RE: " I Scream Rally" Collins Lake Oct. 10-12

Started by SactoCampers, Jul 10, 2003, 05:08 PM

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 RTurnerThis could get interesting......  I told Simon that there was a " girl"  that just didn t know what was going on and couldn t/wouldn t make the reservations.  He said that it could be any one of 20 people that answer the phone - but he is going to spread the word so EVERYONE knows what to do.  I guess I have just gotten lucky and have talked to Simon everytime[8D]

QuoteWould any others want to go in on a patio boat for the day?
Yes Rojana,
 (our activities director for the weekend,)
 We would be willing to share the cost of a Patio Boat for the Saturday.


 GuestThat was me pulling an Otter[&:]

Hybrid Holly

 The Memory Maker
QuoteSo " HybridHollly"  do you want 122 or 109 or both  You might want to call them and clear up the confusion. Hey, if you don t want 109, then RTurner can change theirs to 109 instead of 108  

 I reserved site 122....don t know anything about 109.....  I talked to the " guy" ...
 So Michelle, if you talk to them, you can tell them I only reserved 122......or do you want me to call them?


 Hybrid Holly
QuoteORIGINAL:  Hybrid Holly
 I reserved site 122....don t know anything about 109.....  I talked to the " guy" ...
 So Michelle, if you talk to them, you can tell them I only reserved 122......or do you want me to call them?

 You might want to call them just in case they billed you for 2 deposits - who knows what is going on there [&:]


 The Memory MakerMichelle, As soon as the reservation desk opens up this morning I m going to try to change our site to 128.  Not being very computer literate, I didn t realize that you could click on the site and get the description.  The one I picked, 112, is not long enough for our trailer.  SOOO that opens up site 112 to anyone else.  I will post again to confirm.  THANKS
 8:05 a.m., I just called and changed our site to 128.  Kathy confirmed it.  She didn t want to give it to me at first until I told her that all the sites were reserved under VanGent and we were PICKING/changing our site.   PICKING might be the key word here so they don t get confused.  GOOD LUCK to the rest of you!


 The Memory MakerJust called and picked 110.

Hybrid Holly

 The Memory MakerOkay, 109 should now be available....
 It did have a deposit on it, they are checking to see if they charged me a double deposit or not.


 The Memory MakerPcMom,
 I just reserved site 111 for our family.  Or at least I thing I did!  
 Thanks for taking on the responsibility for this group.  It will be my 4th attempt to attend a rally, and probably my first successful one (as long as I don t get any more unexpected business trips.[:@])


 The Memory MakerOkay...I just reserved site 109.  It was rather painless.....maybe because I started with......" There s a whole group camping there in October - they ve reserved a bunch of sites and I m supposed to call to pick which one I want...."  I think they re getting it now [:)]


 The Memory MakerCool Tania-We will be neighbors this rally!  Will the Ca-girl teen be with you for that trip?  We should have our teen with us that trip.


 The Memory MakerI was just wondering where every one would be so I did this:
 109-CA Girl
 115-Clueless in Sacramento
 116-pcmom (wagonmaster)
 122-Hybrid Holly
 124-Red neff Barchetta
 126-The Memory Maker
 Is this right? Plenty of great sites left.


QuoteLakefront sites $35/night: 114, 128
 Non-Lakefront sites $29/night:  103, 105, 106, 107, 120, 127, 129

 See map at:
 Each person will need to call Collins Lake directly to reserve their specific site (from above).  1-800-286-0576
 When you call, tell them to look at the reservation under " Van Gent"  (my last name) and then to look in the " COMMENTS"  section. This states to allow others to reserve sites not already taken within the 20.

 Listed above the sites that are still available.
 CKkevin -  Thanks for posting the update on who has which sites.  I also have this info posted on page 1 of this forum - I ve been updating my original post to reflect the current status.
 Nick - have you called and picked a site yet?  Also, is it you or SactoCampers  that update the web site?  It would be nice to have who is attending and their site # s updated.
 Anyone else interested in coming??  I have to call on Monday to ask/beg them to continued to hold the extra sites without a deposit.  If I put a deposit down for these 9 unclaimed sites and then they are not taken I will be out $10 for each site - so I don t really want to this.
 RTurner - so what activities have you come up with [:D]


QuoteCKkevin - Thanks for posting the update on who has which sites. I also have this info posted on page 1 of this forum - I ve been updating my original post to reflect the current status.

 Thanks for giving me credit for Champ521 s update.[:D]  
 I also reserved 112 for a fellow popup friend of ours.  BTW when I called the second time to reserve the second site, I said we were with a group and gave him the dates.  He responded back with " oh you are with THE GROUP" .  I said yes a group on Oct. 10 and he responded back with " we are referring it to it as the group" [8D]

 pcmomSay you will trade them a 1960 something original condition Collins Lake brochure and price sheet for a site price as stated on the sheet ($3.50).  Or trade, for a free 1 hour boat rental.
 Found one this weekend going through some of my Mom s stuff. (another 3 boxes down 22 to go!)
 aka Jon