"Call Of The Wild" NON-rally join if you like w/e, April 16 - 18

Started by Red neff Barchetta, Jan 31, 2004, 07:08 PM

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Red neff Barchetta

Cough -
Yeah, Casini is a great cg.  You can't beat it's location, private stretch of river (we counted 7 different seals this w/e.), proximity to the ocean (3 miles to Jenner/Goat Rock), & protection from the wind & fog.
However, I/we would not go there from April to September because it is apparent that during the busy and warm season that many um, er, let's say, river residents are about to set-up camp there.
Last November - perfect!  This past w/e - perfect!
We had a terrific time.  Had a great dinner last night at the Blue Heron in Duncans Mills to top it off.  Sorry, didn't check the Spam stock at the store.   :)   We actually took very little food with us this w/e as we ate out Saturday for lunch too.  All I had to buy at the grocery store Thursday was ice.
We were in site 25 which is the last hook-up site (& our last hook-up trip until SeaCliff in July) in that section.  So, all of the dry sites around us were empty and we had an entire grassy section to play in all to ourselves.

This post has taken so long to type, lol.
First the DW had me come watch Prince (I like him, but Amy was in love with him!) and then Traffic is on.  What a great group!  George Harrison, Bob Seger, & Jackson Brown still to be inducted - What a cool induction line-up for the R-n-R Hall Of Fame!  Gotta go!

Glad you're able to keep the posting going around here.
I'm about to be jammed with work until SugarLoaf.
Catch everyone later.   :)


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaScott -
That's what I get for ASSUMING someone else's information was correct.   :rolleyes:
I was home very briefly on Friday & saw that thread and didn't feel like confirming it for myself.
Thanks for the correction.  Although since I've made all of our reservations through September I wasn't too worried.   :D
Just thought I'd mention it for anyone else wanting to go to SugarLoaf.

You know what they say when you make an ASS out of U and ME ....... :Z

How come the devil horned smiley face is represented by a colon followed by an uppercase Z? (or vice versa) Just reminded me of you.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaCough -
Yeah, Casini is a great cg. You can't beat it's location, private stretch of river (we counted 7 different seals this w/e.), proximity to the ocean (3 miles to Jenner/Goat Rock), & protection from the wind & fog.
However, I/we would not go there from April to September because it is apparent that during the busy and warm season that many um, er, let's say, river residents are about to set-up camp there.
Last November - perfect! This past w/e - perfect!
We had a terrific time. Had a great dinner last night at the Blue Heron in Duncans Mills to top it off. Sorry, didn't check the Spam stock at the store. :) We actually took very little food with us this w/e as we ate out Saturday for lunch too. All I had to buy at the grocery store Thursday was ice.
We were in site 25 which is the last hook-up site (& our last hook-up trip until SeaCliff in July) in that section. So, all of the dry sites around us were empty and we had an entire grassy section to play in all to ourselves.
This post has taken so long to type, lol.
First the DW had me come watch Prince (I like him, but Amy was in love with him!) and then Traffic is on. What a great group! George Harrison, Bob Seger, & Jackson Brown still to be inducted - What a cool induction line-up for the R-n-R Hall Of Fame! Gotta go!
Glad you're able to keep the posting going around here.
I'm about to be jammed with work until SugarLoaf.
Catch everyone later. :)
That sounds like my kind of camping trip, Jeff.  Not much cooking, but lots of eating! :D My oldest DD was/is also in love with Prince.  She wanted to see the movie "Purple Rain", but I said no because it was rated R.  Then I got to thinking that she was going to sneak and see it anyway (because I know that's what I would have done), so I shocked her and took her to see it.  Then I got shocked!!! :eek:  And, btw, Scott and I went to see Dave Mason on Friday night and rocked out!  We were right up front and now all week I've been saying, "What?" and "Huh?"  ;)

Red neff Barchetta

I'm busy all w/e except for tomorrow morning.  So I'm going to run up to SugarLoaf and make a couple of notes about sites grouped together in 10 or more.  It's funny, we've probably stayed in half of the sites, but when I look at the site map I can't remember which one's would work best for us and not have large gaps between the sites.
I figure I'll write down 2 or 3 options so that when I arrive (on 4/16) I can just ask the ranger if sites 1 - 11 (or whatever) are available & give her/him everyone's reservation #'s.  That way I won't have to drive through the cg and then back to the ranger's shack with the PU in tow just to find out that someone just took a site in the middle of the area I'm trying for.

I think Loretta is camping there this w/e so I'll be sure to give her a warm NNC hello & freak her (& her family) out, lol.   :D

Red neff Barchetta

Question for everyone attending;

Do you prefer a site that is in the sun most of the day with a creek (very shallow) running behind the sites "or" one that is in the shade most of the day with big boulder's to climb on?

This presumes of course that I will have a choice when I arrive.


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaQuestion for everyone attending;

Do you prefer a site that is in the sun most of the day with a creek (very shallow) running behind the sites "or" one that is in the shade most of the day with big boulder's to climb on?

