RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaCome on Allen, you can make it!  You can even go to and from work from the rally.  We d love to have you join us.
 Btw, I ve dubbed you a " probable turkey"  at this time.


 Red neff BarchettaDave (AbDiver),
 I have " toasted turkey"  for several years now and I won t do it any other way any more.  It is so cool to fry a 22 lb. turkey in 1 hour!  You don t heat up the house and it cuts down on your time a whole lot and you get a very moist turkey with crunchy skin.  Since you have done this once already, you shouldn t have any problem because you know what to expect.  My directions state not to fry anything bigger than a 16 lb. bird, but when I purchased my fryer, one of my co-workers had already had experience and he said you could do as big a one that would fit in the fryer.  I have done a 22 lb. bird, the problem is getting the wings and thighs to fold in enough to fit in.  My co-worker also gave me the pointer to use one of those old wooden hangers for lowering the turkey into the oil.  You put the hook that comes with the kit on the hook part of the hanger and using 2 hands you slowley lower the turkey into the hot oil.  I don t know about what you got in your kit, but the hook I got in my kit you could only use one hand.  So using the wooden hanger you can use 2 hands and it really is much easier when you are straining with that heavy bird trying to lower it slowely into the hot oil.  Speaking of oil, my directions call for peanut oil, and that is all I have used.  I purchase it in 1 gal. jugs from " Smart & Final"  (a discound restaurant supply/Costco type store) for about $7-6 per gal.  Only purchase 3 gallons because you won t need more than that.  I like getting it in gal. jugs because then I can filter and pump it out (purchased the pump form Cabella s) back into the 1 gal. jugs and store it in my garage refrigerator to re-use (should not use it more than 3 times, per the co-worker, as it gets too dark). Also, make sure that you keep the oil at the required temperature.  If you don t the turkey could get oily.
 You can also experiment by using one of those " flavor injectors" .  We marinated one of our turkeys in a brine that Sal had for Salmon and it turned out wonderful.  We purchased a 5 gal. bucket that we only use for marinating the turkey.  The skin gets very dark, but still crunchy.  When you fry a marinated turkey the oil also gets darker so you can t use it for any other turkey frying unless it is a marinated one.
 Anyway, if you have any questions, please ask.  As I said, I have done it for years and it is the best.   GOOD LUCK!

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaHey all,
 I ve updated the first post in this thread with some more info. and changes (sites and # of sites reserved).
 These sites are really awesome how they are grouped together and have a ton of community space surrounding them.
 I drove out to Duncans Mills today along the Russian river and returned home along the Pacific ocean.  WHAT AN AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL DRIVE!!!!  It was a postcard day.  I had the windows down and some good tunes on the radio.  Glad to be alive kind of drive!

Ab Diver

 Red neff BarchettaHey, Red-Neff-Neck-Rubber-Barchetta-Duck (or whatever the heck your name is-- I m so tired of long work days I can t think straight [;)] ), move us up to Attending Turkeys. We miss taking the trailer out so much, and soccer season lasts only a few weeks longer... I m gunna be there if I have to crawl!
 Joan, sorry for the late reply, didn t see your post until just now. How s Sal doing?????  Hope things are looking better for him. Hugs to both of you from all our Fam. (BTW.. how d Sal like *Lucy*? Did he finish the book?)
 As for the turkey, we did this while camping up in the Sierras last year and then again last Thanksgiving. We took a little more cautious approach to dipping the bird in the hot oil: Got a long pine limb, and hung the turkey hook from that so myself and another guy could distance ourselves from the oil about three feet on each side of the pot (didn t know what to expect and we were playing it safe). This seems to work great, as nobody needs to get near the hot oil., and you can easily drop the bird down an inch at a time to keep bubbling to a minimum. A broom handle would work just as well. I haven t graduated to the loftier peaks of marinated turkey-toasting yet, just rubbing pepper and garlic all over the skin. I can see I have a way s to go before I can hold my head high while serving you a toasted turkey tidbit. [;)]
 Speaking of hot oil... anybody got one of those gate-like fireplace surrounds that corrals a campfire? We were thinking of getting one for our family trip this summer, but my unexpected monthlong sickness put the kibosh on those plans. Was just thinking it would be a great safety barrier around that bucket of oil, to strictly cordon off a " no-kid s land"  while it s hot. (not that I would leave it unattended, but kids have a way of running past you and bumping into things, ya know?) If nobody has one, I ll see what I can come up with... I m thinking something along the lines of razor wire and land mines. Sound about right? [;)]

Ab Diver

 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteOur sites (83, 84, 103A - 108, & 115) are in a terrific spot that has large tree s over-hanging all the sites, a hill behind them, & a playground within eye sight of every site.

