Self-service Negative Bouyancy Rally II, Jan. 16.17 & 18

Started by Surfcal, Dec 06, 2003, 09:26 PM

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Quote from: Ca-girlI did receive my confirmation, and I'm now officially attending (you know it's not really true until you see it on the NNC website). I will share a drink with you, but apparently we have to also share it with Nick. I'll bring the dixie cups, blender, and prune juice to mix with his Marzen so he can get a "taste" of the Falling Turkeys rally ;)
I got my confirmation yesterday and I made the reservation on Monday.

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: UnregisteredI got my confirmation yesterday and I made the reservation on Monday.
Excellent Dianne!   :)


It's good ol' Otter pulling an Otter all over again.



Quote from: SurfcalIt's good ol' Otter pulling an Otter all over again.
Nope not Otter, this time I pulled an Otter.:)


Quote from: NickNope not Otter, this time I pulled an Otter.:)

ha ha tricked


Quote from: otterha ha tricked


Hi:  This is Debbie of Rod, Debbie, Nathan, and Rachel (TOWROD).  We would like to go to this rally, but when I called, it seems the dry camping sites are quite a ways away from the group (sites 1-12).  Site 34 was the one available, I think.  Does anyone know how far away this is?  Will anyone else be dry camping in our group?  I just have visions of Nathan running around miles away from our site!


Hey Debbie, it is quite a ways away.  Don't mean to discourage anyone, but in terms of walking, it is a hike along with hills to contend with.  In fact, Sammyslave and GSM X2 have opted not to attend because of the lack of hookups and distance.  Both of them attended last year's too.



Quote from: SurfcalHey Debbie, it is quite a ways away.  Don't mean to discourage anyone, but in terms of walking, it is a hike along with hills to contend with.  In fact, Sammyslave and GSM X2 have opted not to attend because of the lack of hookups and distance.  Both of them attended last year's too.


Thanks for your quick response and the good information.  I guess we need to be more frequent visitors to the message board to sign up in time.  So we will see you in February then.  Thanks again-


Quote from: SurfcalOtter, I consider you the landlord of the site. I am planning on going, but my schedule is about as unstable as a tea party on surfboard. I can easily get a dry site, or we can share a site. Two vehicles per site, all we need is for a TV to pull into the overflow parking and my pickup truck/RV is good to go.
OK:  I'll do the Landlording (or Landladying as the case may be).  Give me the number of the site and the confirmation # sometime and I will be there.  I'm sure we will both fit.  You had better make it!  Thanks again.


Hey LOOK:  I got the signature to work!!!!
Now I will go to work on the icons.  :)
Wow!  and the fonts/color:
It is amazing what a few minutes to search around will do even for we computer illiterates.
Gotta go play somemore.


Quote from: otterHey LOOK:  I got the signature to work!!!!
Now I will go to work on the icons.  :)
Wow!  and the fonts/color:
It is amazing what a few minutes to search around will do even for we computer illiterates.
Gotta go play somemore.

Otter, check the very first entry to this thread.  Surf.


Did that:  Site #5 ...OK.....  Sounds likea cozy group.  
The view from the dry camping is fantastic:  but it is abit of a hike.  
There is always room to drive to the hookupsites and park..


Screw it! :p   We'll be a Saturday visitor. :)

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: champ521Screw it! :p   We'll be a Saturday visitor. :)
Great news Dave!   :)  :)