This presumes of course that I will have a choice when I arrive.
Few questions Neff
1. When you say sun most of the day, can you be a bit more specific with exact times.
2. Exactly how deep is the creek?
3. How wide is the creek?
4. How many Gallons per minute flow in the creek?
5. What type of fish can I expect to catch in the creek?
6. Will they be spray painting the creek green while we are there? like they did in Gold Rush?
7.What will the average water temperature of the creek be?
8.How far behind the sites is the creek?
9. Is it a sandy creek bed, or will my kids get as muddy as they did in Olema?
Now on to the boulder site
10. Do you have any photos of the said boulder?
11. What type of rock is the boulder made from?
12. How high is the boulder?
13. How wide is the boulder?
14. Does the boulder have good hand holds for the kids to climb with?
15. What type of tree is providing the shade?
16. Are there any birds nests in the trees?
17. How tall is the tree?
18. Is the tree an evergreen?
19. What is the racoon population of Sugarloaf?
20. Are the sewer connections on the site 3" or 4"
21. Is the electrical connection 30 or 50 amp?
22. How many channels will I get on the cable connection on my site?

O.K. I have to get back to work now, but I'll pop back with some more questions as I think of them ;)


Quote from: Red-have-it-your-way-BarchettaDo you prefer a site that is in the sun most of the day with a creek (very shallow) running behind the sites "or" one that is in the shade most of the day with big boulder's to climb on?

I really prefer a site that has sun half of the day with big boulders to climb on and shade half of the day with a creek (very shallow) running behind it. Don't forget to super size it and I'll have a Blue Fin with it as well.

Red neff Barchetta

Alright now, let's see ...

That's 1 un-even site with a very short driveway for Kevin and 1 site next to the bathroom & dumpster's for Steve.

Anyone else?   :mad:    ;)

Man I love you guys!!   :)


 It doesn't matter what site we get because I'm sure my kids will be up,over,in and around every boulder,tree and stream the cg has. :D


We'll take the site that gets the morning sun and the afternoon and evening shade. You know, the secluded one that's away from the main gathering area. I'd really feel bad if all of the noise that Max makes ruined someone's weekend.

Red neff Barchetta

OK, that's 2 sites IN the creek for Dave & Scott.   :D

Well, Loretta wasn't there so I had to freak out her sister & BIL instead.   ;)   Actually they were very nice people and also have a PU (a Mesa IIRC).
I saw Loretta's Sun Valley, but will have to wait to meet her & her family in 3 weeks.

It really is gorgeous at SugarLoaf.  Everything is green and the creek is flowing very nicely.  I went to Sonoma this morning and stopped by the cg on the way back home.  I counted signs for at least 28 wineries between Sonoma & Kenwood.  So if it's drunk wine tasting you're looking to do, this is the area for you.

It looks like I'm going to shoot for sites 39 - 50.  If we need more than that by the 16th then we will start filling up sites 1 - 6.  This will keep everyone on one side of the loop.

Have a great w/e everyone!


Thanks for the update Neff.

Did you happen to notice if the hook ups were all on the correct side, or were some of them reversed, like in Snug or in Olema?

Red neff Barchetta

Kevin -
Glad you brought that up.

The hook-up poles are the weirdest ones that I have ever seen before.
They are really wide at the bottom and you can't see the cement that is holding them into the ground.  The ground is strange also.  Instead of pavement with sites clearly outlined in white paint there seems to be some sort of dirt (?) or something sprinkled on top.  Back to the power poles - there is a strange rough outer shell around the outside as well as sticks & limbs (?) of different diameters protruding from the power poles from top to bottom.  At the ends of these smaller sticks are what appear to be needles from some of the poles & what appears to be a paper'y substance on others.  As far as the 30 amp plug is concerned, I walked circles around many of the poles and could not figure out where we plug in our rigs.  Never even got as far as looking for the cable & modem jacks.  Each site must have at least 20 of these weird power poles too!
I sure hope some of you have better knowledge about such cg's.

I won't even get into how I couldn't locate the laundry room, game room, or showers.

Btw, here's a site that I stumbled across that some of you might be interested in;
Doesn't have any close-up's of the cg sites though.  This guy took boring "nature" pictures so I can't even identify the gas station, market, or propane filling station.

 :D  ;)  :)


Hey Jeff,
Any site is good for us.  My cousin and his wife are going to pitch a tent on our site so one with enough space to do so would be great.  You can stick them in the creek or on a boulder if you want though.:)

Red neff Barchetta

Nick -

The beauty of SP cg's is that you park your rig in the "driveway" and you still have the entire site empty.  You'll have no problems finding room for a tent.  Whether the area will be free of rocks & ant hills (one of the greatest things for me moving up to the PU!   :) ) is up to the previous occupant of the site.

I have made a note for myself next to your reservation # for a site with a good tent area.  And a note next to Kevin's for a longer driveway to accommodate his fancy new set-up.   :)
Btw, there were 2 - 5th-wheel's at SugarLoaf yesterday/this w/e.  It appeared that they didn't have any parking issues.

Are your cousin's riding up with your DW or are they bringing a 3rd car?