Last minute wife left town going campin'... extreme anarchy

Started by zymomyz, Mar 10, 2004, 11:49 PM

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Quote from: SurfcalYes Larry, should we count you in?  By popular demand, our favorite chef, we are organizing a Spring Party at your house!


P.S.  Perhaps best held on a Saturday night.  People from out of town can overnight somewhere.

If pressed I can can bring more than just my appetite. I can bring Anne Marie's as well  ;)

gsm x2

Quote from: zymomyzOnce again that leaves me bringing my appetite :D .
Scott, I don't think you should take that lying down !! (at least sit up ;) )
Trust me---If I am lying down, she isn't mentioning SHRIMP...although once she did point and laugh...but that's another story.


Quote from: gsm x2Trust me---If I am lying down, she isn't mentioning SHRIMP...although once she did point and laugh...but that's another story.



I wanna come!!!  This sounds like the PERFECT rally for trailers!!  Of course, if Holly and Pete are bringing the liquid refreshments, I may still end up sleeping on someone's sofa :D
Count me in about dessert?


Objective: Party Rally
Reason: Nothing in particular (Srping, 6Quigs Anniversary, GSMX2 Road Trip)
Location: Larry's House
Date: TBA

The List:

Surfcal - Oysters
G-Whiz - Shrimp
GSMX2 - Something alluding to shrimp
Z - Appetite + Anne Marie's appetite
Nick - Appetite and actual food too
Hybrid Holly - Liquid refreshments
CA Girl - Dessert

Anyone else?


gsm x2

Quote from: gsm x2Trust me---If I am lying down, she isn't mentioning SHRIMP...although once she did point and laugh...but that's another story.
OK--here's the story on our host and hostess
March 27--busy
April 3--busy
April 10--busy
April 17--not busy
April 24--busy
So, it looks like April 17 is the first and best chance.  Anyone else in???

Red neff Barchetta

Quote from: gsm x2So, it looks like April 17 is the first and best chance.  Anyone else in???
We'll be camping that w/e.  Toot a kazoo for us.   :)


Quote from: gsm x2OK--here's the story on our host and hostess
March 27--busy
April 3--busy
April 10--busy
April 17--not busy
April 24--busy
So, it looks like April 17 is the first and best chance.  Anyone else in???

Might have to be May Scott, that's the weekend of the Call of the Wild.  Or, any chance you all can make it?


gsm x2

Quote from: SurfcalMight have to be May Scott, that's the weekend of the Call of the Wild. Or, any chance you all can make it?
Ooops....looks like we will be in Michigan on April 17th.  Can we have a mid-Spring Rally Larry in May???
gsm x2


Count us in. I'm wondering why we have to bring stuff since we're going to Larry's? That guy has everything!


nobody has offered to bring kids yet, so we can bring plenty of them!
Margaret is bringing her homemade soup!
Now we are still trying to fix a date.
We are as busy as the Sammyslaves
March 27--not busy
April 3--Florida
April 10--Seacliff
April 17--Sugar Loaf
April 24--not busy
May 1-- Brendan's first Communion
May 8--not busy
May 15-- Casa de Fruita & Manresa camping trips