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Way to go Scott/Hybrid Holly

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Oct 26, 2003, 09:15 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

You wouldn't catch me doing something like that!

gsm x2

Dang Holly--we got caught.

Now if I can just remember what it was we were doing.

gsm x2

gsm x2

Oh--It was the New and Improved Scott.



Hybrid Holly

I know I've been away, but now I am really confused!
Can someone clue me in?

Red neff Barchetta

You're just going to have to make it to Casini Ranch where we'll all be happy to tell you about it in person.
Also, we can then change the story around and pin the whole thing on Scott/SCCS since he unfortunately can't make it.


Sure go ahead and pin it all on me even the stuff you make up.

Hybrid Holly

Hey, I never found out what this was all about!


WAY TO GO GROUP, by keeping her in the dark about this one .Holly will just have to wait until the next rally. :p

Red neff Barchetta


Hybrid Holly

Wait a minute Scott (SCCS), I thought you were on my side?

Red neff Barchetta



Quote from: Hybrid HollyWait a minute Scott (SCCS), I thought you were on my side?

Holly, I am on your side. Iam just trying to protect the innocent. :D



Neff just told me.  Good going!!!  Mum's the word.


Red neff Barchetta

Dangit Cough!  You weren't supposed to say anything.

Just treat them both like normal folk.  It must be embarrassing enough for them as it is.

Hybrid Holly

Quote from: Red neff BarchettaDangit Cough!  You weren't supposed to say anything.

Just treat them both like normal folk.  It must be embarrassing enough for them as it is.

yeah, we can't even be seen together anymore!