RE: " Reyes the Roof Again" Rally - Feb. 27 - 29

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Sep 24, 2003, 08:14 PM

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I'm sending over one of Jay Leno's guys.  They need someone for his version of Top 10 stupid popup tricks encountered at a Rally.   Please pass the wine and cheese. :D


Quote from: SurfcalWoo hooooo!
Live updates. This is great.
P.S. Where's the next batch of pictues?
Live from Olema,  My dad, Holly and Pete and Steve and AnnMarie have all arrived.  Holly had a trailer off the hitch experiance, but seems to be fine.  We will post pics afterawhile.  Its an ordeal to post them.  We have to get the pics from compact flash to my ftp then link them to PUT.  Anyway, see the rest of you soon and those that cant be here, you will be missed.


Boy am I jealous, we are still digging out of 3 feet of fresh powder and Sierra Cement, the PU is held hostage in the garage. Probably won't see daylight until April if this keeps up!. Hope the weather holds for you guys!!


Quote from: NickHey Mrs. RTurner,
I could actually use the smalles blue tote they have. I just use a 5 gallon bucket as it is so it would be a step up for me. I could pay ya when you arrive if its not too much trouble.
Awaiting DH to get home, if we go through there before 6:00 PM will get for you.

Ab Diver

Kids? Check. Dog? Check. Pool cover? Check. Beer? Check. More beer? Double check. Wife?.... Wife? .... Wife?.....  CHECK!!!!

Kitchen sink? Check. Ok, we gone. See ya at the campground!


Have a great trip and keep posting for those of us that can't be there.

Starcraft Dad

We here in the north country are living vicariously (is that a word?) through your camping trip.  Keep the pictures coming to remind us that our day is coming.  Maybe not until June though after the snow storms pass by.  Looks like you all are having a great time.  Keep safe, warm and dry and have lots of fun for us.:W


Still not out the door-DH finally on his way home (13 +hrs of work today).
Nick-What is the check in procedure after hours?  We won't roll in until probably 9 PM.  See you all soon, keep the campfire going for me.


I think a couple of you were spotted on your way there, check this thread out...


More pics....



Very cool Nick.  That sign is kick*ss.  Another successful Mega-Rally, love the group picture.  Makes me campsick looking at all the shots.  Thanks for the surges of updates.



Hi everybody. The potluck feast is now all but a fond memory. Once again, deep fried turkey made the list, along with most every exotic dish known to man. We have the moon and the stars above us, the campfire in front of us, and good friends all around us. The Pt. Reyes lighthouse was quite a beautiful sight with the Faralon Islands off in the distance, the coast of California stretching off to the horizon, elephant seals basking on the beaches, and the waves making overlapping patterns as the incoming swells were met by their reflecting echos heading back out to sea off the rocky shores. Another picture postcard day here in NNC land.

Ab Diver, using Nick's laptop puter, signing off.


It looks like a great time was had by all.  Luv the pics.  We (Mike & Dana) made it to Olema Friday night after myriad delays.  For one milla second the thought of waiting till Saturday am to leave did cross our minds, but we so wanted to get outta town.  When we left Sacto it looked sunny and clear!  Then we hit the rain squall in Fairfield.  Though Mike very much dislikes (loathes) setting up the dark we were very excited when driving through camp.  Then our real troubles began...the wheel lock would not release and "someone" (probably me) left the crank loose in the trailer.  Whoops!  Of course we have a spare, but it was at home.  Needless to say we came home without meeting all of you wonderful folks.  Mike, let me know what we owe and I will shoot it to ya.  I wish we could say we are new at camping - - what's worse is we aren't!  We will hook up with ya'll.