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RE: Renaming Threads

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 14, 2003, 11:09 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 gsm x2How does Norm Abrams (sp.?) build a country cottage with car-port out of 3 toothpicks and complete it all in a 1/2 hour show?


 gsm x2Happy Valentine s day


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 How does Norm Abrams (sp.?) build a country cottage with car-port out of 3 toothpicks and complete it all in a 1/2 hour show?

 Because he is Norm, he CAN, and he has laser guided skill saws and jigs to make jigs!!!  The real question is: how come you CAN T?  You have the know-how, you have the skillls, you just lack motivation son, it s all a matter of m-o-t-i-v-a-t-i-o-n!!!!
 Now please be quiet and GET TO WORK, I have plans for that cottage this weekend.[:@][:@][&:]
 Happy Campin  <><

gsm x2

 gsm x2I don t work very many evening shifts, so I always take myself to dinner when I do. On occation I ll treat the person I am working with to dinner also.  Last night was such a night.  Bad night to treat.
 I made the offer, so off we went in the boat.  I like eating at " The Greek in Ventura Harbor"  so suggested we go there.  Got there at 7:00 p.m. and the place was packed---with couples---women in red.  The owner said, " Scott--we re working off a list, can you come back in half an hour."   So we did.
 Got sat at one of the " romantic tables"  on the patio facing the harbor.  My quietly said, " Well, Happy Valentine s Day, Tim,"  comment evoked chuckles from the surrounding tables.
 Oh oh---special Valentine s Day menu...suddenly I was really wishing that I was sitting with Georgeanne and not wearing a uniform.  But too late to back out.  We ordered----Timmy s a cheap date----and had a nice conversation.
 Tim moved his chair to the opposite side of the table, so things are going just fine.  Even Lynn, the owner, coming up behind me, giving me a hug, and asking if I am having a nice time, didn t faze me.
 The belly dancer is another story. She comes over, makes eye contact with me (a guy who ALWAYS puts a buck or two in her bra), and starts performing.  I feel that all eyes are on me, so I quietly say, " Not tonight; not while I am in uniform."  After a comment that she doesn t see any cameras, she gets THE HINT and moves on.
 After a fine meal, I pay the bill.  As I pass Lynn, she comments that she hopes I had a nice meal with my sweetie.  I assure her that I did, and Tim and I boat away toward the rising full moon.
 So my question is, " How long should I wait before I call him?"   Girls, any help here.


 gsm x2No, no, no, you and your boyfriend should have joined us at Fresh Choice!  Mike said the place would be packed due to Valentine s Day.  Of course, it was pretty empty because the normal dining crowd were at restaurants like where you were.
 I thought of this board a lot during dinner which, of course, included corn muffins.  Not burnt, I might add!  [:D]


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 So my question is, " How long should I wait before I call him?"   Girls, any help here.

 Veronica said that you shouldn t wait too long or he will think that you don t care.[&:][8D]
 Happy Campin  <><


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 So my question is, " How long should I wait before I call him?"

 You don t want to appear too eager.  You must display restraint.  That is the way of the stud.  And once you set the right precedence, the two of you will live in blissful dance, making music and perhaps blowing Kazoos in harmony.

gsm x2

 gsm x2Rumor has it that I will need to partake in the ceremonial " Name Changing"  drink if I change my name.  Ray is write, now that G-Whiz is speakng for herself, gsm x2 is a little inaccurate.  Any suggestions for a new name?
 So far I have....
 The Artist formally known as gsm x2
 gsm x2ö2
 Memory Maker
 Scott the Wonderdog
 Miller High Life
 Larry Lehman
 #5 now and forever
 I-5 and 10
 Any more?
 gsm x2


 gsm x2
QuoteORIGINAL:  gsm x2
 Rumor has it that I will need to partake in the ceremonial " Name Changing"  drink if I change my name.  Ray is write, now that G-Whiz is speakng for herself, gsm x2 is a little inaccurate.  Any suggestions for a new name?
 So far I have....
 The Artist formally known as gsm x2
 gsm x2ö2
 Memory Maker
 Scott the Wonderdog
 Miller High Life
 Larry Lehman
 #5 now and forever
 I-5 and 10
 Any more?
 gsm x2

 How  bout Timmy s Boy?

gsm x2

 gsm x2Anyone wanna buy a used wife---cheap???  Popup NOT included.
 gsm x2

Ab Diver

 gsm x2Scott, how about " HarborMaster"  ? Got a nice, authoritative ring to it.
 But I ain t touching the used wife issue. And this from a guy who thinks Sammyslave shoulda let the Mrs. keep the handle and then take just plain " Sammy"  as his handle. [;)]


 gsm x2Scott:
 How about Surf & Turf.  Of course there s already a surfcal, but surf for being the harbor man and turf for being the woodsman that you are.
 Surf-n-Turf.  That s all you man.


 gsm x2G-his
 Nah. Need something more original
 The Artist formally known as gsm x2
 This one s my personal favorite but probably too many characters
 gsm x2ö2
 This one s good. And to the shrewd observor chronicles your story
 Memory Maker
 I have no comment on this one. Probably an inside joke(?).
 Why not GSM in Ventura?
 Scott the Wonderdog
 Might too closely reveal that you are " handled"  by G-Whiz. Not very masculine and certainly something you wouldn t want others to know.
 Cute. But you can do kinda have to now that the pressure is on! [;)][8D]
 Miller High Life
 We already have Miller Tyme. You might be setting yourself up for plagiarism
 Larry Lehman
 We know he s your camping buddy...but with this name you ll push him away. He ll think you re too " clingy."
 #5 now and forever
 Too much maintenance for you to make sure you don t pass anyone up, yet keep ahead of the fella behind you.
 Not sure I understand this one.
 See reponse to PopupPuller
 Cute, but not sure what your affiliation is with the singer.
 I-5 and 10
 See response to PopupPuller
 This one s good. But I was thinking something like " IDrive101"
 I just think Richard Gere when I see that.
 This one s cute.
 Of course there s also:
 TrailPine SeaBlazer
 Popup adVenture
 Long Distance Camper
 Cuddlebug (a little too feminine)
 Tim sValentine
 That s all I have right now.


 gsm x2
QuoteAnyone wanna buy a used wife---cheap??? Popup NOT included.

 Have you tried eBay?
 BTW, if you get rid of Georgeanne, that would leave you available again.  Oh, Timmmmyyyyyyyyyy........

gsm x2

 gsm x2
QuoteHave you tried eBay?

 I tried, but they have some rules about selling people or even body parts.
 On the way home I realized that I have too many things associated with gsm x2 to be able to change my name.
 E-mail address:
 Web pages:
 Even the license plate on the popup has " Pops Up Anywhere"  " gsm x2"  on it.
 I do appreciate all the thoughtful suggestions and ideas and " must be slow at work"  comments from Sactocamper.  But since MY REAL name changed so often in my life, I think I ll just stick with gsm x2 even if 1/2 of gsm x2 speaks for herself.
 gsm x2