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RE: Renaming Threads

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 14, 2003, 11:09 PM

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QuoteHey CWB, you turned the page. Cottonwooder is very protective of who gets to turn the page. But she left with her tail between her legs and probably didn t even notice. But she ll get you at the Gold Rush Rally for sure!

QuoteDarn! You had to mention it, I was a little embarrased (so much so, I blushed) when I saw it, but look at it this way...I saved G-whiz from doing the deed.  I only did to protect HER!

 Thanks CWB!  I m a little to close for comfort to Cottonwooder to be turnin  her pages.


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 and just in case you didn t see CWB s remarkable resemblance to another celebrity:

 Man, I was told that I looked like my G-Grandaddy but I never actually got to see a side by side, or over under comparison.  Thanks SactoCougher!


QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 Thanks CWB!  I m a little to close for comfort to Cottonwooder to be turnin  her pages.

 Not to mention that I realized that she lived close enough to you physically that had you done the deed, it coulda gotten ugly in the southland!!  If you get my drift!


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
QuoteORIGINAL:  g-whiz
 Thanks CWB!  I m a little to close for comfort to Cottonwooder to be turnin  her pages.

 Not to mention that I realized that she lived close enough to you physically that had you done the deed, it coulda gotten ugly in the southland!!  If you get my drift!

 Yeah!  When those Cottonwooders get rotten.....  


 Civil_War_BuffOh, so now the boys have finished giggling and jabbing at each other, so let s turn all your claws toward poor li l ol  me, who s been so busy working all day that I haven t had a chance till now to defend myself.  OK, FINE!  BE LIKE THAT!!!  I can t take it here any longer... my feelings are so, so, so huuuurrtttt!!!  ::::SLAMMING the door::::  " Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh......."
 (Gets on the phone with a dozen friends, distorts the story further with each recounting of it.  Dozen friends sympathize, tell their dozens of friends, story comes back to CWB s and G s ears, who then have their own snit, TP my house, yada yada.)
 See, that s how you fight like a girl!  [;)]
 Now, go to that link of CWB s picture, maximize screen, then scroll down just enough to where you can see his picture only from the nose down, and all of The Colonel s face.  Incredible similarity!  ROLFMAO!!!!!
 (I see we re toward the bottom of the current page.  What are the odds this post will flip to the next one?)


Quote(I see we re toward the bottom of the current page. What are the odds this post will flip to the next one?)

 Slim to Nothing


QuoteSee, that s how you fight like a girl!

 Now we know how to get rid of Cottonwooder[:D][;)]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Oh, so now the boys have finished giggling and jabbing at each other, so let s turn all your claws toward poor li l ol  me, who s been so busy working all day that I haven t had a chance till now to defend myself.  OK, FINE!  BE LIKE THAT!!!  I can t take it here any longer... my feelings are so, so, so huuuurrtttt!!!  ::::SLAMMING the door::::  " Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhh......."
 (Gets on the phone with a dozen friends, distorts the story further with each recounting of it.  Dozen friends sympathize, tell their dozens of friends, story comes back to CWB s and G s ears, who then have their own snit, TP my house, yada yada.)
 See, that s how you fight like a girl!  [;)]
 Now, go to that link of CWB s picture, maximize screen, then scroll down just enough to where you can see his picture only from the nose down, and all of The Colonel s face.  Incredible similarity!  ROLFMAO!!!!!
 (I see we re toward the bottom of the current page.  What are the odds this post will flip to the next one?)

 Now I see wht G-whiz treats you with the kid gloves!! You are down right vicious!! Are you singed up for the mud wrestling at low tide at Snug Harbour yet?  You KNOW you are going, you just won t admit it to yourself or us yet. I want to start some side bets with the " boys"  if you are gonna be there rasslin !![;)][:)][&:]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Civil_War_Buff
 Now I see wht G-whiz treats you with the kid gloves!! You are down right vicious!! Are you singed up for the mud wrestling at low tide at Snug Harbour yet?  You KNOW you are going, you just won t admit it to yourself or us yet. I want to start some side bets with the " boys"  if you are gonna be there rasslin !![;)][:)][&:]

 Now CWB, I would NEVER wear kid gloves.  My hands are way bigger than that! [;)]


 Civil_War_BuffI m going to turn this page if it kills me!




 g-whizDang it.  Just once, that is all I ask
 G-Whiz life sure can be hard!


 g-whizI am hanging in there.  I think I can, I think I can.....


 Civil_War_BuffWhat on earth are you trying to do???


 Civil_War_BuffG, the trip to LA has fried your brain, m dear.  You OK?