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Sactobaby has arrived!

Started by SactoCampers, Jun 16, 2004, 05:59 PM

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Yes, it's true!
Sactobaby has arrived!
Baby boy Tyler Sage was born on June 15 at 5:06 P.M. weighing 8 lbs 1 oz and measuring 20 1/4 inches long.
Mrs. Sactocampers was a trooper going through 14 hours of labor with minimal meds. She is doing well and little Ty is doing great too. He's a cute, quiet, mellow little far.
So, for those trying to follow the family tree we now have:
Mrs. Sactocampers
Looking forward to getting out camping and letting you all meet him.
Have a great time in Pismo!


Quote from: SactoCampersYes, it's true!
Sactobaby has arrived!
Baby boy Tyler Sage was born on June 15 at 5:06 P.M. weighing 8 lbs 1 oz and measuring 20 1/4 inches long.
Mrs. Sactocampers was a trooper going through 14 hours of labor with minimal meds. She is doing well and little Ty is doing great too. He's a cute, quiet, mellow little far.
So, for those trying to follow the family tree we now have:
Mrs. Sactocampers
Looking forward to getting out camping and letting you all meet him.
Have a great time in Pismo!
Congrats to you both and may he turn out to be a proud member of NNC.:#


Congrats to all of you!! Hopefully you will have many a fond memories of camping with Tyler....
HEY TYLER, it is now 7:29PM EST on June 16th of 2004(where I live in Maine)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope your dad printed this for you....welcome to the world from the "right" coast.


Hey Brian and Jennifer

Congrats!!!!!  Looking forward to seeing the new little guy.


Congratulation Sactos!  Can't wait to meet the newest member of your family!!   I'm just wondering why no SactoKitty?  ;)


Congratulations!!  That is great news, and I'm so happy to hear that everyone is well.  Kiss those soft baby cheeks an extra time for me :)


What glorious news!!!  
Welcome to the world, Ty!!!  I hope that you won't wear Mommy and Daddy out too much so that they can post pictures of you soon!  We wish you all hugs and kisses (and undisturbed sleep :) )!!
Congratulations on the newest Sactofamily member! :S


Brian & Jennifer.
You're half way there to catching up with us. ;)
Glad everything went well, and that he decided to come a week early, especially for Jennifer!  It is great that everything went so well.   That must be a great relief to you all.  Enjoy him, as they grow up so fast!!
We'll be thinking of you at Pismo.

Ty shares his birthday with Margaret's older sister who is a wonderful person and a police woman in Ireland. :cake:

The Quigley Family

gsm x2

So, you can make Pismo now.  That's great.  Kevin should be able to get one site back I would think.  Look forward to seeing you there.  I think Hunter was about 10 days old when he came to his first NNC event.  Tyler should fit right in.

Glad everything came out well.

The Memory Maker

Congratulations SactoToddler on becoming a big sister.
O'h yeah and congrats to the seasoned parents as well.


Congratulations!  Such wonderful news!

OC Campers

Congratulations Brian and Jennifer.   Glad to hear Jennifer and the baby are doing so well.

May sleep come quickly

Hybrid Holly

Way to go guys!  
Congrats!  Glad to have another Sacto in Davis!


Here are some pictures of Sactobaby
Didn't work, I'll have to try again later.


Congratulations!! :D
Glad to hear that Mrs SactoCampers and Sactobaby are doing well.
Looking forward to meeting Ty :)