RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Quote from: Red neff BarchettaDo you still have your moderating powers here or were you stripped of them?  

Looks like NICK got back his POWER.:U
Just look at the bottom of the NICK-NEFF-COUGH page.



I'll be bringing a single burner heater that mounts on a 20 lb tank and a smaller single burner that screws onto the 1 lb propane bottles.


Quote from: SCCSBtw,FLIP

Didn't FLIP my page! :p


I'll have some throw blankets for sale for about $ 12.99.  I got these to sell on eBay and I will sell them to you at cost.


P.S.  See my store:

Red neff Barchetta

Nick's powers have been restored!  He can once again wield his mighty vengeance down upon us.

Thanks Dave, Kevin, & Dave!
I will put my heater on hold then unless someone thinks I should still bring it.
Your heaters sound much safer than my flame thrower does.
I am more than happy to fill a LP tank or 2 over the course of the w/e.

I measured my large tarp yesterday and it is 9' x 19'.  I was thinking we could take one of the carpet samples I'm bringing and use it between a center pole of some sort (stick, broom, pole, etc... (on top of a table?)) and the ceiling of the tarp so the tarp would not be drooping down in the middle.  Plus with all of the canopy's this group has we should be covered as well as Barnum & Bailey.  I'll bring the tarp along just in case.  Although I predict nice dry weather for us.

11 days for some and 12 days for others!!!!!!!!!!

Red neff Barchetta

I'll buy one of your blankets if you promise to stop pimping yourself!
J/K friend!!

Seriously, nice store you've got set-up there.  Is that something you're doing on the side or full time?

The Michael Palin adventure looks good too.  Although the title suggests something I'm definitely not interested in, lol.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRay,
I'll buy one of your blankets if you promise to stop pimping yourself!
J/K friend!!

Seriously, nice store you've got set-up there.  Is that something you're doing on the side or full time?

The Michael Palin adventure looks good too.  Although the title suggests something I'm definitely not interested in, lol.

For you Neff, $ 20 a blanket, a special price for special friends.

I do it only on the side, sort of like my mad money.  I am fully employed, but I am actually beginning to think that I can make a pretty good living doing eBay half-time, and just working at Beyond Pix half-time.

It'll be the best of all worlds.  Entrepreneurs never rests.  You know that.


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: SurfcalFor you Neff, $ 20 a blanket, a special price for special friends.

I do it only on the side, sort of like my mad money.  I am fully employed, but I am actually beginning to think that I can make a pretty good living doing eBay half-time, and just working at Beyond Pix half-time.

It'll be the best of all worlds.  Entrepreneurs never rests.  You know that.


You are right about the never resting part.  I'm always doing something that has to do with work.
You have caught my interest.  I want to hear more at the rally about your side project.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaYou are right about the never resting part.  I'm always doing something that has to do with work.
You have caught my interest.  I want to hear more at the rally about your side project.

Actually, here's a shred of truth.  I've replaced my addiction of the PUT board with another addiction, and that is posting and listing on eBay.

And you know what?  I've made pretty good money gettting rid of my junk.  I've gotten rid of stuff that I would have thrown away and yet it fetched surprising amounts.  Heck, if someone is willing to toss me $ 7 to $ 10 bucks for old videotapes that I was going to chuck in the trash bin anyway, how can you beat that?  Besides, most of the stuff I sell I got for free.

In fact, I've introduced CA Girl to selling on eBay and she's doing pretty good at it.  I'd love to get you started.  I travel all over the country harvesting success stories about people who started on eBay and have turned themselves into millionaires, and if that's not writing on the wall, I don't know what is.  I'll bring a videotape sample of what I'm talking about.  After Survivor, I will do an eBay clinic.

I'd love to stay and keep going, but I have a couple of items closing and I have to send invoices.  It's so much like fishing.  Just set your lines out there and just check it once in a while.

Gotta go, I got another notification of a sale.



P.S.  Best thing about it, flexible hours and you know what that means, more time to go camping or anything else you want to do.

Ab Diver

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaI measured my large tarp yesterday and it is 9' x 19'. I was thinking we could take one of the carpet samples I'm bringing and use it between a center pole of some sort (stick, broom, pole, etc... (on top of a table?)) and the ceiling of the tarp so the tarp would not be drooping down in the middle. Plus with all of the canopy's this group has we should be covered as well as Barnum & Bailey. I'll bring the tarp along just in case. Although I predict nice dry weather for us.
Oh, are we talkin' tarps too? I got it covered, so to speak. How's 'bout a 20x30 foot heavy-duty tarp? We run rope from a couple/three anchor points (trees, my truck rack, Kev's new hybrid, any chair Big Dave and Mad Max are occupying) and create a "big top" to congregate the congregation under. I make something similar every year at our Sierra family gathering, but using several of these tarps. (yeah, I know... but if it's worth doing-- it's worth over-doing ;) )  Not saying we have to, but I'll throw it up on the rack, along with a few hundred feet of rope, if the weather looks like we'll need it. And it fits perfectly with the Survivor Scenario.
Besides, you can never have enough rope. You never know who --  oops... *what* you'll need to tie up. :rolleyes:
Then again, it would be much easier to simply place our usual dining canopies back-to-back and place a tarp on top of them to keep water from running down between them. This effectively supports the tarp without having to string a spiderweb of ropes.


QuoteBesides, you can never have enough rope. You never know who --  oops... *what* you'll need to tie up. :rolleyes:
Then again, it would be much easier to simply place our usual dining canopies back-to-back and place a tarp on top of them to keep water from running down between them. This effectively supports the tarp without having to string a spiderweb of ropes.

I have rope, climbing rope...use as needed guys.


P.S.  Thanks for your support on the Survivor motif.  It should offer a new way at experiencing NNC Rallies.


I always have 2 or 3 tarps in the PU. Nothing like Ab Divers pool cover but they're better than nothing and always on hand.

Red neff Barchetta

I like the tarp over the canopys idea.  No ripping off luggage racks or tree limbs with that concept.

Red neff Barchetta

We saw the 3rd. Matrix last night.  It was better than I had heard.  I liked it better than the 2nd., but not as much as the 1st..  Definitely worth the price of admission.


Nick is coming to the event and so is Sammyslave.   I gave Nick one of those dining canopies and Sammyslave has one.  Between the two, we have two, and if there's a third, we'll have three.

We can lash them all together and have one giant tent.  It'll be just like Cirque Du Soleil.  And, we can put a tarp around the end where the wind is blowing and that should block the cold air from coming in, and with Bee Cee's heaters, life will be good.

Very cool tribal effort going here.

And we have rope to spare.
