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RE: Renaming Threads

Started by Hybrid Holly, Jan 14, 2003, 11:09 PM

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 The Memory MakerAnd I still don t know what the purple # means!


QuoteT.O.S. (The Original Scott and/or Timmy s Own Scott), you re only 13 behind the one in front of you,

 Uh, neighbor, as of this very moment, that 13 has narrowed to only 2.  Go for it!  (I am now on page 2, only 9 behind Holly, without even trying, LOL!)


 CottonwooderChalk another up for NNC: I m the posting-est " member"  (with one icon, as opposed to you chartered folks with two).  [:D]

gsm x2

 CottonwooderI think it means, " I am going to POUND you until you are PURPLE if you don t agree with my exact opinion around the CAMPFIRE.
 gsm x2

gsm x2

QuoteChalk another up for NNC: I m the posting-est " member"  (with one icon, as opposed to you chartered folks with two).  

 You go girl.
 My onliest concern is how come three people who live in some of the most consistant weather in the U.S.A. are holed up behind their computers POUNDING their way into the top 40 PUT-Posters?
 You guys like Mexican food?  Wanna meet for dinner at Yoli s Saturday night?


 gsm x2
QuoteMy onliest concern is how come three people who live in some of the most consistant weather in the U.S.A. are holed up behind their computers POUNDING their way into the top 40 PUT-Posters?  You guys like Mexican food? Wanna meet for dinner at Yoli s Saturday night?

 My  puter is so much a part of me, it would have to be surgically removed for me to be away from it for long.  (Boy, those 4 days at Cachuma were difficult!)  I work on it, do school stuff on it, keep in touch with my family in HK through it, not to mention you NNCers.  I just wish the rest of me could get a fraction of the workout my fingers do!
 Speaking of workout, Mike is running in this Sunday s LA marathon.  I can think of two hundred million things I d rather do than run for 26 miles on a Sunday morning, but please keep him in your thoughts that day.
 Yolanda s or Acapulco would be great!  (The food at Acapulco seems to be a little better, IMHO.)  Not this weekend as Mike has to eat/avoid certain foods before the big race, and hopefully next weekend we ll be camping, but let s do it!  Have you been to HomeTown Buffet out by Best Buy?  That s another good place.  I m afraid I ll be laughing along with you two GSMs throughout dinner and Mike won t understand a thing we re talking about, LOL!


 CottonwooderWoohoo, I flipped this onto Page 5!  Am I upholding an NNC tradition?

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderYou 3 seriously need to open your front doors and GO OUTSIDE, lol!  Your weather is even nicer than ours, and it s beautiful here.  Come up with a deschnitz. for the PU or something.
 Where is SammySlave?!  Oh wait, maybe he s outside, ha.

gsm x2

 CottonwooderGood luck to Mike.  Has he done a marathon before?  Should be nice.
 My brother did an Ironman in Maimi a few years ago.  He s something of a natural athlete and has worked physical jobs.  His training consisted of a couple runs around his house, a few swims and his wife brought him a $150.00 used bike.  If he had 100 miles of total training beforehand I would be surprised.
 He finished--wrote a great recollection about it.  The Highlights were:
 Describing how he got seasick on the swim...especially when he got up near the turn buoy where the Coast Guard boat was spewing out deisel fumes.  He didn t know that it was possible to swim and vomit at the same time.  Highlight of the swim was when he got back to shore, ran around a buoy, and then had to go do it again for the SECOND LAP.
 Highlight of the bicycling section.  " You know your ass is sore when you ll roll up onto your balls to relieve the pressure on your butt."
 I know some of those words aren t usually uttered in the NNC thread, but I hope you understand that clarity of writing requires them to be visible.
 gsm x2


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 You 3 seriously need to open your front doors and GO OUTSIDE, lol!  Your weather is even nicer than ours, and it s beautiful here.  Come up with a deschnitz. for the PU or something.
 Where is SammySlave?!  Oh wait, maybe he s outside, ha.

 But it s cold and rainy!  I froze all day at work and couldn t wait to get in my car to turn on the heat.  Then we went to see Shanghai Knights and I froze there too.  I wish I could control hot flashes and use them when needed!  And, if Sammyslave doesn t show up soon I m going to write a book called Where s Sammyslave? to keep Scott s mind off the fact that he can t interact (or is that overact?) with his camping buddy on a daily basis!  

Red neff Barchetta

 CottonwooderCold & rainy in Southern CA?!  That darn smog must keep the clouds locked in above you cause it s fabulous here.
 Why do people that live around LAX act like they don t see any smog, lol?  Mind over " matter"  I guess.
 Can t wait to see you again up here in the sun in 3 weeks Georgeanne!


Quoterun for 26 miles on a Sunday morning,
Hey Patricia, wish Mike the best of luck, and it s 26 miles AND 385 yards!!!
 Hope the weather is forgiving next Sunday for him.
 Don t forget his big plate of pasta for Saturday Dinner!!!


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteYou 3 seriously need to open your front doors and GO OUTSIDE, lol! Your weather is even nicer than ours, and it s beautiful here. Come up with a deschnitz. for the PU or something.

 Oh boy, I must have broken into the innermost core of NNC if I m one of " The Three" .
 I d love to go outside to our PU, or deschnitz it or, do anything with it, but..... it s been folded down for two weeks.  [:(]  The winds were howling then, and I didn t want to leave it up.  Boy, do I miss it.  [:(]  It s usually up 24/7, and is my sewing room.  On Sunday my two sewing machines were scrunched onto my little work table in the living room because C wood was inaccessible.  [:(]  Thank goodness all I was making was a little pair of shorts.  Will need more space when I make a tablecloth for my mom.
 Have I mentioned how much I miss my sewing room?  [:(]   And how much I use C wood in general?  [:(]  Can I pout any more?  [:(][:(][:(][:(][:(]   No wonder I m sitting here racking up posts lately.  I ve lost my spare room and sewing machine.  [:(][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(][:(]
 At least I still have my scrapbooks!  [:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)]


QuoteDon t forget his big plate of pasta for Saturday Dinner!!!

 Already had that tonight, with a repeat scheduled for Saturday night!
 Thanks, I ll pass on your good wishes.  He s taking tomorrow off because he says he ll be so nervous, he won t be any good at work.  I share Garfield s opinion re. physical exercise/exertion, so I just don t get it.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Cold & rainy in Southern CA?!  That darn smog must keep the clouds locked in above you cause it s fabulous here.
 Why do people that live around LAX act like they don t see any smog, lol?  Mind over " matter"  I guess.
 Can t wait to see you again up here in the sun in 3 weeks Georgeanne!

 Hmmmm... Are those questions?  [;)]
 Yep... cold and rain with dark clouds piling up in the hills of Ojai.  We even had thunder, lightening and hail the other day.  We haven t had that since 1997!
 We don t see smog because we don t have any!  [8D]  No " mind over matter"  required.  We do have fog, which is why our climate is so mild and warm (usually).  It holds the heat in.
 I m ready for the sun and can t believe it is only 3 weeks away!!!  [:D]