RE: FALLing Turkeys Rally - Nov. 21 - 23, 03

Started by otter, Sep 24, 2003, 11:52 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaOutstanding Tania!
 Tomorrow morning I ll call and release site 115 (dry site) and ADD sites 88, 89, & 90 (E, W, & C (no sewer)).
 We are going to move out of the village and into the suburbs with you;
 Site 88 - CA Girl
 Site 89 - Red neff Barchetta
 Site 90 -
 This will give us 12 sites (9 in the village & 3 in the suburbs) in my name.
 This will leave 1 site open in my name as of now.  After that, attending turkeys (# s 13, 14, etc...) can call and make their own reservations for sites 92, 93, etc...
 I ll make the changes on the initial post in this thread tomorrow evening after I have actually talked to someone at Casini Ranch.


 Red neff BarchettaAs this rally gets closer, I need an approximate " kid count" .  Ethan s birthday is on Thursday and he wants to celebrate with his new camping friends[:)]  So, it looks like we will be bringing the pinata this time. [:D]  I told him that maybe we will go ahead and arrive on Thursday for his birthday and skip school on Friday - he was happy about that![8D]
 So, Jeff, go ahead and put us down for a LATE arrival on Thursday.  As for driving, will it be best to travel via Cobb Mountain or another way?

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaMichelle -
 We have 2 college funds started, er 2 DS.  Ages 4 & 9.  I ll get them back later in life though when I move into their homes and drive them crazy with my false teeth, etc...  Bhwaahaahahahaha!
 Great to hear you are arriving on Thursday!  I am almost sure we will too.  Our oldest has 1/2 days on Thurs. & Fri..  So missing them won t be a big deal.  I m just working on my Thursday now and hope to free it up soon with a little tweaking of the schedule.
 I have only traveled through Lake county (from/to I-5) once and if I recall correctly you kind of skirt Clear Lake and go through Calistoga (past Old Faithful).  Since it sounds like you are coming Thursday late morning/early afternoon I would definitely do it if it were me.  It is curvy, but if you re willing to go slow then it should be alright.  I know the low profile PU would be fine.
 Otherwise, crank up to 65 mph and do the I-5, 505, 80, etc... thing.


QuoteAs this rally gets closer, I need an approximate " kid count" .

 I just did a " kid count" , and we are holding steady at 4 kids.
 10,7,4 and 3 years old

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff Barchetta- Major announcement -
 The initial post on this thread has been updated.
 New site assignments;
 Attending turkeys;
 Site 6 - R Turner
 Site 7 - Surfcal/Cough
 Site 9 - Otter
 Site 11 - PC Mom
 Site 14 - Red neff Barchetta
 Site 16 - 6 Quigs
 Site 18 - Nick & Hunter s Mom
 Site 20 - Clueless in Sacremento
 Site 20A - CA Girl
 Site 20B - Ab Diver
 Site 20C - AB Bear
 Site 20D -
 1 site left!


 Red neff BarchettaVery cool, I can be next to one of my late night campfire buddies!  Tania, hope you will come down the " road"  and help us drive the neighbors nuts again.
 I did my first flip  [:D][:D][:D][:D][:)][:)][:)][:)][:)][8D]


 RTurnerYou know you can count on ME Rojana!  You bring the flashlight, and I ll bring the rum [;)] We ll have a ha-ha of a time!


 Red neff Barchetta
Quote- Major announcement -
 The initial post on this thread has been updated.
 New site assignments;
 Attending turkeys;
 Site 6 - R Turner
 Site 7 - Surfcal/Cough
 Site 9 - Otter
 Site 11 - PC Mom
 Site 14 - Red neff Barchetta
 Site 16 - 6 Quigs
 Site 18 - Nick & Hunter s Mom
 Site 20 - Clueless in Sacremento
 Site 20A - CA Girl
 Site 20B - Ab Diver
 Site 20C - AB Bear
 Site 20D -
 1 site left!

 we have moved from Japanese Island Road
 River Front Road
 Coming up in the world[;)]


 RTurnerI ve been watching this one grow and I really like what I m seeing. I wasn t sure we would be able to make it. At this point though I would like to throw my name in the hat. We are in. Put us down for 20D. I ll try to talk DW into staying through Monday since DD is out of shcool then.

 BEE CEE is in.

Red neff Barchetta

 Red neff BarchettaCool Dave/Champ!!
 We now have all 12 sites filled;
 Attending turkeys;
 Site 6 - R Turner
 Site 7 - Surfcal/Cough
 Site 9 - Otter
 Site 11 - PC Mom
 Site 14 - Red neff Barchetta
 Site 16 - 6 Quigs
 Site 18 - Nick & Hunter s Mom
 Site 20 - Clueless in Sacremento
 Site 20A - CA Girl
 Site 20B - Ab Diver
 Site 20C - AB Bear
 Site 20D - Champ 521
 -- 7 PU s & 5 Dark Sides (or 7 grey water totes) --
 Btw Dave -
 Let me know if you decide to stay until Monday and I ll let Casini Ranch know.  Although I m sure they don t have your site reserved for Sunday (11/23) night it would be good to play it safe.
 Also, I called today and reserved sites 9 (Otter), 11 (PC Mom), & 14 (RNB) for Thursday (11/20) night also.
 Again, if anyone else wants to join us (& we hope you do!) then just call and make a reservation for yourself.  I would recommend sites 3, 2, 62, 63, 64, & 25 in that order based on what Casini Ranch told me yesterday.

Red neff Barchetta


 Uh Dave, you might want to ask your DD for spelling lessons.
 Hee, hee (for Brian)


QuoteWe now have all 12 sites filled;
Their will be a lot of SAD turkeys during this rally.Wish we could come, but have plans already.

Red neff Barchetta

I can't figure out where the $%^! the initial post is in this thread and I am NOT re-typing it, lol!

Here are the site assignments;
Site 6 - R Turner arriving on Friday
Site 7 - Surfcal/Cough arriving on Thursday
Site 9 - Otter arriving on Thursday
Site 11 - PC Mom arriving on Thursday
Site 14 - Red neff Barchetta arriving on Friday (hoping to change to Thursday)
Site 16 - 6 Quigs arriving on Friday
Site 18 - Nick & Hunter's Mom arriving on Friday
Site 20 - Clueless in Sacremento arriving on Friday
Site 20A - CA Girl arriving on Friday
Site 20B - Ab Diver arriving on Friday
Site 20C - AB Bear arriving on Friday
Site 20D - Champ 521 arriving on Friday (departing on Monday)
