RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

I was just thinking that Champ/Dave, Carrie, & DD are at this very moment enjoying complete solitude with the entire river front as their very own front yard.  I bet a ton of wildlife visited the river banks this evening.
I'm sure they enjoyed a nice peaceful afternoon.

What a great w/e!

Glad to see everyone slowly checking in.  Nice rabble rousing Zymomyz!  Terrific pic's. & reviews coming in!!   :)


We're made it back from "Frosty Acres" with enough time to set up the tent, repair broken drawer slides, refill empty proprane tanks, clean the tent out, put it away and park it.  Had a great time.  The new tow vehicle pulled like a champ.

Thanks to Ray for the use of his "flashlight" to set up Friday night. :D

Put some pictures up here:

Dave - went looking for the "tankfoot" holders and can't find them down here - tried home depot and yardbirds.  Any other ideas?

If you weren't there you missed some great "field rations"  from abdiver and the quigs.

See you all at Olema :W

Ab Diver

QuoteSorry, Ab, but even though you cooked an awesome turkey Saturday evening, I can't resist . . . what hair ? ;)


Ah, Grasshopper.... you have learned well.  (told you guys they fit right in) Touche!
QuoteDave - went looking for the "tankfoot" holders and can't find them down here - tried home depot and yardbirds. Any other ideas?

I think I bought bought mine at Friedman's. I *know* they have them there. Also, Wally World should carry them, or a BBQ specialty store, or even a propane distributor like Kemgas or Amerigas. Lemme know if you can't find 'em, and I'll pick up a couple for you. They really do a good job of keeping the tank standing up.
BTW-- thanks to Clueless for the peanut oil! We all shared in your generosity since the turkeys were fried in *your* oil.
And right now Dave and Carrie are waking up and saying: "IT'S FREAKIN' COLD OUTSIDE!" :eek:

Red neff Barchetta

A few more good thoughts from the w/e;
Fort Ross with Otter
Lunch in Bodega Bay with all of the 6Quigs
The look the store clerk must have had when Holly & Dave/Ab both burst through the doors together (elbowing each other) frantically looking for Spam
Great company!

Thanks again everyone for another terrific w/e!

On to Olema for us (unless someone puts one together for Jan.).

Kids are dropped off at school and unfortunately it's off to work for me.

Oh yeah, if anyone gets a BAL chock, the 1.5" heat shrink tube (cut to 5.5" long) works perfectly around the handle.  I did it in less than 30 seconds yesterday afternoon.  I still have 3 pieces left if anyone wants one.  Just e-mail me.


Great review Dave. You really summarized the weekend, as did Surf

Red neff Barchetta

Just need to hear from Tania, Madlyn, & Dave and then we can shut this thread down and move on to the next one.

Sure hope those 3 families made it home safely!


We made it home safe and sound at about 1:00 this afternoon. It was kind of weird after everyone left and we had the place to ourselves. We took off and went lunch on Sunday just Ray was finishing loading up. He was the last to leave Sunday. When we got back to the campsite the wildlife had visited the trash cans and scattered trash everywhere. We did our good deed and picked it up. Max was so tired Sunday night that we left him off his leash and never had to go after him. This morning while we were loading up the birds were back in the trash and once again it was everywhere. We left it this time. The trash truck came by just as we were finishing loading up and they picked it up. The trash crew did not seem too happy when they pulled someones 20 lb propane tank out of a trash can!  :mad: I thought that was a little odd too, but we were on our way out. Thanks to everyone for everything. And for the record, it was a mountain lion. :eek:


Did anyone else lose weight this weekend due to the lack of official chefs?

Red neff Barchetta

Dave -
Glad to hear you made it home safely!
Only 2 more to hear from now.
I called Gina (@ Casini) today and thanked her for the hospitality.  She hopes we will return some day.  She mentioned the trash and that the critters do that every time an area is deserted.  That was nice of you to pick it up yesterday.  I noticed the LP tank in the garbage can near Dianne's site when we arrived on Thursday.  It was already in there when we arrived.  Dianne & I are innocent I tell ya!
It was great having you there this w/e.  Amy really enjoyed getting to know Carrie a little better this rally.
We'll keep our fingers crossed for your transfer!


Now that we've tried fried turkeys, I think that we should have fried turkey every NNC rally.  That was the best!



Quote from: Red neff BarchettaJust need to hear from Tania, Madlyn, & Dave and then we can shut this thread down and move on to the next one.
Sure hope those 3 families made it home safely!
Sorry it took me so long to post...I HAVE been trying to check in from time to time, and really enjoyed everyone's recaps and pictures.  As a matter of fact, I just forwarded AbDiver's Survivor recap to some of my friends that, although didn't quite understand what the heck I was talking about, were very interested in the crazy preparations I was making for my "camping" weekend! It's always kind of funny to watch their faces when I talk about camping, deep fried turkey, mountain lions, and a spam hunt all in the same sentence!
The weekend was, as always, fantastic...thanks for putting it together Jeff! I'm even toying with the idea of getting a Turkey fryer tomorrow to give it at shot on Thanksgiving...that was the most amazing meat since Tri-tip!!  (Sorry Jeff....I'm sure the onion was good too :p )
Now if only one of you Wagonmaster-types would come up with something for January, I wouldn't have to wait until February to do it all again!

Red neff Barchetta

That was the best deep fried blooming onion I've ever had at a November rally!
Seriously, it was actually pretty damn good.  Kind of like an appetizer.
Great work on the games Tania!  First rate!
And what a terrific family you have!

I also have to applaud our NNC guards who made the fryer area a non issue.  I didn't even hear of a close call with any kids.  Good job!

Red neff Barchetta

Looks like it's up to Madlyn to make the final post before retiring this thread.

Hybrid Holly

QuoteMax was so tired Sunday night that we left him off his leash and never had to go after him.Looks like it's up to Madlyn to make the final post before retiring this thread.

Good thing that Mountain Lion was not out and about!

Tania, you did such a good job as Survivor master...maybe you should wagon master an event in January!


Quote from: SurfcalNow that we've tried fried turkeys, I think that we should have fried turkey every NNC rally.  That was the best!

I agree Surf.
I just might bring mine to Ccacchuma.
Over in the General forum, someone was asking had anyone ever fried a turkey while camping :D
I let them know what they missed at Casini.