Looking for a campground in Sacto area and beyond...

Started by Surfcal, Mar 29, 2004, 02:48 PM

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to go floating down the American River or whitewater rafting or whatever.

My company wants to go floating down the river or go whitewater rafting this summer for our summer trip.  Does any of you have any suggestions, on the campground, or what rafting company to try?  A couple of years ago we did a float down the American River starting out at Sunrise Boulevard.  About 4 years ago, we went whitewater rafting at Southfork.  But this year, we want to try out something else.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome, in fact, we aren't married to the Sacto area.  If you have any destinations within a 3 hour radius of San Francisco, that should be fine.

Thanks, your buddy,


Ray, with some of my previous posts about being one of the local US Canoe and Kayak Officials here is Sacramento, and timing most of the local races you should have known to contact me. The person I recommend contacting is Dan Crandall. He lives in Lotus, CA, but has Canoe and Kayak classes at Lake Natoma and arranges all kinds of Canoe, Kayaking, flatwater and whitewater expeditions. He may even still be in South America at this time. I know I'm scheculed to time a down river race for him on June 5th. Any way, he has all kinds of levels of skill and also plans overnight trips down the Grand Canyon and other places. His e-mail address s: dan@kayaking.com. The name of his compnay is Current Adventures, Inc. Here is the home page giving details about all the different classes and trips they have scheduled: www.kayaking.com. I'm sure if you drop my name, he will work something out for you or design a special trip just for your company. Don't take very long to contact him as they have a very busy schedule. If Dan can't be your guide, ask for John Weed if he is available. You would get along very well with John.
Also, you can camp at Folsom Lake, you have to go through the Sate park system for reservations.  Beals point is one campground.
Be sure to drop my name...



Thank you very much for your quick response.  And thanks for the connection.  I will pursue the tip and see what kinds of goodies he has in his bag.

Next time we camp together, I'll have to come up with something for you and Sal.



We will be in your neck of the woods April 14 through the 19th because I will be officiating at the US Olympic Sprint Nationals Team Trials and Championships which are being held at Lake Merritt there in Oakland.   I'm waiting to hear back from the Organizers to see if we can park our trailer at the boat house.  If not, then we will be camping at Lake Chabot.   Come on by and watch some of the sprint races.   You should probably sit at the finish line because, just like rowing, it is boring until the finish.  They usually rotate the officials so I could be anywhere, one day I can be timing, one day at boat control (weighing & measuring the boats for legal size and weight), one day as course official, etc.  Sal will be helping out also.   I don't know what the schedule is yet so don't know when we will be free after the races.  I know a couple of years ago when they had the Nationals here at Lake Natoma, one or two of the days went from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.  Anyway, let me know if you think you might be able to swing on by.  Some of the local paddlers here in Sacramento are planning on coming to watch the races on Saturday.   Saturday would probably be one of the best dates because that is the day of most of the finals and team placements.  Maybe we can go to dinner Friday or Saturday night.   Anyone else wanting to join us for dinner (or maybe camping although we won't be there except at night), chime on in...
Also, if we end up staying at Lake Chabott, can you tell us the best route to take to get to Lake Merritt from Lake Chabott?  THANKS



Another good company for whitewater on the American River is www.whitewaterexcitement.com .  I have been on several trips with them and they are the best.  Good point about them is they have a private campground that you can use.  Its set up for large groups and I believe you can pay them to do the cooking.  I suggest the Middle Fork run.


Quote from: Calstate361Ray,
Come on by and watch some of the sprint races.   You should probably sit at the finish line because, just like rowing, it is boring until the finish.  

Anyway, let me know if you think you might be able to swing on by.  Some of the local paddlers here in Sacramento are planning on coming to watch the races on Saturday.

Maybe we can go to dinner Friday or Saturday night.   Anyone else wanting to join us for dinner (or maybe camping although we won't be there except at night), chime on in...
Also, if we end up staying at Lake Chabott, can you tell us the best route to take to get to Lake Merritt from Lake Chabott?  THANKS


Thanks for the invite.  I am slated to attend a NNC Rally, Call of the Wild, that weekend so it will be a scheduling conflict, unless work prevents me from being there on Friday, which means that it'd be a long haul for an overnight camping trip and I pull a Sacto.

It's easy to make it to Lake Merritt from Lake Chabot campgrounds.  When you come out of the campground, make a left on Redwood Road and take that all the way to 580.  Take 580 West for about 10 minutes and then take the Grand Avenue exit and Lake Merritt will be to your left (you'll be at the east end of the Lake Near the Grand Theatre).

Because of the windy nature of Redwood Road and the deep interior nature of the park, give yourself a minimum of 30 mins. travel time.

Again, thanks for the invite and if it weren't for the rally, I'd certainly be there.



Quote from: NickRay,

Another good company for whitewater on the American River is www.whitewaterexcitement.com .  I have been on several trips with them and they are the best.  Good point about them is they have a private campground that you can use.  Its set up for large groups and I believe you can pay them to do the cooking.  I suggest the Middle Fork run.


Thanks for the option.  We'll check that out too.




Yes, I realized that after I posted the note.  Well we can try to connect Wed. or Thrus. night if you are not too rushed.   Let me know.   AND thanks for the directions.  