RE: " Reyes the Roof Again" Rally - Feb. 27 - 29

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Sep 24, 2003, 08:14 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Well, the PU is put away and the laundry is going.

Another NNC rally in the bag!
This one is near the top of my list as favorites so far.
Great people, company, conversations, food, & DRINK!!!!  Boy do I wish TowRod was my neighbor.  His homebrew (Ale & Pilsner) is some of the best I have ever tasted!  And believe me I tasted quite a bit of it!  In fact, Ab Diver, 6Quigs, Zymomyz, Pete, & I even snuck over to his site and filled up our glasses and drank them real quickly.  Rod then shows up and asks; "how about some homebrew guys?".  So of course we had to have some more, he,he.   :D   Pete's BlueFins were also mind numbing as well as Joan's Kalua.  Not sure if that's how you properly spell it, but I sure know how to properly drink it!   :D
Great to see (in no particular order);
Pete & Holly starting off with a bad Friday, but still having fun.  You guys are awesome!
Tania & her wonderful DD's!!
CKKevin - I have actually met the man himself!  He is for real!  Another great family.
A tour of a Starcraft Constellation 3606 (?) - Mighty nice PU!
Met some more Rush fans!  Good day eh!
Checked out some awesome mod's by SCCS & Zymomyz!!  Woof, woof!
The Fantastic Vent works PERFECTLY!  We are very happy with it.  Glad I did it.
Checked out Samuel P. Taylor SP.  Very nice, but tiny sites.  Not very conducive to trailers.  I was hoping we were going to have another great local SP cg.
Ray - I almost bet money that you were going to pull up sometime Saturday, but it was not to be.  I even had the "Stop-N-Chock" to give to you I was so sure you were going to be there.
SCCS - Great NNC banner!  Did I contribute enough towards its cost?
The G's for making the drive again!  It wouldn't be the same without you 2!
Larry & Mike cooking some amazing food!
Dianne for making me some veggie pot-stickers.   Mmmmm!
Did I mention all of the excellent alcohol?!  I barely even had any food this w/e, lol.
Once again, terrific wagonmastering by Mike/Nick!  Classics - The wagonmaster getting lost to his own rally and forgetting his grey water tote, hahahahaha!  Sorry Mike, can't help myself.  Btw, your DS sure is a happy kid.  I think he gives everyone a smile watching him.
Great kids as always.  They all get along so well.


That's about it for now.  I'll check back later.  Homework to help with as school was skipped on Friday.   :rolleyes:


Quote from: UnregisteredIt looks like a great time was had by all. Luv the pics. We (Mike & Dana) made it to Olema Friday night after myriad delays. For one milla second the thought of waiting till Saturday am to leave did cross our minds, but we so wanted to get outta town. When we left Sacto it looked sunny and clear! Then we hit the rain squall in Fairfield. Though Mike very much dislikes (loathes) setting up the dark we were very excited when driving through camp. Then our real troubles began...the wheel lock would not release and "someone" (probably me) left the crank loose in the trailer. Whoops! Of course we have a spare, but it was at home. Needless to say we came home without meeting all of you wonderful folks. Mike, let me know what we owe and I will shoot it to ya. I wish we could say we are new at camping - - what's worse is we aren't! We will hook up with ya'll.
Mike and Dana,
Sorry you guys had so many mishaps.  Hopefully it will work out the next rally.  I kept telling folks that I saw you guys pull up, introduced ourselves and that was the last I saw of you.  They thought I had too much to drink and imagined meeting you.


Hey all, just checking in, just got home too.  Whoa, what a great group of folks, good food, great acitivities.  Man what a blast.  Unfortunately, it wasn't with you folks.  I had to work.

Glad everyone had a blast.  The postings were great during the rally.



Well we finally made it home.  You know, when you have to drive as far as we did for this rally you really begin to appreciate the closer ones.  25 miles from home to Olema is such a drag :D .  Fortunately, Jeff has one coning up in Santa Rosa - only 10 miles.

We had a great time this weekend.  This is a great group and I really am glad we are organized (unorganized? disorganized?) as we are.  Larry, I have to agree that we all need to make smaller dishes so their will be fewer leftovers but this may also require some organizing by someone which is strictly forbidden.

Nice vent, Jeff.  Wish I had one like it :p

My personal favorite quote of the weekend - "Who don't you want to be next to?"  uttered by someone with issues in the campgroung store when I was checking in.

Mike - great job!  Thanks


Got home a while ago, put everything away, showered and uploaded a few shots. Check em out:

We had a great time this weekend. Glad to meet a lot of new faces !!

Managed to come home with a few clams so their going in the steamer now. If only I'd squirreled away a little home brew  :rolleyes: ...

See ya'll next time.


Hi All;
We were the last ones out at 2:30pm and made it home around 5:00. What a great rally!!!
Just got back from dropping off the DGS and ready for dinner
& bed. Will post more tomorrow. Thanks to all for another
great time.



Good times, good people, good food... the total exceeds the sum of the parts.

We really enjoyed our excursion to the Light House with Ab Diver and family - you folks are wonderful. :)  :)

Trip home was just over 2 1/2 hours and the last of the laundry is entering the washer - How can 2 kids dirty so many clothes??

Trailer is cleaned and back in storage...waiting for the next outing

I am glad that Jeff & "Z" enjoyed the brew so much but sad to report that neither of the HB kegs were empty upon my return - You guys need to try harder next time.:D

gsm x2

The G's are home safe and sound...just flew with a tailwind.
403 miles in 7 hours and 10 minutes = 56.23 MPH breaks included.  Considering we only did 37 miles in the first hour, that's flying.  The key was in the breaks:
Leave Olema at 10:45
1st break in Fairfax to get $$$$ for the Golden Gate at an BofA ATM in Albertsons....good spot G
2nd break is a full-service (gas/pee/drink) in Gilroy
Driver change at an offramp in Gonzalez doesn't count as a break.
Final break at the rest stop north of Paso Robles
Pull into driveway at 5:55
Went through Santa Barbara without any need to slow down.
OK---going to get last night's picts posted.  BRB
gsm x2


Hi all,
 Have been home for awhile now, but have been working on this puter. :mad:  Everything seems to be working now. We had a great time meeting new friends and seeing the gang again. It seems that these rallies get better and better. I will post some pictures tomorrow.

gsm x2

Making it easier on the dial-up people, here are some links to the pictures.  This is much easier in the comfort of home with a keyboard one is used too.  But it was great to camp and computer at the same time, so not complaining Nick...WiFi any time you want.

[list=1]We sure had a great was nice to put some new faces to some new names.
gsm x2


Quote from: TowrodI am glad that Jeff & "Z" enjoyed the brew so much but sad to report that neither of the HB kegs were empty upon my return - You guys need to try harder next time.

Dang !! Sorry to let you  down ! I think it was jeff with sneakin' in those Fat Tire ales  ;) Of course, the Blue Fins didn't help  :rolleyes:



That is the cleanest shot of Z we've had.  Thanks for number 5 and we will keep it in the archives for Photoshop purposes.



Well, when we started doing the laundry, we decided some items were a lost cause, and rather than even try to clean them, they went straight to the garbage. On reflection, we should have thrown them in the dumpster in Olema, and let the woman in the boots decide if they were worth saving!!

First off, Mike/Nick thanks once again for putting this rally together. This year was definitely better than last year, so sign us up for next year, and hopefully our youngest son will still think your son is awesome.
Sal & Joan, thanks again for the Dutch Oven. Margaret won

Red neff Barchetta

Yes, thanks to Dave/Champ for the glow sticks!

Kevin & Margaret for letting our oldest spend the afternoon with them on Saturday.  He loves hanging out with you guys!

Where's Holly?!  Hopefully she & Pete had an uneventful drive home.


We finally made it back to the foothills of the Sierra.  We managed to make a few stops along the way (Pt. Reyes Visitors Center for a picnic lunch, Dublin for gas and potty break, In-N-Out (which now over rules McDonalds with my girls :# ), and the ever so popular Target stop for those things they just don't sell where we live.)

It was great to see those we met at Collins Lake and meet so many new people.  I must say Towrod, that was the best home brew I have ever had at a rally.  Nick don't be upset, I haven't had any of your home brew yet.  Jeff, are you sure that guy was actually Ckkevin?  Did you ask for any ID?

Thanks again Nick for putting the rally together.  It was a good time for all :cool: