RE: " Reyes the Roof Again" Rally - Feb. 27 - 29

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Sep 24, 2003, 08:14 PM

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Quote from: Ab DiverDo the Northern Contingent of the Ha-Ha's need any vino? My Bro gave me some Ho-Made red stuff, and it's pretty good.(He's the celler-master for a local winery) Plus, since y'all got rid of all the real Ho's, they won't be needin' it. Lemme know if I should load it with the firewood, propane, and other body-warming materials.
Hey Dave!  Rita and I are going to be having a wine tasting and would love to add your Bro's "red stuff" to our selections.  It doesn't have a Michigan label on it, does it?  ;)


Quote from: g-whizHey Dave!  Rita and I are going to be having a wine tasting and would love to add your Bro's "red stuff" to our selections.  It doesn't have a Michigan label on it, does it?  ;)

Sounds like fun. I'd be happy to contribute something to the tasting, besides just an empty glass  ;) .

Let me know.


Quote from: zymomyzSounds like fun. I'd be happy to contribute something to the tasting, besides just an empty glass ;) .
Let me know.
It IS fun!! :D And, whatever you'd like to bring is just fine and dandy (except we don't allow anything from Michigan... sorry :( ).


Quote from: g-whizHey Dave! Rita and I are going to be having a wine tasting and would love to add your Bro's "red stuff" to our selections. It doesn't have a Michigan label on it, does it? ;)
Hey Georgeann,
We should do cheese too.

Ab Diver

Quote from: g-whizHey Dave! Rita and I are going to be having a wine tasting and would love to add your Bro's "red stuff" to our selections. It doesn't have a Michigan label on it, does it? ;)
(Whips pen out, scribbles something on self-adhesive label)
Ummm.... it does now!
Oh, and, BTW-- bears don't shhhhhh in the woods. The politically correct term is "Bi-organic Enviromentally Activated Reinvestment".


QuoteIt IS fun!!  And, whatever you'd like to bring is just fine and dandy (except we don't allow anything from Michigan... sorry  ).

Quote from: Ab Diver(whips out pen, scribbles something on duct tape label)

Errr, yea, okay... is Milwaukee alright  ;)


QuoteOriginally Posted by Whimpy-girly-boy
 So I inspected the work when I picked it up and cranked up by hand as the drill is home charging. Damn, I forgot how many turns it takes to raise a Fleetwood roof, lol!    

72 turns you poor thing

Big storm tonight and tomorrow? Ha! Good! Get all of you early folks wet! No! Wait! I'll get wet too and I'm not even going to be out there until Friday.

Hey Dave - think I'll do some Saturday air.  The center is only in San Rafael.  Camping and working - Can't get enough abuse....


Quote from: NickHey Georgeann,
We should do cheese too.
Well, great minds think alike!  Bring it on!!! :cool:


Thanks madlyn!   I had them all along!  how smart is that.  I had 'em and didn't know what they are called.  And the THEY accuse teachers and lawyers of using too much jargon.
Here's hoping this storm blows thru today.  Dry Dry Dry

Red neff Barchetta

Well, if you are a 4 year-old in this house you are saying;
"Only 2 sleeps to go!"
Only 1 sleep for some of you lucky Cougher's!


Well, as what happens with any huge downpour, all it does is clear the crap out of the atmosphere.  Then the next few resulting days are crystal blue skies, unabated sunshine and pristine weather conditions that's so beautiful, it'll move you to weep.

So, let it rain and let Mother Nature get it our of her system, and come Friday, Saturday and Sunday, may you all be blessed with stunning conditions.


P.S.  For the Thursday arrivals, it looks like lingering rain.  Beer and wine in a poncho at a rally beats having sunshine while indoors at work any day.

Hybrid Holly

We will contribute some wine (and whine) to the tasting!
Also bringing the makings for blue fins....Larry might even like these, since they look so good in a martini glass!!!!!!


Just returned from braving the storm and stocking up for the weekend.
Wine ( no whining allowed), beer, Baley's (look alike anyway) ( by the time we get to the Bailey's no one is 'tasting' much anyway: chesses crackers, hmmm
Oh! yeah, a couple of breakfast Lunch and Dinner items.  
Need to go get the chilli done now.
It is seriously flooding in our area.  I just checked the pump in the basement and moved everything up 5 feet.  Fortunately, there is not much down there.  
The dogs are bonkers from not running in 24 hours and are undoubtedly in an anal retentive state.  
It's just a little rain folks!  Only wicked witches melt.  MOST of us a safe.


Well, I'm here at work and the rain has quit pounding on my window (I'm on the 3rd floor) and the sun is peeking out.  Hopefully Mother Nature has gotten the worst out of her system.   :D

I'll be leaving here (work) in about 1-1/2 hours so I won't be posting any more until Monday when I get back to work.  (Sal will probably post tomorrow morning before we leave.)  When I get home we will go pick up our 3 year old grandson, who is coming with us.  THEN the fun starts!
One more sleep!  YEA
See you all there.   CAN'T WAIT :#


Well, here I am in San Francisco and I am pleased to report that it is clear, sunny.
