RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Kevin -
My rod was corroded as badly as your "right hand" rod.
Amy looked at my rod and immediately grabbed it and put it in a wrapper.   :D

Actually, she wants to show it to her classes.  Some gibberish about ions or some such.  That's what you get when you are married to a science teacher.  I make suggestive jokes and she goes and finds a learning experience out of it!  How boring.
If I get it back then I'll bring it along to Casini.
I've been draining the WH every time the last 2/3 (6 months) of this anode rods life.  So the real damage must have been done in the 1st 3 months of its life.  Just shows you what a benefit it is to drain the WH when departing the cg.
Btw, the whole replacement took about 15 mins. if anyone has been thinking about doing this.  I've even got all the tools needed in the PU.
I'd rather replace a $9.00 rod every 9 - 12 months than a corroded WH every 5 years.


QuoteUnfortunately, My neighbour does not have a Palm Tree like heater I can borrow, so bring warm clothes, and firewood.

I have a Mr Heater Buddy that I plan to bring. I know it's not a palm tree but it might work ??? It'll just cost you a bloody or 2 ;)


Red neff Barchetta

Mark us down for one 9 year-old with a bike.  He just decided he wants to bring it.
Don't think I'll bother with mine though since the youngest won't want to sit in his seat due to the colder temp's..


Quote from: 6QuigsUnfortunately, My neighbour does not have a Palm Tree like heater I can borrow, so bring warm clothes, and firewood.

-----Laid back Saturday morning potluck breakfast-----
Nick - Basque tortillas
Red neff Barchetta - Milk & juices (orange, apple, etc...)
Champ 521 - Assorted bagels & cream cheese
6Quigs -Bloody Mary's, Doghnuts

-----Saturday night potluck-----
Nick (head chef) - Camp kitchen
Ab Diver - Turkey & fryer
Surfcal - Veggies
6Quigs - Turkey & fryer & Peanut  oil, Egg rolls, Ice Cream
Clueless - Peanut oil for the turkey fryers, margaritas, & 2 marinated tri tips
Red neff Barchetta - Spaghetti with home-made sauce, SNPA, & juices
Zymomyz - Green salad, martini olives, & appetite
Champ 521 - Scrumptious corn casserole

Everyone - plates, utensils, garbage bags, cleanup, etc...

Hello fellow turkeys...

In response to Ab Diver's query about, "what's to go with the turkeys, or do we just wing it," I am tired of wings, Bufallo or otherwise.

I will bring veggies, and I up the ante by a making a large offering of mashed potatoes.  Any help you can lend in helping make it will be much appreciated.  We also need a cordless drill and drill bit that will mash the taters.  And gravy to top it off!



Hello Everyone,

Sorry for being MIA for so long - been super busy and been sick for a month, head cold, chest cold, stomach flu - and that's not counting the kids sickness' :(  Right now everybody is healthy so hopefully we will have a great weekend!

Anyway, we will be there Thursday night I'm guessing sometime between 8 and 9 pm.  We're hoping to pull out of town by 4:00 p.m. We've decided to bypass going through Clear Lake and take the "long" way primarily so that we put less strain on the van.  So, it looks like taking 101 through Santa Rosa to River Road - is that right?  I have to look at the directions again.

As for what we are bringing.......
1 - EZ-Up 10x10 canopy (can bring 2 if you think we need to)
1 - Propane Heater (runs off propane tank) - since Jeff said we can refill if needed at the camp store we can run it as much as needed.
UnPotato Salad (made at the Tahoe Rally)
Dinner Rolls & Butter

Birthday Party stuff for Ethan:
Pinata - Jeff is there a place to do a Pinata?

So how many kids are coming?

I will bring something else for dinner too, just haven't decided what yet :)  Also, not sure what's for breakfast on Saturday either.  I'll make these decisions later tonight since I'm going shopping tomorrow.

I'll post again either tonight or tomorrow.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaMark us down for one 9 year-old with a bike.  He just decided he wants to bring it.
Don't think I'll bother with mine though since the youngest won't want to sit in his seat due to the colder temp's..


I will bring my bike, the foldable one, so I can ride with Austen.


Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: SurfcalNeff:

I will bring my bike, the foldable one, so I can ride with Austen.

Ray -
He said;


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaKevin -
I made the proper translations and updated the thread.   :D

Ha Ha Ha,

Good one Jeff!!
I'm the sound sleeper, It's Mrs. Quigs who answers the door between 1:00am and 4:00am.