 Ok, I ll bite..... who s gunna get what site???? FC- FS, or do we fight it out for best two out of three falls? (too bad Champ521 isn t showing up, I d give odds and put a 20-spot down on him! [;)] )

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaAb/Dave -
 Outstanding!  That is great you can make it!  Amy still hasn t got to spend any significant time with you guys so we are glad you are coming.  Plus, it sounds like you could use the break.
 We have now filled half of our spots (more can be added if we go over 10).
 As far as the sites go, I ve put you in site 103B if that works for you.
 Great idea about the dog pen around the turkey fryer.  Amy also says great idea about the turkey!
 See you there!


 Red neff BarchettaPlease move us from " probable turkeys"  to " ATTENDING TURKEYS" .  Although it s a long drive, we are going to pull the kids out of school early or maybe even for the day and go camping! [:D][:D]  At this point put us down as arriving Friday and leaving Sunday although there is a slim possiblity we will come LATE Thursday night.[8D]


 Red neff BarchettaOK OK - we re coming just as long as THIS turkey doesn t have to put HIS FAT in the FRYER!  
 Be there Friday and Saturday night.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaMichelle & Allen -
 1 PU & 1 Hybrid it is.
 Allen -
 After your current work load, I think you ll enjoy the relaxation time.
 Michelle -
 If you come on Friday morning (as opposed to Thursday evening) you might consider coming to Santa Rosa through Lake county.  You will arrive in north Santa Rosa on Mark West Springs Rd. (or something like that) which when you go over Hwy. 101 will magically turn into River Rd. and you re 1/2 an hour away from the rally!  Amy s Dad who lives in Redding usually comes that way and swears it shaves off at least 1 1/2 hrs..  Be fore-warned though, it is curvy.
 Just thought I d mention it as an option for you.  I would definitely research it before trying with a trailer though.  I do know I would go that way with the Utah (19  closed).

 Red neff BarchettaHey,
 Has anyone ever had a Turducken?  Or a deep fried turkey?  You wanna be different this potluck dinner and tag team on those?  Let s make NNC history.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaCough (or is that Dianne, ha) -
 I hear John Madden talking about Turducken on KCBS once in a while.  Some Green Bay or New Orleans tailgate meal I think.  I think it s a turkey stuffed with a duck wrapped in bacon or something like that.  Crazy!


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteORIGINAL:  Red neff Barchetta
 Cough (or is that Dianne, ha) -
 I hear John Madden talking about Turducken on KCBS once in a while.  Some Green Bay or New Orleans tailgate meal I think.  I think it s a turkey stuffed with a duck wrapped in bacon or something like that.  Crazy!

 Hey AbDiver:
 You want to create a TurduckenAb?
 Surfcal (who also pulled an Otter)


 Red neff BarchettaJeff,
 Put us down as attending turkeys.


 Red neff Barchetta
QuoteIf you come on Friday morning (as opposed to Thursday evening) you might consider coming to Santa Rosa through Lake county.

 Are you talking about going through Cobb Mountain? If so, yes I know that road is very curvy!
 If we came on Thursday night will it still make that much of a difference?  I m leaning toward coming on Thursday night.  If we left around 4 then we would be there around 8 or so and hey we would keep our track record of setting up camp in the dar[8D]  The Tahoe rally is the only camp trip that we actually arrived at during the daylight hours!  At least this way, then we would have all day Friday and Saturday to take the kids to the beach and explore.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaMike/Nick -
 Glad to hear you guys are coming!  Site 106 is all yours.
 Michelle -
 Arriving Thursday is a great idea.  You guys are gluttons for punishment just like Nick who also enjoys arriving in the dark.  Not to mention that I would feel better about Dianne arriving on Thursday if you guys were there also.  Gotta watch out for our dear Otter you know.  If I can t swing arriving Thursday, then I ll be there by 8:30 a.m. on Friday.
 Btw, let me know about arriving Thursday or not within a week or so of the rally so I can let Casini Ranch know.