RE: Nick-Neff-Cough website (Northern California)

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 15, 2003, 01:50 PM

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 SactoCampersAnother Page turned[:D]
 Or should we call it " pulling a Cottonwooder" ????


QuoteAnother Page turned
 Or should we call it " pulling a Cottonwooder" ????

 OMG, the thought of having a Bylaw named after me is making me dizzy with delirium!
 Now, how on earth did you know that specific post would be The Flipper?  No indication of it having been edited, either.


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
QuoteAnother Page turned
 Or should we call it " pulling a Cottonwooder" ????

 OMG, the thought of having a Bylaw named after me is making me dizzy with delirium!
 Now, how on earth did you know that specific post would be The Flipper?  No indication of it having been edited, either.

 You mean you don t know about Kevin?  He has a special power that allows him to see into the future.  He could turn every page if he wanted to, but he lets us have some fun too!


QuoteOMG, the thought of having a Bylaw named after me is making me dizzy with delirium!

 Your wish is my command.


 Our Bylaws section is growing, we re gonna need a lawyer to sort things out soon.


Quotewe re gonna need a lawyer to sort things out soon.

 I called Len Tillem to see if any of our bylaws are legally binding.
 Hey Ray, high five again for all that rabble rousing of CWB yesterday. That was good stuff. I think we really rattled his cage. Get it? Colonel Sanders, chicken, cage!!


QuoteORIGINAL:  SactoCampers
 Hey Ray, high five again for all that rabble rousing of CWB yesterday. That was good stuff. I think we really rattled his cage. Get it? Colonel Sanders, chicken, cage!!

 Poor guy.  I haven t seen a posting since that period from CWB.  He sure got a rash of Rabble Rousing.  I think he s " chickened out"  after getting burned.  He s pretty crispy at this point.  He got his taco " Bell"  rung.
 BTW, I just saw a Dr. Phil promo on TV for an upcoming segment on, " Real Men do Giggle."
 P.S.  CWB, nice to see you so active in posting.  We re just filling in for TMM.


QuoteHe s pretty crispy at this point

 Definitely original recipe. We beat him like a drum" stick" . We clipped his " wings."  He was running around like a chicken with his head cut off. His babbling in response was like chicken scratch.
QuoteBTW, I just saw a Dr. Phil promo on TV for an upcoming segment on, " Real Men do Giggle."  

 ....and a new movie called the Ya-Ya Brotherhood
 I mean, it s cool for men to hug. In fact, I m looking forward to a hug from TOS at the Gold Rush Rally. But giggling, that s very uncool.


QuoteYour wish is my command.

 Woohoo, I have a bylaw!!!!!  Not only processed and overprocessed, but now absolutely an official Cougher!  ::::curtseying::::  
 And hey, G, didya see.... we re the Posting Queens!  ::::polishing tiara::::  Yup, fits perfectly! [:D]


QuoteORIGINAL:  Cottonwooder
 Woohoo, I have a bylaw!!!!!  Not only processed and overprocessed, but now absolutely an official Cougher!  ::::curtseying::::  
 And hey, G, didya see.... we re the Posting Queens!  ::::polishing tiara::::  Yup, fits perfectly! [:D]

 Yippee!  Glad I m working at home today so I can live up to my reputation!


 6QuigsPost 11.
 Congratulations on your By-Law Cottonwooder,
 Now all I have to do is wait & lurk for the right moment to post so I can turn the page, or should I say  Pull a Cottonwooder [&:]
 And nice Tiaras Posting Queens


QuoteNow, how on earth did you know that specific post would be The Flipper? No indication of it having been edited, either.

 I cracked the code [8D]. 20 posts per page, regardless of the length. So now that everybody knows, if a page has 20 posts on it, just sit there and wait until Cottonwooder shows up to turn it.


