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Sal's Out of the Hospital

Started by Calstate361, May 24, 2004, 09:02 AM

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Just wanted to let you all know that I brought Sal home Saturday from the Hospital.  They did the usual to him last Saturday when I took him into Emergency.  Put in a cathater and mega dosed him with lasix (water pills in liquid form).  Thursday they did a procedure where they took him to ultra sound to locate where the pools of water were deposited in his belly, put a X (X parked the spot) where they could tap and withdraw the water.  He had 4 spots that they marked, but only one was not near vital organs so they could tap only that one spot.  They gave him a local anesthesia at that spot and inserted a needle that they could put a small drain tube in then connected the drain tube to a bottle that looked like an oversized quart bottle.  There was argument between nurses how much the bottle held; one said 1 liter, the other one said 750 ml.  Anyway, they took 7 bottles out of him!  This time he has lost 60 lbs. in water weight.  The Dr. said he probably has another 10 lbs that they couldn't get to so he is still on a pretty healthy dose of water pills.
Sal's computer is still down so I wanted to thank you all for your kind wishes.  He enjoyed me printing them out and taking them to the hospital for him to read.   He is still tired and his legs are a bit weak from not walking for a week, but he feels much better.
Thanks again.

Ab Diver

Welcome home Buddy!
Man, that's the most incredible thing I've ever heard. I can only imagine how wonderful it much feel to be home after such an ordeal.  Take good care of him Joan, and my hat's off to you as well.
In an attempt at levity, remember what W.C. Fields said about drinking water... I think we all try to live up to that at our rallies.  ;-)
All our Best, Sal. Godspeed on your recovery.



Please extend my well wishes to Sal.  I had no idea and have been largely oblivious to happenings on PUT and have just been on the ZOOM thread.

I am glad to hear of his recovery and equally glad to hear of no serious concerns.  I'll pray for his continued good health.


Hybrid Holly

Welcome home Sal, hope you are feeling better!

gsm x2

On one hand I wish I could love 60 pounds of water weight.  But on the other hand, I am glad I don't have too.  Thirty-something days to recover before Pismo.  We'll see you there.


Glad to hear Sal's at home - Take good care of him Joan -
We'll see you at Pismo in a month!


Sal says thanks for the well wishes.  Since Sal's computer is still down, I read them over the phone to him.

Sorry to say we won't be a Pismo.  It is a bit pricy for us.  Paying that amount for a few days would almost pay for our year's dues with NACO/Thousand Trails.   So the next event we will be at will be our own in August:  Half Dome Hyjinx II.
Thanks again.


Yay!  I'm glad to hear that Sal is doing well enough to go home.....or is the REAL truth that he was just too feisty for those nurses so they decided to give him back? ;)  
Seriously, Sal, you are in my thoughts for a very speedy recovery.


Glad to hear you are on the mend and back home again.
Take care of him Joan.

The 6 Quigs


Welcome home Sal!   Just think "camping" and you'll be up and around in no time!:D


Just wanted to pass on that I took Sal to his follow-up Dr. Appointment Friday afternoon and he is doing very well.   He lost 61 lbs. in the hospital and when the nurse weighed him he has lost another 30 lbs in 1 week.  Total = 91 lbs. in two weeks.  I wish I could loose it that quickly, but don't want to go through the pain he was in.


OC Campers

Sal, we are so happy to hear that your are getting well.  Take it easy and keep recovering.



Thanks for the update Joan, and we're glad to see Sal is on the mend


Quote from: UnregisteredThanks for the update Joan, and we're glad to see Sal is on the mend
That would be the 6Quigs passing on their best wishes to Sal


That is unbelievable!!!  Glad the recovery is going well and hope Sal gets to go camping soon.