Red neff Barchetta

Michelle -
Glad to hear that you are all feeling better!
I'll have my LP lantern & a beer ready for your arrival.  You might bring a lantern along too if you have one.  Hate to have you wake up Friday morning and realize you are set-up in half of Kevin's site.
So if you are leaving at 4:00 and eventually coming up Hwy. 101 (north) towards Santa Rosa from Petaluma then you would hit Cotati around 7:30 or 8:00.  I would stay on Hwy. 101 and fly right through Cotati/Rohnert Park and continue (you'll also pass the Hwy. 12 exits which you don't want) up through Santa Rosa to River Rd. (before you get to Windsor) as the commuter mess should be over by then.  River Rd. is dark in spots, but you'll be fine.  When you get to Guerneville you're getting close.  If the General Store at Casini is closed when you arrive then just come find Dianne & us.  You can take care of registering in the morning.

Drive safely!

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: 6QuigsHa Ha Ha,

Good one Jeff!!
I'm the sound sleeper, It's Mrs. Quigs who answers the door between 1:00am and 4:00am.

You can bet I won't be knocking on the door then!  Gotta stay on Margaret's good side.


Seeing as our Waggonmaster is hiding the latest information somewhere 3 pages back, here is all the latest info at the top of a page
Quote from: Red neff BarchettaSo let s go to Casini Ranch Family Campground in Duncans Mills;
We really like this location because it is 3 1/2 miles from the ocean and shielded from the wind with a lot of things to do in the area. You can go wine tasting or go to the ocean (lounging, walking/hiking/exploring, fishing, whale watching, tide-pooling, playing, kite flying, etc...). You can check out the seals where the Russian river meets the ocean. There are some terrific restaurants for lunch. There is Fort Ross ("The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!"). There is a giant redwood grove that is wonderful to stroll through. You can play golf at 2 different spectacular courses

Red neff Barchetta

Kevin -
I like what you've done with the place.   :D  ;)  :)
I was waiting until tomorrow night to bring it up to the front one last time, but your version is funnier.

Michelle -
Forgot to mention that there are plenty of places for a pinata to be strung up from.  A birthday party sounds great!!  2 kids can be found in our site.  Once they have cake though they can be found at your site until they come down from their sugar high's.   ;)

Ab Diver

Ok, the DW, aka SWMBO, aka "Da Boss", aka LOML, said she'd make Pumkin Mousse if anybody was in the mood for some (it's good!).
I'll make something for laid back breakfast, but since it's laid back I ain't gunna plan it-- it'll just "happen".
Surf, we'll bring a small electric mixer we bought just for rallies. Works great. (you'd know that if you'd made it to Yosemite... but you were off seeing the world) Besides, if you wanna make spuds, sumguy's gunna have to make the gravy, and I can make a fairly decent one outta broth and such. Hey, I'll always be there for ya, Bro.
How's everybody set for heaters in their pop-up? Sal and Joan won't be able to make this one, so I've got a Buddy that's not spoken for yet.;)
Here's our roving reporter, Jeff Spicoli, with today's ocean report:
"Knaa-aaarly waves, Dude! Awsome, totally awsome! A-huh. I just got back from shootin' the tube doing a rad hang ten on de flip-flop, man! Major rightous! Divers flippin' and floppin' all over the zone, Dude. It wasn't pretty. That's it for now, Bro... Hear this? (thunk, thunk) That's my head, man! A-huh, a-huh. Now I'm off to party with Mick and the Stones! Catch you when the sun comes round again, kay? Hey, no hurling on the vinyl seats, man. Like, I just armor-alled them, dig?"

Ab Diver

Oh, BTW-- we will be "five" for supper. DW found out the pup is available a day earlier than we thought, and since they can't "hold" her for us... we'll be bringing the newest NNC mascot/member, AbDiverDoggy.
Sheesh.... lots of food, lots of commotion, possible rain and mud everywhere, and a new pup. This is gunna be interesting.


Quote from: Ab DiverBesides, if you wanna make spuds, sumguy's gunna have to make the gravy, and I can make a fairly decent one outta broth and such. Hey, I'll always be there for ya, Bro.

Hey Ab...

Glad to share the kitchen with you once again, just like old times from Fort Bragg.  Thanks also for the hardware for mashing up the taters.  
What brand is it?  Black & Decker, Makita, John Deere or Caterpillar?

Speaking of seeing the world, I am typing this right now as I am waiting for my flight at JFK Airport, totally wireless.  Those WiFi HotSpots are the greatest thing, this as a testament to it.  Totally free of cords and broadband to boot.  Next is big step is to make this available during flights, that way, I can monitor the posts in-flight.
