RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Look at all of you with Avatars.  Keep it up.


Hybrid Holly

Quote from: Clueless in SacrementoAlso, Ralph was planning on diving for abalones that weekend.  

Is there a good place to dive nearby?  
If there is diving, is it in an area where you swim to from shore or should he bring the royaks?
Will you be diving?

Hey, I am planning on coming up for just the day on Saturday.
Let me know if a dive trip is planned....and I will get there for it!

Red neff Barchetta

Clueless -
Glad you are on the recovery!  We'll see you soon.
Thanks for all that you are bringing.  My oldest DS would probably love to help clean the abalones when the divers return to camp.  He still talks about doing so with Dave/Ab.

Nick -
Glad you've got my back.

Holly -
Glad you are going to join us for Saturday!

Heck, I'm just glad.


Quote from: Red neff GLAD BarchettaHeck, I'm just glad.

I think I can speak for everyone,

We're Glad
that you're Glad


Quote from: 6QuigsNeff,
I think I can speak for everyone,

We're Glad
that you're Glad


Better than being MAD!



Quote from: Ca-girlSince neither one of us uses them, we're kind of stumped as to where to get our hands on some cans!
And before you cans does NOT make you one of the judges thereby excluding you from participation in the games.  ;)

T- You are such an easy target with this one. I'm suprised noone took a shot at you. I think I will be able to get my hands on some cans. Or at least a can.

Red neff Barchetta

Well, I'm back from Casini Ranch.  Gina was out doing errands so I still haven't met her.  On the way out the ocean was beautiful and there were quite a few surfers (in wet suits) out today.  On my way back River Rd. was gorgeous today with all of the grape vines rolling up the hills.
Our sites are perfect for us for this time of year.  Especially with the possiblity of some moisture.  They are in direct sunlight and will give us the most warmth for the most hours.  The river was completely calm except for a few birds, 2 deer, and a seal (very cool).

I made the final change to the sites and here are the reasons;
Site 6 is a pull-through and would be tight with anyone with a slide-out so Dianne who is coming solo gets that one.
Site 7 is at a weird angle and you have to back in your rig up a silly little hill/bump on to a landing area so I'll take this one (sure am glad most of you won't be around to watch me get the PU backed in to this crazy approach).
Site 20D is a touch small and also is next to BC so Ray gets that one with his half-a-PU.
All other sites are normal sized sites which today had 2 5th-wheel's, 1 MH, 1 TT, & 1 Hybrid in them.

I will hang on to site 25 until tomorrow when I have to give the final roster without losing any money.  So if anyone is lurking, post by tonight.  We'd love to have you join us!

Here comes the "big post" and then I will bump it one more time next Wed. night;

Wait for it,

Almost here,

Tada! -

Red neff Barchetta

Well, November is fast approaching with nary a mention of a rally.
So let s go to Casini Ranch Family Campground in Duncans Mills;
We really like this location because it is 3 1/2 miles from the ocean and shielded from the wind with a lot of things to do in the area. You can go wine tasting or go to the ocean (lounging, walking/hiking/exploring, fishing, whale watching, tide-pooling, playing, kite flying, etc...). You can check out the seals where the Russian river meets the ocean. There are some terrific restaurants for lunch. There is Fort Ross ("The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!"). There is a giant redwood grove that is wonderful to stroll through. You can play golf at 2 different spectacular courses


Jeff, Jeff, Jeff,

Didn't we have our little talk about High-lighting the changes whenever you re-post the original post :mad:

And what's with the musical chairs and the site assignmemts,
No matter what site Surf pops up at, he will be able to produce a list, that shows that it was his site at one point in time :J

Just hope everyone has as much fun on the Rally, as you are having Waggonmastering it.
I think you have done way more than Scott described in his article.


So Nick,
What's for breakfast on Saturday?

Red neff Barchetta

Kevin -
I'm doing just as much (but no more) as any other terrific NNC wagonmaster has before.  With me though you get long-winded posts is all.  As well as by chance today I had time and proximity to the rally destination to check it out.
I sure hope everyone has a great time (like this group always does), but that is in each persons own control as "attitude equals enjoyment".

I am looking forward to camping again as its been a month now.  Can't wait to hang out with everyone as well.  Plus I've got some new mod's and stuff to try out.  Can't wait for the first campfire!


Quote from: Red neff Barchetta..... Plus I've got some new mod's and stuff to try out...........
I know...
Margaret can't wait to see your new Hybrid.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: 6QuigsI know...
Margaret can't wait to see your new Hybrid.
Haha!  That is more true than you can even imagine.
We had serious discussions after seeing your Tahoe in Tahoe.  The king bunk in your model and make is what almost took us into hybrid land.
More than the fact that the PU is all paid for and fits in my shops 10' roll up door, we are just having too much fun with the PU at this point in our lives.  We're still getting used to having a toilet, shower, mattresses, movies, hot water, etc... while camping.  Besides, I've got it all tricked out and dread doing all that mod'ing over again so soon after I've done the PU.  We love our PU right now, but will have a hybrid (probably a Tahoe or Kiwi if we chose today) someday down the road 5 - 10 years from now.
For your family and how much you guys go camping, your Tahoe makes so much sense and you can bet I'll enjoy hanging out with you guys in it!
Now, if I could only get a hybrid's awning to fit on the PU I'd be all set!  I'd have nothing left to complain about.  Those Carefree awnings and AAR's are just too expensive to remove the perfectly good awning off of mine at this point.


Quote from: champ521T- You are such an easy target with this one. I'm suprised noone took a shot at you. I think I will be able to get my hands on some cans. Or at least a can.
Leave it to "Bee Cee" to attach a sexual innuendo to something as innocent as a request for coffee cans :J


O.K. Jeff.
If you want  the new Hybrid to be a secret until we all arrive at Casini,
then I will keep my mouth shut,
and won't let anyone know about it.

Your secret is safe with me.