"Spring Sunset" Dry Camping NON Rally Jun 11-13

Started by towrod, Mar 01, 2004, 02:53 PM

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Quote from: mustangHi, We are new to NNC and just went on the Sugarloaf trip and saw that you were going to Sunset on Union Valley Res.  We haven't been there in years but thought we would join you.  Are you still going?  It looks like site #73 is available which is right next to #76.  We have 2 kids, DD is 11 and DS is 8.  We sure had a great time with everyone this weekend and looking forward to doing more with NNC.

Hi Mustang/Loretta & Mike!
We really wanted to go to the Sugarloaf rally but spent the weekend prepping the house for painting :(    
We are definitely still going to go on this trip to Sunset in June :D
- It would be great to have you as neighbors.  My brother and I will be going up on Thursday, June 10 to get in some fishing and the rest of the family will be joining us on Friday.  We also have 2 kids, DS is 7 and DD is 2.5, My niece, 13, will likely be with us too.  Bring your bikes and hiking boots... and fishing poles too!


Quote from: Red neff BarchettaRod -
Mike & Loretta just want some of your homebrew as we talked it up this last w/e.   :D   Sure was missed.  Er, I mean you guys sure were missed.
Hope you got your house painted before the rains came.

I can vouch for Mike & Loretta's kids as they are terrific.  Now Mike & Loretta on the other hand, well, ....
J/k!  Glad to see you guys jumping in!!   :)

Hey neff!
Those lousy painters you hired for me only got half the house painted -
pink and teal just wasn't the "Designer Color Scheme" I had in mind :D :J

Seriously, the homestead is nearly all prepped and I hope that the forecast for sunny days the rest of this week hold true - plan to mask on Friday and spray on Saturday.  Wish me luck.  Is Yosemite really your next NNC trip?

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: towrodHey neff!
Those lousy painters you hired for me only got half the house painted -
pink and teal just wasn't the "Designer Color Scheme" I had in mind :D :J

Seriously, the homestead is nearly all prepped and I hope that the forecast for sunny days the rest of this week hold true - plan to mask on Friday and spray on Saturday.  Wish me luck.  Is Yosemite really your next NNC trip?
Rod -
Guess you shouldn't have given them any homebrew until AFTER they were done. :D
It always gets me how long prep (masking off in this case) work takes and how quick the noticeable work (painting) goes.  If you don't get the prep work done right though then you end up with painted windows, bushes, gutters, etc...   :swear:   (check out these new icons, lol  And what's up with a dancing banana?!)
You & your family were definitely missed at SugarLoaf!
Yes, sadly it's true.  Yosemite is our next rally.  This is our busiest year yet camping-wise, but short on rally's.
Catch you later.


Quote from: mustangHi, We are new to NNC and just went on the Sugarloaf trip and saw that you were going to Sunset on Union Valley Res.  We haven't been there in years but thought we would join you.  Are you still going?  It looks like site #73 is available which is right next to #76.  We have 2 kids, DD is 11 and DS is 8.  We sure had a great time with everyone this weekend and looking forward to doing more with NNC.

Did you folks make reservations yet?
We may have a micro rally in the works.


Hi there!
Sorry we didn't get back to you sooner. YES! We did get reservations for site 73  :D .  Sounds like it will be a great time.  We are really looking forward to seeing the falls again.  Last time we went it was late August and there was very little water.  Should be awesome in mid-June!

If DH gets off work early, we should be leaving around 1pm on Friday.  We need to avoid Sac area traffic!  

I think I saw that you'll be at Casa?  DD and I will be there.  It will be nice to meet you and your family!

See you then!


Quote from: mustangHi there!
Sorry we didn't get back to you sooner. YES! We did get reservations for site 73  :D .  Sounds like it will be a great time.  We are really looking forward to seeing the falls again.  Last time we went it was late August and there was very little water.  Should be awesome in mid-June!

If DH gets off work early, we should be leaving around 1pm on Friday.  We need to avoid Sac area traffic!  

I think I saw that you'll be at Casa?  DD and I will be there.  It will be nice to meet you and your family!

See you then!

The falls are impressive in June - I attached a picture at the start of the thread.  We'll see you at Casa in 2 weeks. :)


Went up to Union Valley for Mother's Day picnic.  It was beautiful. Sunset campground wasn't opened yet, just the host's rig was in the campground.  We rode our bikes through. It look like a great campground.
NFS is openning Wright's Lake a little early, so we are going to try for there.  My girls love Wrights since it is so flat and the "huge" rock in the lake that they love to jump off.  Once upon a time the huge rock was huge and now it has shrunk (solid granite does that as you grow older and bigger).

Sorry I'll miss out meeting you all.



Hi Loretta and Mike:  Just want to touch basis prior to camping at Sunset on 6/11 & 12.  We went camping over Memorial weekend with Rod's brother and sister in law and we discussed menus up at Sunset.  We really enjoy having dinners together so we would like to have a potluck on both Friday and Saturday nights.  My sister in law, Marianne is going to bring tri-tip steak (large) and 12 ears of corn, I am bringing chicken tenders and four bean salad for Friday.  Please join us and bring whatever you would like to compliment our fare.  On Saturday, Marianne is brining pasta with alfredo sauce and salad.  I am bringing jambalaya.  Again, please join us and bring whatever you would like to share.  There will be loads of food!

Looking forward to seeing you in a little over a week now.  



This sounds great!  I got your email, too.  We'll be joining in the potlucks, but I'm not sure what we'll be bringing yet.  Any suggestions?  Only 9 days left til  :S set!


Hi Loretta:  I wasn't sure you would get the e-mail.  All this technology....

On Friday, some sort of salad would work, like a green salad or potato salad, or something along those lines.  On Saturday, bread or another casserole type dish would be good.

We were in Yellowjacket on Union Valley Reservoir last weekend and it was beautiful.  The lake was full and the weather was just perfect.  We want to take a hike to Bassi falls because we weren't able to make it over memorial weekend (Nathan and Rod both had the flu - so we just basically sat around in our camp chairs.  Very peaceful though...

Rod is going to Sunset on the Thursday and I will come up on Friday morning.   Looking forward to seeing you there and meeting the rest of your family.
