RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Quote from: Red neff BarchettaNick/Mike -
What have you heard from Larry & Rita regarding an arrival day?
I emailed him but have not heard back yet.
I'm working half day on Friday so we should arrive early afternoon.


a.  Make sure you arrive when they least expect you.  In fact, it's best not to sign up ahead of time.

b.  Pick a nice site, but most of all, pick a site that will totally irritate the uprooted victim (mine was Larry).

c.  Then make sure you immediately sooth and calm the feelings of the uprooted and make them feel good about themselves and offer a stiff drink.  Then, encourage them to displace another victim.  In Larry's case, it was Calstate360, which totally threw the lineup into turmoil.

d.  Calstate360, not to be taken advantage of, takes MemoryMaker's spot.  It is like a giant game of chess.  Do you move up and down or diagonally?

e.  In the midst of claim jumping, remember this piece of wisdom.  It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.  Plus, feign ignorance. It is always acceptable and it is bliss.

f.  When someone is getting mad at you, just smile and comment that they are upset and tell them they need to take a "chill pill."

I think I will write an article for PUT on the fine art of site squattering.  It is a fun game in which all of you can participate in.


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Surfcale.  In the midst of claim jumping, remember this piece of wisdom.  It is easier to ask for forgiveness that it is to ask for permission.  Plus, feign ignorance. It is always acceptable and it is bliss.
That's a classic!  2 Ales to Ray for this bit of wisdom.

And yes, you should write an article for PUT.

Nick/Mike -
I also e-mailed him.  Thanks for your try also.  Maybe he is taking Ray's advice and applying it to e-mail and not responding on purpose just so we can wonder what his plan is.

Glad you can be there Friday afternoon.

Everyone -
If you are planning to go through Santa Rosa on Parking Lot 101 to the River Rd. exit then if at all possible get through before 3:00 or you will be sorry.  You'll be sitting on a freeway when you could be setting up camp.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaEveryone -
If you are planning to go through Santa Rosa on Parking Lot 101 to the River Rd. exit then if at all possible get through before 3:00 or you will be sorry. You'll be sitting on a freeway when you could be setting up camp.
Neff/Jeff -
Whats the best way to go if I leave S'vale around 11:45AM?

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: NickNeff/Jeff -
Whats the best way to go if I leave S'vale around 11:45AM?
Nick/Mike/Michelle/Hunter's Mom -

I had copied the initial thread before the "old" PUT went bye, bye.
I'll try and scan it later and see if I can post the directions I had written up.  I tried once and it thought my scan was a picture and wouldn't let me post it here!
If not, I'll re-write them in brief sometime this w/e.

Do you still have your moderating powers here or were you stripped of them?  Do you know of some magical place that the initial post for this thread is floating around in?

Back out the door,

Jeff/Neff/Amy/Neff's Ruler



Quote from: Red neff BarchettaNick/Mike/Michelle/Hunter's Mom -
Jeff/Neff/Amy/Neff's Ruller
"Do you still have your moderating powers here or were you stripped of them? Do you know of some magical place that the initial post for this thread is floating around in?"
No Moderator power yet. Last I heard they are working on resoring the first post.
Jeff/Neff/Amy/Neff's Ruler

Ab Diver


Dude, just set your view for either *Threaded* or *Hybrid*. Both buttons are on the right side just above this thread as you read it (right next to the button marked *Linear*). Then you can flip back to page one and your original post is still there.
Dunno why it's not listed as the first post in this thread, though. Some answers us mere mortals were not meant to know.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: Ab Diver<<<>>>

Dude, just set your view for either *Threaded* or *Hybrid*. Both buttons are on the right side just above this thread as you read it (right next to the button marked *Linear*). Then you can flip back to page one and your original post is still there.
Dunno why it's not listed as the first post in this thread, though. Some answers us mere mortals were not meant to know.
Dave -
2 Ales for you as well!  Thank you.  I am busy doctoring it up and will present it shortly.  At least with some "need to know" stuff.

Red neff Barchetta

Btw, I rather enjoy that Otter is now the author of this thread.  It makes for good rabble rousing.  She's good!

I just put a lot of time into that darn post and thought it had vanished.  One weird thing is that it is the very 1st. issue of that post.  All of the editing that I had done to it is all gone.

Red neff Barchetta

Well, November is fast approaching with nary a mention of a rally.
So let s go to Casini Ranch Family Campground in Duncans Mills;
We really like this location because it is 3 miles from the ocean and shielded from the wind with a lot of things to do in the area. You can go wine tasting or go to the ocean (lounging, walking/hiking/exploring, fishing, whale watching, tide-pooling, playing, kite flying, etc...). You can check out the seals where the Russian river meets the ocean. There are some terrific restaurants for lunch. There is Fort Ross ("The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!"). There is a giant redwood grove that is wonderful to stroll through. You can play golf at 2 different spectacular courses

Red neff Barchetta

I have a medium sized LP "construction" heater that blasts out a lot of heat, but also blasts out a 10" diameter flame (could be great for marshmallows!).  Anyway, it could be used under awnings and tarps to make it a little more comfortable.
My question is;
Should I bring it along in case we decide there are times someone might like to fire it up while hanging out?  My concern is for kids safety as the flame comes out of the heater about 6" at a dangerous temperature.  If you walk directly in front of the heater it could burn your pants leg.  Maybe guards could situate themselves around it when it is on or use it when the settled group at the time is sitting down?  Just thoughts.  I don't have to bring it, but thought I'd see what others thought.  It's pretty compact (the LP tank is bigger than the heater) so lugging it to the rally is not a problem.  If nothing else, it would be great during adult night-time chats.

Ab Diver

Jeff, I have a Mr. Heater 2-burner propane set-up that I use in the shop when it's cold. It clamps right on top of a standard 20 lbs tank, and kicks out some nice radiant heat. It won't burn you unless you bump into it. I plan on bringing it-- just in case.

What we'd *really* need is one of those free-standing radiant propane heaters that looks kinda like a palm tree. It has a reflective top that creates a warm zone about 10 feet across around it's base. Perfect for sitting around on a foggy night, sipping SNPA and trading lies-- er, swapping stories.
They also make a smaller version of the "palm tree" style heater, perfect for table-top use. But since all I have is that tried and true, butt-ugly 2-burner propane shop heater, well...


Quote from: Ab DiverWhat we'd *really* need is one of those free-standing radiant propane heaters that looks kinda like a palm tree. It has a reflective top that creates a warm zone about 10 feet across around it's base.

Let me see what I can do.
I believe my neighbour has one I can borrow,
with the new rig,
I have plenty of room to bring it :D


In an effort to keep this as a Survivor motif, if you have any items like Tiki Torches or anyting pops that makes the feeling like the Survivor show, please bring them along.

Ca Girl is brining some and I am too.  It'll be great if our area is lit with Tiki torches.

Surfcal (events manager)

Ab Diver

Quote from: 6QuigsLet me see what I can do.
I believe my neighbour has one I can borrow,
with the new rig,
I have plenty of room to bring it :D
Cool, Kev. I checked around on the net and they range from less than $200 at Walmart, which sounds fair, to over $800 for some fancy stainless steel model that does the same thing! Guess I won't be buying that particular one. :eek:
Unfortunately, while something like that would make a neat addition to our back yard patio, it'll have to wait behind the DVD player, the digital camera, the (insert any item from a long list here).
I *did* order some stuff from Cabela's, though. We should have some nifty marinade syringes for the turkey by then. Anybody got a fav 'nade?
Speaking of turkey, and in keeping with Surf's Survivor Sensory Sensation, I hereby renounce Turkey Toasting for the rally. I'll be a proper pirate, and politely pronounce it "pelican", thank you very much.
"Darby McGraw, Darby McGraw... fetch aft the rum there, Darby!"
And speaking of pelicans... anybody else think Osten was the biggest muscle-bound *wuss* the world has ever seen? I'm hoping Rupert takes the whole thing. He's the first person who's ever made me interested in watching that show. Anybody who holds his breath underwater and spears fish can't be all bad. :D
Ab Diver-- who's pretty sure he could build a better camp site on a tropical island than some of these folks have.