RE: " I Scream Rally" Collins Lake Oct. 10-12

Started by SactoCampers, Jul 10, 2003, 05:08 PM

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 Hybrid Holly
QuoteDon t stress Michelle, there is really not that much to do once we are all at the campground. We will be there on Friday morning, so let me know if there is anything you want me do do.

 I know once we get there I will de-stress a bit, but this week is extremely busy and my husband is out of town for the next 3 days too!  
 As for activities, I think Pumpkin Carving and breakfast/dinner potlucks on Saturday are the only things planned.  So where will the " kitchen"  be???
 We may try to bring fishing poles for the kids so they can go fishing, they would enjoy that.  Also, my sister and her family are going to come visit on Saturday.  So one more BOY (pre-teen) to add to the group!!!


 pcmomCan you say STRESS!!!!  My husband just called and told me that he will probably be in San Jose all week and not coming home Wednesday night as planned.  So, it means I will be packing up and bringing the kids and trailer by myself on Friday!!  He will just meet us there late Friday night.  I guess I shouldn t stress about it but with my schedule this week, this is one more thing I didn t need.  Oh well, if I can pack the trailer and pull it to Salt Lake City by myself, going to Collins Lake should be a breeze.........
 Ohhhh Madelyn, are you going to be making your famous margaritas???  I may need one by the time I get there on Friday[:D][:D][:D][:D]


 pcmomHi Michelle,
 Never fear, in 90 hours you will be sitting by the lake, relaxing and drinking some adult beverage.  You are way better than me, I CANT/WONT/HAVENT ever towed a travel trailer, and I am scared to death to do it.  So, pack up, hook up and head out. GO GIRL!!!!!!!


2 days for Thursday arrivals (US)
 3 days for Friday arrivals
 Well, it looks like several of the kids are around the same age so they should all have a great time.  We are telling our son to bring the bikes for the kids.  I think the pumpkin carving would be great.  I have some patterns I ll copy today and bring them along.  As far as where we should all gather, we can just wing it.  PCMom, if you get your stove, then it will probably be at your place and you are, sort of, centered within the spread-out group.  Just remember, all of you will need to swing by our space (#128) because Abbear and us will be at the other end of the loop and Sal can t walk much with his bad legs.  If Management doesn t rent out space #126, where Tthe Memory Maker was supposed to be, maybe we can use that site as the gathering area?  Who knows, we can decide when folks get there on Friday.
 As I stated earlier, Sal will be taking the grandkids fishing so we can coordinate something with the others also.  I don t know if Sal will get much fishing done himself with the kids around, but he will also be fishing.
 I m SOOOOO ready to go camping.  Buddy, our big dog, knows somehting is going on because we are loading things into the trailer.  He is following us all over the place to make sure he is not left behind.  We have not mentioned the big " C"  word yet because once we say " are we going camping"  he gets all excited and won t leave us alone.
 I also said earlier, that I have a bunch of bacon for the breakfast potluck on Saturday morning and I will be bringing " Not Yo Mama s Banana Pudding"  for the Dinner pot-luck Saturday night.

Clueless in Sacremento

QuoteOhhhh Madelyn, are you going to be making your famous margaritas??? I may need one by the time I get there on Friday    

 I ll have an extra special one with your name on it waitng for you!!  By the way, I will be making french toast Saturday morning and tri tip and french fries (actually Ralph will be making the fries) for Saturday nite.


QuoteBy the way, I will be making french toast Saturday morning and tri tip and french fries (actually Ralph will be making the fries) for Saturday nite.

 BOY, three of the greatest things on earth! [:D][:D][:D]I might have to sneak on up their for dinner/breakfast. [:)]We won t be going to this one[:@] so EVERYONE HAVE A SAFE TRIP![:)]


1 day for Thursday arrivals (US)!
 2 days for Friday arrivals
 YIPPEE, going camping, going camping![:D]
 SCCS, that was a FLIP!
 Don t know what time we will get out of Sacramento tomorrow, but we will be up there when you all arrive on Friday.  See you then.


 SCCSWe are going out the door. See you all when you get there,
 and everyone drive safe.


 SCCSJust a reminder. All sites are water and electricity only. No sewer. So bring your totes.


 calstate360Since the Calstates are already at Collins Lake, I guess I better do the final countdown:  
   1 day till it s camping time!!
 So the kids and I are coming tomorrow sometime......time depends on how long it takes me to get everything packed[:D]  I m hoping to leave between Noon and 3:00 pm.  Steve will meet us there Friday night (hopefully - although it could be Saturday)
 Have a safe drive everyone!!  See you tomorrow!!


 I am almost ready-trailer packed, hooked to truck, locked and loaded.  DH will drive it to work (he is just below Marysville) and go up after work.  I will head up in the afternoon (hope to arrive before dinner time).
 Those who are left-Don t forget the pumpkins
 Looking forward to seeing everyone in 19 hours!!!!!!


 RTurnerHave a great weekend everyone.
 Wish we were going.
 It s bloody raining down here in San Diego this morning[&:]


 Well, I always think that the beauty of spontaneity is being able to experience the unexpected.  I pried myself away from work for a short moment to attend the " I Scream Rally"  at Collins Lake and even I didn t expect to be able to attend.  From the veterans, to the newish members to the newbies of NNC, there we were all gathered.
 There was the usual hilarity and the RR s.  Pete finally found out who the instigator was of the infamous " Go Kings"  paper plate sign that caused him and everybody else so much grief.  Bee Cee got the full story of how we stole a shot of the Full Monty.
 As usual, there were kids galore and on Saturday, they were gathered by the dozens carving pumpkins.  It wouldn t be a NNC rally without the dogs and sometimes the place looks like a kennel.  It reminds me of the song, " who let the dogs out."
 But the one element that struck me was, in the whole group, there was only one pop-up, ONE!  There rest were hybrids and TT s.  I only brought my pickup truck and that can qualify as a hard side.  Bee Cee and company was the only group in a pop-up.  Can you imagine that?  A pop-up rally that barely had pop-ups.  It is shifting.
 I was in and out of there, arrived on Friday night at around 8:30 pm and was out of there Saturday at around 4:00 pm.  Can I tell you that the Friday traffic out of San Francisco to the Sacramento area is absolutely miserable?  I ve taken shorter flights from San Francisco to New York than it took me to get to Collins Lake from the Bay Bridge.
 Glad to meet the new folks.  It s the new members that continue to breath new life into the organization for it weren t for them, the continuation of the NNC would not have such a solid momentum.  Just look at the attendance list.  And to PCMom, thanks for Wagonmastering.  You ve joined an elite group of NNC.  And hooray to mini-rallies, they are the best forums.
 And, we continue to fulfill the three fundamental F s of the group.  Good Food, great Fun and the best Folks all around.
 And if you ever go to Collins Lake, don t miss the ice cream treat at the store.  It would be a huge mistake if you do.
 Well, it was great sharing a campground with you all.
 (edited as a tribute to Sactocampers)
 Vote here:

Red neff Barchetta

 Thanks for the review.  What s a veteran Bay Area resident like you leaving for Sac. in the afternoon on a Friday?!  That traffic sounds horrible!!
 Glad to hear the usual RR ing was going on.
 I just checked the November rally s attendance list;
 3 out of 5 have PU s, ... so far.
 Glad you had a good time.

Ab Diver

 SCCSVrrrrooommmm!...... schrrrrreeeech!...... rat-a-tat-tat-tat-tat-tatttt!..... vrrrooooommmm!
 Another rally falls victim to a Surfcal (call me Al) drive-by. [;)]
 Thanks for the commentary, Ray. Any chance you can help us knock off the Casini Ranch next month?