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HalfDome Hyjinx II

Started by calstate360, Dec 31, 2003, 01:23 PM

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A quick note to all.....what another great trip! Our friends always tease us about camping with a group of people we met off the internet, but then again they hear how much fun we had. It was good to see a lot of the families we met in Pismo. And meeting some new families. A special thanks to Joan and Sal.


Great job on those pictures, KEVIN & RAY. Glad to read that no one had any trouble coming home, but still haven't read a post from NICK yet. :yikes:
 Looks like everyone had a great time. Wish we could have attended but had plans already.Chat with you all later.


Nick/Mike and family were headed from Yosemite to Hat Creek for more camping.  They won't be back til next weekend.


Our friends always tease us about camping with a group of people we met off the internet,  ......
Our son the CHP guy...had his buddies out checking on the first time we camped with the group...he was sure we were off to Woodson bridge with a bunch of axe murderes.  
these kids these days  :)
Glad you had fun and hope to see you again soon.


Hi Everyone!  Just wanted to say thank you for a great weekend.  Me, Dave and Emily really enjoyed it.  What a fun bunch of people you all are!  Thanks Sal and Joan for helping us feel right at home.... If anyone is on the board tonight... there's a meteor shower, it's supposed to be best between 12am and into the morning.... I guess that's why there were so many shooting stars over the weekend.  Well, gotta go.  

Darcamps  :W
04  215 Antigua Hybrid
03   Ford F250 Diesel


Hi All;
We made it back at 10 to 6 this evening, I found all the detours and traffic delays.:mad:  But no other problems than the 5hr. trip home.
Mike will be back on Monday after Hat Creek.
I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you for making this such a great event. Planning is on underway for Halfdome Hijinx III and I will post more in a few days. A special thanks to all of you for helping me pull off Joan's birthday surprize, I hear I am in for it on mine.:)
Mike it was great getting to know you and your family better with the extra couple of days we all had together.:D
Again thanks to all, all you people are just awesome and without a doubt the best group of camping friends around.:!


glad to hear you got home safely.
Thanks again for the effort you and Joan put into this rally.
We all enjoyed it and are looking forward to Halfdome Hyjinks III.
You never know, we just might make it up to Half Dome one of these years.
I bet it was a lot quieter Monday morning after we all left.


Quote from: calstate360Planning is on underway for Halfdome Hijinx III and I will post more in a few days.
I look forward to hearing the dates for the next Halfdome rally.  We really wanted to go this time but we already had plans to go to Lassen National Park with some fellow Cub Scout Families.  So how long/hard of a hike is it to Halfdome?  We hiked Lassen Peak which is 5 miles round trip but it is 2000' going up:yikes:   It took us 3 hours up and 1 1/2 hours down.  I'm impressed that my kids all made it up - there were a few tears but once they were at the top and could see so far away they were happy.
Anyway, we are already making plans for next summer so I'm looking forward to hearing dates for the Halfdome rally as well as the 2005 Mega Rally:D


Glad you are home safely, Joan and Sal. We Otters had a great time. Thanks so much for all the work to do the arranging. We hadn't been to Yosemite in years; so enjoyed it all.
Hope you enjoyed your birthday  :cake: as much as I did, Joan. Whata funny group. :eyecrazy: You'd think we would have more people who could actually sing.  :M   Must be something in the camping genes. Worth a NIH study probably. but there is no lack of enthusiasm  :-() :-() in this group.
see you all soon I hope.


Gwenzilla wish to extend a hearty welcome home to Sal and Joan.  We thank you for your organizational skills in putting together such a wonderful rally which we enjoyed so much.  We look forward to future convivialities with ya'll.  We hope to make the Olema outing to say hi to one and all again (got to see if our employer can "spare" us both on those dates).  


Hi all, I'm back to work so it is my turn to post a THANKS to all of you for a wonderful birthday.  I kind of suspected that Sal would try to pull one over on me, which he did thanks to all of your help.  I had a real nice time.

As far as planning the rally, it's not a really big deal.  We camp there anyway every year and it makes it much more fun having all of you camping with us.  SO, I'm going to reserve 15 sites (we can add more, up to 25, if we need to later) for August 4-9th.  I will be faxing the request to the Superhost (Walt) so he will be sending me a contract.  It really was a good thing we had our reservations for almost a year this time because the campground was the fullest we have ever seen it.  Mark your calendars now to reserve the dates for Half Dome Hyjinx III.
Again, I want to thank all of you for making the trip fun (even with all the tire and televison problems we had) and helping Sal surprise me on my birthday.  AND THANKS FOR NOT ASKING HOW OLD I AM!!!:yikes:


Quote from: Calstate361AND THANKS FOR NOT ASKING HOW OLD I AM!!!:yikes:
Hum I can be bribed if the price is right. :rolleyes:


I'm back now.  Got home last night and had to drive back to Tracy this morning to pick up the Exploder.  We had a great time at Yosimite.  The activities were great a always.  After leaving Yosimite we were between Red Bluff and Redding and to out do Sal I had to blow another tire.  As someone else posted we had my brothers Expedition.  I got out to change the tire and there was no jack in the Exedition.  Luckly CHP pulled up and he had a jack.  Funny thing is that it was a bottle jack and he could not find the handle for the jack.  He ended up using a screw driver and channel locks.  Took about 45 min to get it jacked up in 105 degree weather.  I kept offering to take over but I think he saw my finger bandeged up and wouldent let me.  The entire tred of the tire came off in one piece and wrapped around the axle.  Had to stop at a shop and have them get it off.  Left Hat Creek yesterday and made it home without incident.

Got my stitches taken out today and now I'm trying to get this darn thing to move right again.  Its still stiff and tender but healling well.
Can't wait till the next rally.


Nick, Now that you got your bad luck out of the way you can now sit back, relax and have a cold one. Sounds like you had a great time camping back to back. I envy you man.


Quote from: NickAfter leaving Yosimite we were between Red Bluff and Redding and to out do Sal I had to blow another tire.
Now see??  If you would have stopped in Sacramento like I TOLD you too, we would have noticed the tire before it blew out and avoided all that trouble.  :sombraro: