the way up to my hair, Doc" . So a trip to the hospital the next day had the ER team scratching their heads and thinking possible viral meningitis. It took enough morphine to *dull* the pain (notice I didn t say *eliminate*) that one nurse said if I d been trying to fake the pain, with that much morphine in me, they d have been doing my breathing for me by machine. Lot s of blood work, a CAT-scan, a spinal tap, and still nothing showed up. They sent me home with a bottle of Percocette that should have knocked out a horse, but didn t touch the pain.  Let s just say the rest of the weekend wasn t much fun.
 Meanwhile, other people are showing up in our county with the same exact symptoms, and the same exact inability for pain medication to have any effect. (I mean same symptoms, same lack of response to pain meds, same test results, the whole nine yards.) I suffered through a few more days, and finally got authorization of an MRI *and* an MRA. Everything shows up normal (Thank God).
 So, final score-- Headache: *1*    Medical Science: *0*    The good news is this: All s clear, as far as medical science in concerned. I have no brain tumor, no aneurysm, no arterial problems, no weird blood disease, no meningitis (bacterial or viral), no fever (although constant cold sweats and chills), etc, etc.... just one hell of a headache that has no discernable cause, but is quite capable of kicking the living daylights out of any pain medication known to modern science this side of a morphine drip. And I m not alone, as others have been going through this same thing. It seems to take about two weeks before it just runs out of steam, or the body finally beats it. Whatever it is/was, the good news is I feel like I m on the upswing. It may take a few more days, but " I ll be back" .
 Final straw: This was the week of our family retreat up in the Sierra s at Antelope Lake. I ve been looking forward to this trip all year. As the rest of my extended family came over to borrow our camping gear for the trip ( my kayaks, some tarps, camp stoves, camp chairs, etc., and even (gasp!) *The Grill*), I felt like a poor old hound dog chained to the front porch, knowing his master was going on " The Big Hunt" , and for the first time, he wasn t allowed to go on the trip.
 About this time, somebody in the back row mumbles " Ok, Ab Diver, quit cryin  in yer camp coffee... ya ain t in the ground yet, and there s gunna be camp n trips a plenty in da years ta come! Get over it, and start postin  again!"
 Sounds like good advice. You guys aren t rid of me yet. But this post has tired me out a bit. Gimmee a couple days to get back in the swing of things,  kay?
 Take care all,


 RobuckoHey Dave,
 Glad to see you back and feeling a bit better.

 NickI too am glad to see you have recovered enough to type.  Hope you feel 100% soon.
 AKA Jon


 Ab Diver[:D] Dave, I m VERY happy and relieved to see a post from you.  I m also very happy that you are getting back to " normal" .  Whatever that might mean!! [;)]  Take it easy... no need to rush.  Remember, we heal while sleeping.  I ll be looking forward to you " back in the swing of things"  very soon.


 is all I need to say
 I m glad you are Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.


 NickI second ALL those emotions.....I m so glad to hear you re feeling better Dave!


  Glad to see you up and around.Take care of yourself.Don t be in a huury to get back into things.

gsm x2

 Sorry your gear got to attend the family gathering but you didn t.  Still like you said, you re on the right side of the grass, so there will be other years.
 Rest, relax and drink plenty of water.
 Dr. Gsm x2


 Ab DiverDave, good to hear from you yourself!  But wow, I can t even imagine pain like that.  (OK, other than the time Karen was on the way out, and I wanted to tell the doctor to push her back up and just cut me open, but couldn t even speak because of the pain...)
 Off to bed with you, now.  Rest up, recover, and we ll see you back on the boards soon!  Prayers being sent for your recovery, and for the family too.  It can t be easy for them to see Dad knocked out like this.


 NickYikes!  Dave, that s scary!  I m glad that you re on the upswing, but don t rush it so that you have a relapse!
 If it s any consolation, I just came back from DH s family reunion in Rhode Island that was absolutely dreadful!  (that was why I couldn t go to Gold Rush[>:])   Maybe missing your family reunion will turn out to be a good thing!  Of course, I guess that only works if you ve got a family like my DH... [;)]  Sorry, just trying to find the silver lining. [:)]  I ll go now...


 NickAB DIver, I didn t even know what you went thru ! Hope all is back to normal by now.